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#1 terminus


    Lt. Commander

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 06:32 PM

Discuss this story in this thread.

Some of you may remember this from last year, my computer messed up and I have eventually gotten round to digging this out again - it won't be written up as a script but I am happy with it and think it would make a fantastic Bond movie.

I am also attaching the poster that IcePhoenix did for the movie last summer, it is fabulous.

Anyway ...


James Bond

Sabrina Thrust - British operative, athletic, assigned to aide Bond in Rome

Carmen Corazon - Hispanic femme fatale, works for her uncle but comes round to the side of good

Varian Corizon - British/Spanish philanthropist billionaire, charismatic and physically fit but deceptively insane

Maxwell Gibson - American businessman, works for Corazon but has begun to betray him

Kaia Tejadah - female Palestinian terrorist

Lei Mi - female Korean terrorist

Summer and Winter - physically fit identical Nordic blonde twins who serve as henchmen and bodyguards for Corazon



Bond gains injuries in a mission and he is forced to take some time off to recuperate - but he volunteers to test a car on behalf of Q Branch - this is the Mercedes Benz SLR.

Bond heads to Athens, Greece where Maxwell Gibson is the antagonist.

He has stolen ten vials of a bio-weapon known as SilverKnight from one terrorist group and is trying to sell them to another terrorist group.

Gibson recieves the payment from the second terrorist group in return for the bio-weapon - but he then visits a casino, bets the money and looses it to Bond.

But, Gibson has attempted to double cross the second terrorist group and has sold them a fake bio-weapon.

When a stunning Arabic woman (KAIA) turns up and asks Gibson to give them the real bio-weapon or return the money, he is unable to do so, having lost the money to Bond.

And when Kaia tries to assasinate Gibson, it is Bond who saves him, shooting Kaia.

Gibson shows his appreciation by inviting Bond to dine with him and his assistant - a gorgeous Hispanic woman (CARMEN).

Bond decides to investigate Gibson and, after seducing Carmen, in the middle of the night, and explores the villa - and sees Gibson using a video phone to talk to a mysterious figure.

He hears a noise and thinks he has been uncovered - but finds Lei Mi.

Lei Mi is employed by the terrorist group that Gibson has stolen the bio-weapon from - and she has been hired to recover the bio-weapon, then eliminate Gibson.

Bond and Lei Mi agree to team up - if only to locate the bio-weapon. But they are unable to find them so they decide to try and negotiate with Gibson to buy the bio-weapons back.

Bond records the last incoming number on the video phone that Gibson used and then returns to bed - and a night of passion with Carmen.

Bond looses a poker game to Gibson so that he will be able to pay off the second terrorist faction - but Gibson doesn't realise that Bond has thrown the game.

Bond goes with Gibson to return the bio-weapons to Lei Mi but Lei Mi takes the bio-weapons and decides to shoot Gibson anyway.

Lei Mi drives away from the meeting point on her bike, she believies that Gibson is dead.

Bond pursues her in the Mercedes Benz in an exciting chase throughout Athens leading to a fight near the Akropolis.

Bond attempts to recover the bio-weapons but he smashes one of them, nothing happens. The bio-weapons that Gibson gave to Lei Mi were also fake.

Lei Mi plunges to her death off a cliff.


Bond arrives in Rome and goes to St Peters Basilica where he meets with a rookie field agent (SABRINA THRUST) who has been sent to escort Bond to Q.

Bond traced the phone number - and it belongs a group known as The Hands of Peace, a well known humanitarian organisation, who have their headquarters in Rome.

Q is stunned that a benevolent organisation could have such devious plans - but Bond reminds Q that devious organisations cannot have devious names in this day and age.

Q gives Bond his field equipment.

Sabrina takes Bond to meet Varian Corazon at a posh country club where Bond engages Corazon in a kickboxing match. Bond wins the match and gets invited to a function at The Hands of Peace HQ.

At the country club, Bond also meets Corazon's female bodyguards, SUMMER and WINTER.

Bond and Sabrina return to the hotel - where someone has broken in and crucified Q above the bed, critically injuring, but not killing him.

Bond attends the function with Sabrina as his date.

He parks the Mercedes outside the building and goes inside where he meets with Corazon again (using a witty alias) and whilst Corazon makes a speech about setting up the opening of buildings in several countries (the purpose of the function, the countries are the USA, UK, Canada, France, Japan, Germany and Russia).

Corazon leaves the function and goes to his expansive office where he meets with his niece - Carmen. She tells him that the bombs have been suitably placed around the world in the agreed locations -

- the capitols of the G9 countries (the bombs will be placed in Washington, London, Tokyo, Ontario, Paris, Berlin, Moscow and even in Rome). Corazon tells Carmen that he has seen 'the elusive Mr Bond' at the function.

