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Aint it Lame News

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#1 return of the saint

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:45 AM

I posted 'Aint It Cool News' with the link to the first pictures on Craig as Bond. (which were very cool)

I posted them when Paul Haggis was brought in. (very cool news).

Neither of these got a story, also the news that Leiter is back has not been mentioned (for fans of this particular franchise that is super cool news).

I mean there was an article on 'AICN' about there being a mutant prostitute in a single scene of the next X-men film (wow cool *ahem*). If they find out who is playing the 'sandman's' girlfriend in Spider man they go ape over it (woo). Same with supporting characters for children's films like Narnia or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - there was even an entire story when they got a picture of Willy Wonka's van (that was so cool I couldn't believe it *yawn*).

So why is Bond/Casino Royale not 'cool' enough for this site?

Edited by return of the saint, 06 February 2006 - 11:47 AM.

#2 Loomis


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:54 AM

So why is Bond/Casino Royale not 'cool' enough for this site?

Because it has nothing to do with GOONIES 2/Tarantino/Lucas/Rodriguez/arty Korean directors, etc. I've also long found AICN to be bizarrely anti-Bond. Still, when you consider how much coverage the likes of M:I-3 and ROCKY BALBOA receive, it's hardly as though AICN turns its nose up at mainstream, big studio franchise fare.

While Knowles did praise DIE ANOTHER DAY on release, and has welcomed the casting of Craig (while opining that he'll wreck his career by playing the role), I believe he's grumbled about Campbell (fair enough, so have many of us, but, hey, we're the fans, so we're entitled to do so! :tup: ), and reckons the series is basically dull, conservative and over (again, not exactly sentiments unknown on CBn).

He also thinks Wong Kar-Wai would be a perfect choice to direct a Bond flick. Which says it all, really.

Now, could it be because Eon has always refused to give AICN any scoops or insider access? I mean, you know how tight that site seems to be with many filmmakers. Just a thought.

#3 return of the saint

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:02 PM

Knowles did praise DIE ANOTHER DAY on release, and has welcomed the casting of Craig (while opining that he'll wreck his career by playing the role)

Yeah - I read that in his review of Munich as well. I just don't get why the site is anti-bond - particularly with CR).

It is based on a classic book (like say Narnia)
There have been Bond comics (they love the comic book movies)
There is currently a series of popular children's books being written about Bond (they also love the Harry Potter cr*p)
It is based on a long running series of films (they love the franchises)
There is a collection of supergeeks which worship these films on-line (and they love pandering to those communities- I mean us)

But they hate the Bond. Like you say - maybe they hate Eon - they are not the most Internet friendly production company ever (perhaps there have been words in the past). Just seems strange to me. (They are currently debating whether the character of Venom will appear in Sony's other big franchise - but there is no mention of whether of not CR will feature Le Chiffre).

Edited by return of the saint, 06 February 2006 - 12:04 PM.

#4 Tinfinger



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:04 PM

Many of the people on AICN are...well, dorks.

#5 Santa



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:05 PM

Some people just don't like James Bond, I don't understand it personally. Before I agree to go out with a man I always ask if he likes JB, and if his answer is no, so is mine. It's quite a good filtering system.

#6 Loomis


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:08 PM

You can bet that if Tarantino had directed CASINO ROYALE (not that I think that was ever on the cards), AICN would be promoting it more than all the Bond fansites put together!

And I reckon AICN would be rather more Bond-friendly if Owen had been hired. I gather he was Knowles' top choice, and many of the AICN crowd seem to think he walks on water (presumably because he was in SIN CITY and other "cool" movies).

#7 Skudor



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:07 PM

Some people just don't like James Bond, I don't understand it personally.

Not many of us here would understand that!!!

#8 Mr Malcolm

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:24 PM

who cares what ain't it cool news thinks ther just a bunch of sad geeks who like superhero films and tossin over spidermans girlfriend HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFLMFAO and were bond fans would KICK THE :tup: OUT OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, just came over a bit method, there.

#9 Skudor



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:28 PM

who cares what ain't it cool news thinks ther just a bunch of sad geeks who like superhero films and tossin over spidermans girlfriend HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFLMFAO and were bond fans would KICK THE :tup: OUT OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, just came over a bit method, there.

I assume that meant to be ironic :D

#10 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:56 PM

Because Bond doesn't wear tights.

#11 Skudor



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 03:02 PM

Because Bond doesn't wear tights.

LOL :tup:

#12 FriendsFriend



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 03:47 PM

I saw some positive articles on AICN on Casino Royale in the last year. Have to know that they recieve so much news and just haven't the time to publish everything. Their site is a mess as it is.

#13 return of the saint

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 04:17 PM

Have to know that they recieve so much news and just haven't the time to publish everything.

Yeah - but they announced pictures of 'The Sandman's girlfriend' (from Sipder-man)last week. A few days later pictures of the new James Bond turned up - and nothing.

They seem to prioritise everything above Bond. Last year they put up pictures of a van (though granted that was their own 'scoop' *ahem*)

Why isn't James Bond cool with the geeks?

It can't be because it's too mainstream - they love big box office films (Star Wars, Harry Potter etc.)

I just don't get it.

#14 kneelbeforezod


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 04:36 PM

I think maybe you're being oversensitive, although I do know what you mean. I think theres a lot of other film related news they dont cover too. Although I personally find those pictures of Craig on set interesting, I don't think a lot of people would.

Once there is some concrete news about casting the Bond girl/villain, or some more exciting set pics, I think they will cover it.

