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Grover: Set in the cold war era

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#31 Pussfeller



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Posted 10 December 2005 - 01:08 AM

Geez, does this Grover even work, or is he just a full-time self-promoter? I guess he's confident EON won't comment on it, so he can ride the wave of petty publicity for a few months and eventually claim that "after much consideration", he's decided his career is moving in a different direction, and must reluctantly turn down the offer. Naturally, all five million copies of CR will be donated to charity.

I wish, just once, EON would come out and say "We've never spoken with or considered Gulshan Grover", and leave him with his :tup: in the breeze. It's one thing for the producers to be discreet, but it's another to see them utterly ignore blatant liars like Rikki Lee Travolta and Gulshan Grover. They'll prosecute fans for using screenshots, but won't bat an eye when an actor publicly and persistently uses the prestige of the franchise to advance his own career.

#32 Simon Beavis

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Posted 10 December 2005 - 02:35 AM

Period Bond= Austin Powers.

There, I said it. Pierce Brosnan did too once.

Perhaps Grover is making an assumption based on the novel, not having seen the actual script?

#33 Righty007



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Posted 10 December 2005 - 03:01 AM

Grover will not be in Casino Royale...

#34 K1Bond007


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Posted 10 December 2005 - 04:13 AM

I wish, just once, EON would come out and say "We've never spoken with or considered Gulshan Grover", and leave him with his :tup: in the breeze. It's one thing for the producers to be discreet, but it's another to see them utterly ignore blatant liars like Rikki Lee Travolta and Gulshan Grover.

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They have actually -- err Sony anyway. Remember the first time Grover was denied? "We've checked with Eon Productions. They have confirmed that there is absolutely no truth in it. Just wishful thinking on Mr Grover's part."

Love the source...

Good ol Bollywood.

#35 Agent007.5



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Posted 10 December 2005 - 11:04 PM

It's obviously not true, because if it's set in the cold war, than it would be a prequel, which would mean that Judi Dench wouldn't be back as M, but since Dench is confirmed to return, than I don't think this is a prequel, which means NO COLD WAR! NO GROVER!

#36 Arrant



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Posted 11 December 2005 - 02:20 AM

Relax.. There are no prequels, there are no sequels... just another interpretation of the character of James Bond, prompted by the hiring of a new actor, the accusation of Casino Royale as a property, and Sony's chance to stamp a new direction on the film series.
It's going to be contempry, I'm sure of it.
The big money has been put aside for real stunts and extra's over the current Hollywood digital versions. Eon have bought up some pretty large defunct soap opera sets to blow up recently.

None of the changes to Bond will be fatal. Think of the many, many interpretations of Sherlock Holmes you have seen over the years. From the stiff upper lip of Basil Rathbone in the Hollywood 1930's version, to the drug addicted 70's film version, to the back to basics 80's British TV version..etc., etc. !!

This is about where Bond stands. On the cusp of separating into various versions ( que "Young Bond") and about to take off into experimental variations that are far from the source material clung to by current fans.

Why are so many Bollywood stars putting themselves forward as possible Bond stars?
Because they can see the writing on the wall. Prepare yourself for a Bollywood Goldfinger coming to a video store near you just as soon as Sony does the maths.

#37 arm4life



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Posted 12 December 2005 - 12:33 AM

What do you think of this??
Gulshan Grover to play Le Chiffre?

#38 dinovelvet



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Posted 12 December 2005 - 12:44 AM

What do you think of this??
Gulshan Grover  to play Le Chiffre?

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Uh, this is the exact story we're discussing. Our first clue is "The Times of India is reporting...". I'll say it for the cheap seats :


Edited by dinovelvet, 12 December 2005 - 12:44 AM.

#39 Leon


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Posted 12 December 2005 - 12:50 AM

Pure rumour.

I think this guy is milking rumour to make a profile for himself. It's bee done before many times in the Bond world. Meat Loaf said he was going to play Renard to the press for TWINE for pete's sake.

#40 V007



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Posted 12 December 2005 - 09:12 AM

Grover is lost in his own world. Most of the info you get about him being Bond baddie comes from a newspaper called TIMES OF INDIA. This newspaper is not reliable. Trust me I have read it and some of the articles are BS. The newspaper's orgin country's people would believe anything they read. It's quite sad. :tup:

#41 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 12 December 2005 - 10:22 AM

Maybe Grover has finally read the novel and now thinks the movie will be set during the cold war era. I think this guy is hilarious. Maybe he will be playing "frightened inmate Number Two" on "Arrested Development".

#42 luciusgore


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Posted 12 December 2005 - 10:51 PM

I'd love a true retro Bond movie, set in the 50s.  Do it!

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Yes. Set it in the past. Shooting doesn't start for a month. There's still time to do this. Set it during the Cold War.

#43 Alex Zamudio

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Posted 14 December 2005 - 04:54 AM

[quote]It is I, Le Chiffre, your blue furry arch-nemesis. Chiffre is a French word. It means number. Today

#44 HellIsHere



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Posted 14 December 2005 - 09:35 AM

Maybe the first half of Casino Royale is set in the Cold Era (like MI6 report few months ago) and in the second part we'll see an older James Bond, after the events told in the Fleming novel (but with the same actor)? Brrrrrrrrrrr... :tup:

#45 Mr Malcolm

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 06:57 PM

Who is this Grover man anyway? :tup:

#46 V007



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 01:42 AM

Oh jeez, another week, another insane press release from Gulshan Grover. EON and Campbell have specifically said the movie will NOT be set in the Cold War era. We know that Le Chiffre will be funding a terrorist group and they'll be playing Texas hold 'em. That is strictly 2006 stuff. For God's sake, EON, cast someone already so this Grover nutcase can finally shut up!