Carmen smiles at the thought of meeting Bond again.

When Bond tries to investigate the building he is confronted by the two female bodyguards who point him back towards the funciton - so Bond goes back.

However, he breaks into the building that night and when he breaks in he hacks into the computer and begins to slowly download data from the computer (using a gadget in his mobile phone) when he is found by Carmen - who knocks him out with a dart dipped in anaesthetic.

When he comes round, he discovers that he is in a bedroom situated in the penthouse of the building he was infiltrating - the views over the city are fantastic.

Summer and Winter tell Bond that he is expected to dine with Corazon and some other guests and that a tuxedo has been provided for him - the bedroom is nothing more than a fancy prison cell.

Later that night, when Bond dines with Corazon, Carmen and Sabrina, Corazon boasts of his plans for world domination and his own power and how he has manipulated the world - he is a 'media darling'.

But during the dinner, word comes in from a source telling Corazon that eight of the bio-weapons have been located and destroyed. It is Bond who tells him that it is over and that soon the Corazon plan will be exposed to the world.

Enraged, Corazon sends Sabrina to a watery grave (via his pet, a Portugese Man O 'War) and Bond vows to avenge her death. Corazon laughs, reminding Bond that there is a ninth bio-weapon unaccounted for, and that he will launch it on the Vatican at dawn the next day.

He hands Bond over to Carmen and Bond flirts with her whilst she is torturing him (electric shock, alternating ice water and hot poker) when he reveals that he knows that Corazon was responsible for her parents deaths - he's a spoilt child with a big dangerous toy and he wants attention, he killed her parents to get control of the company.

When Carmen confronts her uncle, Corazon admits that he was indeed responsible for their deaths - but that their deaths served a higher purpose because they were preventing his glorious future.

But this means that Carmen now sympathizes with Bond and she sets him free.

When Bond goes to confront Corazon after convincing Carmen to help him, they find that he has already left and Carmen discovers that he has gone to a private residence on an icy mountain top in Switzerland to launch the missile at the Vatican.

As they prepare to load up onto one of the private yets, they are soon confronted by a random henchperson. Bond tells Carmen to get the jet going and that he will be joining her shortly.

After a rough skirmish, Bond eliminates the henchman and joins back up with Carmen - and they take off, heading to Switzerland in a race to stop armageddon.


Corazon, Summer and Winter step from their jet and onto an snowy mountaintop. In the distance is a large castle and Corazon is beside himself with joy, believing that today is a good day for armageddon.

He is reminded of Bond's reported escape and that Carmen has joined him - he tells him that it's their responsibility to stop Bond and goes off to relax.

Meanwhile, Bond and Carmen meet up with Damian Falco in Bern and he supplies Bond with intelligence and a fresh supply of weaponry. He says, of course, that the USA is technically 'not involved' but he agrees to help Bond and Carmen infiltrate the mountain lair.

Once there, they go to locate the weapon. Of course, Carmen has prior knowledge of where this weapon is located and when they infiltrate the lair, Bond goes to eliminate Corazon and Carmen goes to disarm the missile. She finds it and removes the bio-weapon, replacing it with a fake vial.

Bond finds Corazon. After a struggle that Bond manages to win, Corazon falls three stories into darkness and Bond goes to find Carmen.

But Carmen is in trouble. Summer and Winter have located her and are beating her - Summer has replaced the vial and they are about to kill Carmen when Bond arrives. Bon and Carmen take on and kill the guards.

But the missile has already been fired, racing to change the missiles trajectory, Carmen manages to send the weapon into the Mediterranean where it explodes underwater - the bio-weapon is therefore harmless.

But Corazon is not dead. As Bond and Carmen go to a helicopter, it is blown up by an Uzi. Bond, realising that this is a job that he has to finish, follows Corazon back up into the lair.

Bond chases Corazon back inside, into a giant room with an indoor pool. After a tense sturggle in which live electrical wiring falls into the water, Bond pushes Corazon in after it, and he is killed. 'Nice day for a swim -' Bond quips.

With that, Bond returns to find Carmen. She leans forward to plant a passionate kiss on his lips.

Later, MI6 is combing the grounds of the lair with Swiss counterparts and M asks Moneypenny to locate Bond. We cut to Bond in a hotel room in Monaco, coming out of the shower as the phone rings.

Carmen is laying on the bed in a sexually suggestive pose, Bond picks up his phone and talks to Moneypenny.


'Where Are You'


'And what are you doing ?'

Bond slips the phone into the champagne ice bucket next to his PPK and slides into bed with Carmen -

'Just putting a few details on ice -'


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