#15 Bryan Harris

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 05:31 PM

[quote name='Loomis' post='513589' date='6 February 2006 - 04:54']
While Knowles did praise DIE ANOTHER DAY on release, and has welcomed the casting of Craig (while opining that he'll wreck his career by playing the role), I believe he's grumbled about Campbell (fair enough, so have many of us, but, hey, we're the fans, so we're entitled to do so! :tup: ), and reckons the series is basically dull, conservative and over (again, not exactly sentiments unknown on CBn).[/quote]

More than that, Drew "Moriarty" McWeeney, generally considered more restrained and professional than Knowles, fancies himself something of a Fleming purist and takes a even more recognizable line. Upon Craig's casting, he wrote:

[quote]Now if they would only hold a press conference announcing the retirement of Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, I could actually get down to the business of giving a s*** about a James Bond film again.

And by the way... if you really replace baccarat with Texas Hold

#16 Seannery



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 06:00 PM

I could care less what that site thinks.

#17 dinovelvet



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Posted 06 February 2006 - 07:04 PM

Aint it cool news has been over for a long time. Harry and Moriarty are now "in the business" themselves so they don't even run it anymore. Whereas AICN used to be THE source for all the major movie scoops, the majority of them now first appear on other sites like Dark horizons, Joblo, CHUD, etc. Looking at AICN today, the Big Stories are, a link to a trailer for a Jack Black movie, and an article about David Cronenberg's next movie, which was taken from Variety :tup:

#18 Genrewriter


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 07:33 PM

I could care less what that site thinks.

Same here.

#19 K1Bond007


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 07:50 PM

It's because they've been burned before on Bond. They've stated this. They intentionally kept their mouths shut during the Bond search so as to not report random news that no one could back up. No offense to CBn and other popular movie news sites like DarkHorizons and IGN Filmforce, but how many times have they been wrong in the past two years about Bond. Can you blame AICN from steering clear?

#20 Loomis


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 08:05 PM

They intentionally kept their mouths shut during the Bond search so as to not report random news that no one could back up. ... Can you blame AICN from steering clear?

Did they, though? I seem to recall, over the past few months, AICN tipping Eric Bana and, later, Ewan McGregor as as good as signed, sealed and delivered as Bond (and they may have tipped others, such as Dougray Scott). I don't think the site did entirely steer clear of "next Bond" speculation, although I don't blame them for making the wrong call(s) - practically everyone did.

#21 Ace Roberts

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 08:08 PM

It's because they've been burned before on Bond. They've stated this. They intentionally kept their mouths shut during the Bond search so as to not report random news that no one could back up. No offense to CBn and other popular movie news sites like DarkHorizons and IGN Filmforce, but how many times have they been wrong in the past two years about Bond. Can you blame AICN from steering clear?

WAIT A MINUTE! I think it's very clear why Ain't-it-Cool has remained quiet. It's because they (Moriority) went out on a limb months before Craig was announced and claimed Eric Bana was the new Bond, and then had to re-track and eat crow when they were set straight. From that point on - only firm news from other sources has been shared or discussed on the site. AICN used to be the in place for insider news - no more.

#22 K1Bond007


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 09:13 PM

Did they, though? I seem to recall, over the past few months, AICN tipping Eric Bana and, later, Ewan McGregor as as good as signed, sealed and delivered as Bond (and they may have tipped others, such as Dougray Scott). I don't think the site did entirely steer clear of "next Bond" speculation, although I don't blame them for making the wrong call(s) - practically everyone did.

WAIT A MINUTE! I think it's very clear why Ain't-it-Cool has remained quiet. It's because they (Moriority) went out on a limb months before Craig was announced and claimed Eric Bana was the new Bond, and then had to re-track and eat crow when they were set straight. From that point on - only firm news from other sources has been shared or discussed on the site. AICN used to be the in place for insider news - no more.

Yeah. In 2004 guys. In 2005 they didn't say much of anything till early October when half the world was pointing to Craig. Hence my first sentence about them getting 'burned'.

#23 Turn



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Posted 07 February 2006 - 01:58 AM

Ain't It Cool ain't what it once was. Add into their Rodriguez/Tarantino/superhero/Wong Kar-Wai fascination an obsession with Veronica Mars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly or anything else by its creator.

Not that their talkbacks are worth taking seriously, I stopped enjoying them long ago when every single Bond discussion contained multiple cases of somebody thinking he had something original by suggesting the "Bond is a code name" thing. Maybe that's where Tamahori came up with that. Along with what matched his dress.

#24 Flash1087


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Posted 07 February 2006 - 04:22 AM

Some people just don't like James Bond, I don't understand it personally. Before I agree to go out with a man I always ask if he likes JB, and if his answer is no, so is mine. It's quite a good filtering system.

I've done that before. If a girl I like has never seen one, I grant them a reprieve and make them watch TSWLM. But if they say they don't like them...then no dice.

#25 Clopin



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Posted 07 February 2006 - 10:51 AM

It seems to me they simply don't have a reliable source at the Eon or Sony camp. They haven't provided their regular users with any reliable scoop concerning CASINO ROYALE. That means they don't have any REAL scoops to present. Maybe this will change, now, that the movie is into production and more and more people join the project. Maybe there's an AICN spy among them, but I don't expect it. This, combined with Harrys and Moriarty's opinion about the direction the franchise took, well, it all results in the fact they don't offer any coverage. On the other hand, apart from IGN, there haven't been too much CR scoops on the geek and other movie websites so far.

#26 Gabriel



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Posted 07 February 2006 - 05:58 PM

I think that like a lot of people, nothing about Bond films particularly excites people anymore. DAD was the last straw for many people I know who casually enjoy Bond films!

#27 Santa



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Posted 07 February 2006 - 06:04 PM

You may be right. DAD nearly did it for me, it was so awful. If they hadn't made some serious changes I'm not sure I'd bother with this one.