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I agree! Shut this guy up.

#47 Welcome to the Casino Royale

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 05:47 PM

I'M GETTING SO PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's only days till filming and so far only Dench and Craig are confirmed--I'm guessing the film will be delayed till march time so they can find the right cast.

It's about time they annouce who it is, why keep the suspence???????

Do any of the mods actaully know of the vesper or LeChirffre part have actually been filled????
And how long till we find out, in November CBn said they were confirming it soon-so much for that.

#48 Shrublands



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Posted 19 December 2005 - 06:27 PM

I'M GETTING SO PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's only days till filming and so far only Dench and Craig are confirmed--I'm guessing the film will be delayed till march time so they can find the right cast.

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Its alright, often they don

#49 Welcome to the Casino Royale

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 06:31 PM

can't CBn run anything about the casting???????
If the Vesper role is filled or not- or if there is a short list.
After all she is the 2nd most important role after 007 of course.

CBn PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I can't live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#50 Qwerty


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Posted 19 December 2005 - 06:41 PM

can't CBn run anything about the casting???????
If the Vesper role is filled or not- or if there is a short list.
After all she is the 2nd most important role after 007 of course.

CBn PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I can't live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Really, calm down. It's a movie. A movie.

When we have information to give, you'll all read it.

#51 Welcome to the Casino Royale

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 09:15 PM

what the hell are Eon even doing at the moment!!!!!
They better get thier act together quickly and cast Vesper!!!

#52 Mister Asterix

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 09:38 PM

what the hell are Eon even doing at the moment!!!!!
They better get thier act together quickly and cast Vesper!!!

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I see you are calming down. There are only eight bangers in this post.

#53 Welcome to the Casino Royale

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 09:48 PM

Please don't be so unhelpful, I'm really pissed off.

Can't CBn post anything up about the Vesper race after all so far it has been very uneventfull.


#54 Righty007



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Posted 19 December 2005 - 10:27 PM

Please don't be so unhelpful, I'm really pissed off.

Can't CBn post anything up about the Vesper race after all so far it has been very uneventfull.


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You're pissed off!? How do you think we feel about your whining? You say the Vesper Lynd race has been very uneventful and yet you want us to post a story about it? C

#55 double-O-Durg



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Posted 19 December 2005 - 10:49 PM

does Grover sound like Comical Ali, that dude who claimed there wer no Americans in Iraq despite them being about 2 miles away from Baghdad??

#56 Dunph


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Posted 20 December 2005 - 03:54 AM

You know this might tie in with some whisperings I've been hearing from one guy very close to the production. He was vague, but the way he phrased it made me think that Casino Royale might be a 2006 Bond film in production year only.

#57 medrecess



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Posted 20 December 2005 - 04:59 AM

How many of you predicted Toby Stephens,Rick Yune,Will Yun Lee as the villians in Die Another Day.How many of you had any one of these names on the shortlist for Bond villians before that film.How many of these guys are well known to both the American and British audiences ?

The guys at EON dont ask for your opinion on who they should cast.It is entirely their prerogative.

So stop acting as EON casting agents or Barbara Broccoli or Wilson coz you arent any of them.

Edited by medrecess, 20 December 2005 - 05:17 AM.

#58 Loomis


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Posted 20 December 2005 - 12:10 PM

You know this might tie in with some whisperings I've been hearing from one guy very close to the production. He was vague, but the way he phrased it made me think that Casino Royale might be a 2006 Bond film in production year only.

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Hmmm.... well, shooting has started on ROCKY BALBOA, even though that film is scheduled for a February 2007 release. (Although I think it's a "special case", in that it makes sense to get the boxing scenes in the can as early as possible, given Sly's age.)

But where would they put CASINO ROYALE if they delayed it? February 2007? I thought Sony had decided to stuff ROCKY BALBOA there, so it wouldn't conflict with Bond. Summer 2007? Well, apparently the Bond people have long been absolutely terrified of letting 007 anywhere near the summer months, lest the poor lamb get mauled (obviously, there are a lot of painful memories of the time BATMAN, INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE and LETHAL WEAPON 2 ganged up on Bond and gave him a kicking), and '07 will be the summer of THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM, SPIDER-MAN 3, and doubtless lots of other stuff.

Winter '07? Craig will look older than Stallone then. And you'd probably be talking about a new director, a new M, etc. etc., essentially everyone packing up and going home and starting over in a year with a whole new team.


I don't doubt that you've heard less-than-encouraging things from someone close to the production, Dunph, but I seriously doubt that CR will fail to make its November 2006 release date.

#59 Welcome to the Casino Royale

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Posted 20 December 2005 - 12:17 PM

Dunph, what else have you been hearing?
Anynames or something?
I don't think CR will not shoot next month after all saying Grover really is LeChirffe and the Vesper race is in a slight crisis but parts like Mathis and Felix should be easier to fill as screentesting would be a waste of time IMO.

But I think Eon should hire David Wailliams as Mathis.
It would be inspired casting- we all know he can do accents. :tup:

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Edited by Welcome to the Casino Royale, 20 December 2005 - 12:21 PM.

#60 Dunph


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Posted 23 December 2005 - 04:19 PM

You know this might tie in with some whisperings I've been hearing from one guy very close to the production. He was vague, but the way he phrased it made me think that Casino Royale might be a 2006 Bond film in production year only.

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I don't doubt that you've heard less-than-encouraging things from someone close to the production, Dunph, but I seriously doubt that CR will fail to make its November 2006 release date.

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You misread my post, Loomis. I was referring to the year in which the film is set, not it's release date. Though Craig has been recently quoted as saying that the film is set in the present day, so these whisperings may be inaccurate.