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Bond 21

36 replies to this topic

#1 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 09:37 AM

All the speculation is getting pretty wild around these parts, so let

#2 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:08 AM

Just reading some of the old (and not so old) posts in this forum.

"I hate Owen"
"I hate Brosnan"
"I hate Jackman"
"I hate Bana"

It seems that no matter who Eon hire they WILL lose a number of loyal fans; those who have expressed absolute HATRED towards the idea of the person they don't want to be Bond playing 007.

Is all this speculation tearnig Bond fandom apart??

I suspect that no matter who we get - even if he is a great actor (Tim Dalton anybody?)- that with all these negative feelings going around, we could be looking for the next George Lazemby - i.e. the next guaranteed to fail James Bond!!

Any thoughts??

#3 1q2w3e4r


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:13 AM

Nah, people will still go to see it. Especially the fans on these forums. even if it's bad you have to torture yourself and see it, it's Bond.

Anyway, we really don't know that much yet. So lets have some optimism and hope babs and co knock one out of the park!

#4 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:34 AM

Yes we'll probably all see it once.

But will we see some-guy we don't like time and time again?
Will we buy the DVD starring this guy?
Will we buy posters featuring the actor who we don't want to be Bond?
Will we buy all the magazines with this guy on the cover?
Will we buy the new issue of all the books - updated to include the actor who we don't want to be Bond?

I recognise that we don't know what is going to happen - but it is the sepeculation that I consider to be damaging - more than ever before {more than after Connery left} people are speculating about what will happen next. And people are not just saying "I like Brosnan and I want him to stay", they are expressing absolute hatred towards the other actors - and that hatred seems to be growing as the speculation continues - there are full-on break away fractions of Owenites and Jackmanites - each proclaiming that the other would be the worst thing to happen to Bond - such emotion will be hard to let go of even as the white dots roll across the screen.

I myself admit, I will see a Jackman Bond movie - but if it isn't what I really want (i.e. a return to form), I will resign myself from unwavering fandom and proclaim to be a fan only of the 20th Century Bond films [I might like the later ones, but I also like Bourne - I am not a Bourne FAN].

Others, I'm sure will feel the same if we get Owen, Bana, Purefoy or even the return of Brosnan. Eon need to be handling this situation well {i.e. better than they are}. Geek fans account for a lot of their bank balance, and no matter who they chose they are going to go against the wishes of some of us. And, as I said up there, as the speculation grows so too does the emotion - it is getting to the stage where people WILL refuse to see Bond 21 if it does not star the actor of their choice - and then Eon really will have a situation.

{I recognise Eon have been through similar things before - but MGM doesn't look like it's in any position to keep feeding them cash during these hard times}

#5 Simon



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:53 AM

Geek fans account for a lot of their bank balance, and no matter who they chose they are going to go against the wishes of some of us.


From the outset this will be very difficult to prove. Certainly they will be the most outspoken and volatile but as to whether they account for the lion's share of the revenue, I would sincerely have to doubt it.

A finger in the air estimation would say the geeks account for a percentile of the total earnings..........and when people say, "Eon should be kinder, more friendly, more respectful of the geeks", then a) that money is already in the bag, and :) why show more or less respect to a minority when it is the majority that provide you with the greater slice of the pie?

#6 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 11:16 AM

Indeed geeks account for huge amount of cash these days!!

Geek fan bases are a huge pot of money! Casual fans do not buy all the books that Eon licence. Casual fans do not buy the trading cards, the mugs, etc. I would say a lion's share of the DVDs are snapped up by standard/geek fans.

Geek fan generate the early buzz, they post on IMDB, on CBn on A-I-C-N and that influences the casual movie goer.

Star Wars IS bigger than Bond (with geek fans) without a doubt. And without a doubt they make more money than Bond. However, George Lucas has been criticised by the geek fans of not giving them what they want - and without a doubt the box-office for Episodes I and II are far below what was hoped for by LucasArts and Fox.

Do not under-estimate your power. There is a reason why the top twenty box office of all time includes, 3 Lord of the Rings films, 2 Star Wars films, 3 Harry Potter films, 2 Spider-man films and even one of the Matrix Sequels. Granted these films appeal to the mainstream - but the reason they get made, and the reason why they make soooo much money is the geek fanbase. Repeat viewers are what keeps them up there - I can tell you that Lord of The Rings III would not be the second highest grossing film of all time if it were not for repeat viewers!!
(And what about the 'Matrix' film - surely ONLY geek fans bought into the sequels?)

And if you still say that it was not geek fans that put these films so high in the box-office, remember you pay for the marketing of these films to non-geek fans - by buying all the merchandise.

So in answer to your points;

A ) that money is already in the bag.


Edited by 007 Samurai, 25 August 2004 - 01:01 PM.

#7 Simon



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 12:00 PM

You make a convincing argument.

OK, I'm convinced. I never really saw it like that to be honest but it rings true.


#8 Bond Bug

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 01:23 PM

The answer is for Eon to take on an unknown. The best place for Eon to look is a place where genuine Bond fans can be found, like CBN. I am willing to be one of those who make the ultimate sacrifice for Bond fans by offering my services.

#9 Turn



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 01:48 PM

Interesting topic, 007 Samurai. I agree on several points, disagree on others.

Eon does need to announce something so we can get used to this person as Bond. The speculation was fun back in February when we first heard of Brosnan leaving the role, but it got tired not long after. Give us something to go on, unless they are using the publicity of all the guessing to bide their time.

We are free to speculate who is our ideal (or at least best available at this point) James Bond. The big picture is there will be no 100 percent concensus that agrees with whoever is chosen. All five previous actors have their critics.

I'll admit I was aprehensive about Brosnan 10 years ago, fearing he would turn Bond into Remington Steele with a license to kill. And I was loyal to Dalton. The bottom line was I was happy Bond was back and I saw GE and was pleased to see my fears were baseless.

But you yourself are perpetuating the possibility you may see a film only once if you don't like the actor and may become just a fan. That seems to be a questionable move based on one film. Based on the reaction to TWINE from a lot of fans here, it seems a lot of them may have been turned away, but hasn't appeared to have.

You would really have to dislike the actor to go to such lengths and I have a hard time imagining myself doing so unless some completely lunatic move like hiring Justin Timberlake or Ashton Kutcher for the role. Being a fan means more than liking or disliking an actor. The idle time is doing a lot of that.

#10 Bond Bug

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 01:56 PM

Yes it is all speculation, but I speculate that bitter Brosnan put off announcing he was done with Bond much later than Eon wished he would. The bitterness had become clear with Brosnan's public statements about Eon, about the Bond movies and his association with Tarrantino.

Even when Brosnan did announce it, he chose a low key way that contrasted with Tim Dalton who announced it on TV in a manner that was very flattering to the role and the Bond producers.

Only after Brosnan had said he was finished with Bond would the slate be cleared to announce the new Bond.

Based on hard facts, I also speculate that:

Hugh Jackman's statements early this year saying he started the rumous that he was in line for Bond was to cover up an error of judgement.

Owen's chronic nasal itching when asked on the Johnathan Ross show if he had been approached, suggests to me he had even though he denied it.

I speculate that Jackman and Owen are the front runners and both have met Eon. And both have been referred to by a bitter Brosnan. Everyone else is publicity generated by agents or speculative gossip.

I also speculate Jackman already has the role, mainly based on my view that Eon would pick him over Owen for commercial reasons.

Edited by Bond Bug, 25 August 2004 - 02:03 PM.

#11 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 03:11 PM

you yourself are perpetuating the possibility you may see a film only once if you don't like the actor and may become just a fan

Indeed - I can only write from my own experience. When I first heard about Jackman being lined up for Bond (which may - or may not be absolute rubbish) I was interested. I thought he looked the part, and I had not much against him. If Eon had told me there and then that he was Bond - I would have accepted and begun looking forward to his performance. But then, I was told that Own was being lined up - "well", though I, "I would rather this guy than Jackman". I was given a choice - danger!!

Then I started seeing negative Owen - positive Jackman discussions - so I thought I'd better see what it was all about. I watched a few Owen performances, and then a few Jackman films, and thought - darn it all, I want Owen - which in my mind also became - I DO NOT WANT JACKMAN. Before long all my posts were anti-Jackman {and pro-Owen - but mainly anti-Jackman). I found myself really slagging off the guy that might very well be the next James Bond. I felt so strongly about it - and indeed still do, I don't think he's right for the part - that I considered should Jackman become Bond, I will no longer be a Bond superfan.

[This could be likened to supporting a football team; especially if you don't support Manchester United. You love your team therefore you hate Man U. The problem is if Man U win the Premiership you hate them even more. If Jackman gets the part, will I start liking him - or will I resent the #@~!* even more?]

I now notice that this is happening more and more; people are slagging Owen, Jackman, Purefoy and Bana - with real passion. Will they really then be able to forget saying something like 'If there is any justice in the world Owen will not be Bond', and then buy all the Owen merchandise that comes out?? People, Bond fans, have expressed a genuine dislike for the man who is going to be playing Bond [who ever he be].

Basically I think if a person is given room to make his or her own opinion about something like this, then as times goes on that opinion becomes harder and harder to shift {especially if you vocalise your opinion in a global, never-forgetting, forum such as the Internet provides}. Now if a person is told the way it is from early on, the I guess it is easier to come to terms with the situation - I certainly would have been less critical of Jackman if I 'knew' that he was the next Bond actor. Whether Eon have been looking to replace Brosnan, or whether all these rumours have just been generated by the media, the producers can defo. be said to have left this situation to fester for too long.

If they don't do something SOON then no matter who it is, if they don't get Brosnan back, I think that there very well could be be a greater feeling of disappointment/resentment than excitement/interest when the announcement comes - and that is not good news for anybody.

Edited by 007 Samurai, 25 August 2004 - 03:36 PM.

#12 Seannery



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 03:44 PM

Well yes all of this we have heard is speculation but is is also possible something we have heard is the truth--it would just be so drowned by false leads that we would never be able to guess what leak out of the many is the real one!

And even saying we know who are serious candidates who have been talked to is a complete guess--we have no way to know if Jackman, Owen, Bana and Purefoy have been spoken to. It could be just some of them, possibly none of them. It could be a list of different actors. There is no basis for any definitive declarations about this--it would just be a guess unless we were in the room with the big brass at Eon.

With regards to all this debate on candidates, I see no worry-the vast majority here will be curious and see any Bond--if the actor works the series stays strong.

#13 Spoon



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 03:57 PM

There is not a single actor, not ONE, who has claimed to have done a screen test for Bond 21 {not even a bitter actor who got told that he was to ugly}. There has not been a single leak from any actor's friends saying - 'My mate got an interview' - NOTHING. There is NO evidence {that I have seen} to suggest that Eon have tested ANYBODY with the view that they would play 007 in Bond 21. - Which is strange, because everybody on the Internet is saying they have been (ah...the Internet - source of all truth?!!?).

Have a look at any article on the 'who will replace Brosnan' story - they are ALL speculative - most of them are just re-wordings of other Internet rumours. These rumours have spread until that have become a sort of 'truth' without any foundataion. If aint-it-cool-news makes up a story about Bana being Bond, and that is picked up by IMDB, and then relayed by Empire, and discussed here - before making its way into the mainstream press - then it was STILL made up by somebody at aint-it-cool-news.

007 Samurai, I think you put this very well. I think what it means is that 1) they would prefer to come to an arrangement with Brosnan, and 2) they expect to be able to do so, eventually. If they really wanted and expected to replace him, then surely by this time they would have begun a proper "job interview" process, which IMO, they have not.

#14 Turn



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 03:59 PM

If they don't do something SOON then no matter who it is, if they don't get Brosnan back, I think that there very well could be be a greater feeling of disappointment/resentment than excitement/interest when the announcement comes - and that is not good news for anybody.

A byproduct of living in the modern age we will just have to accept, I guess. We have access to information quicker than ever before and more outlets to get it from.

It's a far cry from when Dalton was annouced 18 years ago or even from 10 when Brosnan was announced. I had to get info on who was rumoured for Bond from magazines like Starlog and the like. I didn't belong to either the American or British fan club, which would have been a little more help. There were no places to discuss such topics back then. You basically talked to your friends about it and that was it.

Now we can express to the whole world our feelings on the subject. The bottom line is we have no control over who Eon selects But we can be more vocal about it and share our thoughts and opinions more freely with the Internet.

It still begs the question as to why Eon has been so silent this whole time. You have a direct connection with the fans, why not use it?

#15 Seannery



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:10 PM

There is not a single actor, not ONE, who has claimed to have done a screen test for Bond 21 {not even a bitter actor who got told that he was to ugly}. There has not been a single leak from any actor's friends saying - 'My mate got an interview' - NOTHING. There is NO evidence {that I have seen} to suggest that Eon have tested ANYBODY with the view that they would play 007 in Bond 21. - Which is strange, because everybody on the Internet is saying they have been (ah...the Internet - source of all truth?!!?).

Have a look at any article on the 'who will replace Brosnan' story - they are ALL speculative - most of them are just re-wordings of other Internet rumours. These rumours have spread until that have become a sort of 'truth' without any foundataion. If aint-it-cool-news makes up a story about Bana being Bond, and that is picked up by IMDB, and then relayed by Empire, and discussed here - before making its way into the mainstream press - then it was STILL made up by somebody at aint-it-cool-news.

007 Samurai, I think you put this very well. I think what it means is that 1) they would prefer to come to an arrangement with Brosnan, and 2) they expect to be able to do so, eventually. If they really wanted and expected to replace him, then surely by this time they would have begun a proper "job interview" process, which IMO, they have not.

Respectfully we don't KNOW if they aren't already conducting a search and interview process--just because some of the actors deny doesn't mean they are being honest about it and/or it could be about other actors.

#16 Qwerty


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:11 PM

There will always be a disagreement over something. Who the next James Bond actor is, is no exception. Fans will see the film I think, some who take it to the extreme and only go with one actor may be left out then. Their choice.

Lets get some news and get the ball rolling.

#17 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:34 PM

I guess I really mean my tale as a cautionary one.

1) Don't get too caught up in the rumours - some may be true some may not. Have fun with them, speculate wildly, but do not put your faith in anything until official word comes out. Faith, when proven to be misplaced can turn to <censored>.

2) Have your opinions who would be great at being Bond - but try to avoid ruling anybody out - try to avoid NOT wanting somebody to be Bond if you have a genuine suspicion that they might be. If Eon do choose the guy that you have been thinking bad thoughts about you will regret it. Whoever you choose might have made a great 007 - but the guy they choose - he IS 007

#18 Bond Bug

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:48 PM

It seems that, according to these actors, Eon have not even been looking for a replacement, they ALL deny being approached! There is not a single actor, not ONE, who has claimed to have done a screen test for Bond 21 {not even a bitter actor who got told that he was to ugly}. There has not been a single leak from any actor's friends saying - 'My mate got an interview' - NOTHING. There is NO evidence {that I have seen} to suggest that Eon have tested ANYBODY with the view that they would play 007 in Bond 21. - all!!

Evidence: Bitter Brosnan said Eon had seen Owen and Jackman. Owen went into a wierd ear and nose scratching routine when asked. Jackman said he started rumours about himself being Bond. Bitter Michael Masden said an Ozzy had the role.

#19 Qwerty


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:51 PM

1) Don't get too caught up in the rumours - some may be true some may not. Have fun with them, speculate wildly, but do not put your faith in anything until official word comes out.

Have fun with them, haha. We've been having a riot. :)

#20 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:52 PM

OK - I should have said there is no substantial evidence - there is clearly superficial evidence such as this.

#21 Seannery



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:54 PM

It seems that, according to these actors, Eon have not even been looking for a replacement, they ALL deny being approached!  There is not a single actor, not ONE, who has claimed to have done a screen test for Bond 21 {not even a bitter actor who got told that he was to ugly}.  There has not been a single leak from any actor's friends saying - 'My mate got an interview' - NOTHING.  There is NO evidence {that I have seen} to suggest that Eon have tested ANYBODY with the view that they would play 007 in Bond 21. - all!!

Evidence: Bitter Brosnan said Eon had seen Owen and Jackman. Owen went into a wierd ear and nose scratching routine when asked. Jackman said he started rumours about himself being Bond. Bitter Michael Masden said an Ozzy had the role.

Well that evidence is not overly strong--it's talk maybe with agendas beneath them. The fact is we can only guess. Maybe, maybe not.

#22 Bond Bug

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:58 PM

No solid evidence, but that would ruin the big day when a new Bond is announced.

Maybe we have to imagine we are Bond and we need to look at the evidence however thin. Maybe we need to bug the Eon offices.

#23 Seannery



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:00 PM

Well this speculation is seductive--007 Samurai even you were seduced by saying we know the serious candidates that have been talked to are Bana, Purefoy, Owen and Jackman. We really don't know that--there maybe some hints and speculation about them but that is about all.

#24 Qwerty


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:00 PM

OK - I should have said there is no substantial evidence - there is clearly superficial evidence such as this.

Quite, I was merely joking around. Yes, reading some of these rumors is interesting, it's just when multiple sources and places rehash the same thing over and over again and call it the latest news.

It would be nice to see some confirmed news put in also.

#25 Bond Bug

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:08 PM

[quote name='Seannery' date='25 August 2004 - 16:54'] [/QUOTE]
Well that evidence is not overly strong--it's talk maybe with agendas beneath them. The fact is we can only guess. Maybe, maybe not. [/QUOTE]

I agree there are agendas, but I speculate that Brosnan named Owen and Jackman for a reason. He was a bitter man and his agenda was to be a spoiler for Eon, to out the new man before Eon wanted to announce him and to delay his own announcement that he was done with Bond. What other reason would there be, especially in the context of Brosnan's criticisms of the producers?

Add that in particular to the behaviour of Owen when questioned, which was extraordinary, and you have to conclude something is going on there.

Edited by Bond Bug, 25 August 2004 - 05:11 PM.

#26 Qwerty


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:18 PM

Well this speculation is seductive--007 Samurai even you were seduced by saying we know the serious candidates that have been talked to are Bana, Purefoy, Owen and Jackman. We really don't know that--there maybe some hints and speculation about them but that is about all.

When that many rumors take the names though, unless, Eon fools us all with an unknown.

#27 JimmyBond



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:25 PM

Add that in particular to the behaviour of Owen when questioned, which was extraordinary, and you have to conclude something is going on there.

I'm right there with you Bond Bug. However I believe that of the two men (Owen and Jackman) one of them has been signed. Who? Who knows, but (and this is speculation on my part) the role has been cast, location scouting is happening, a director has been approached (probably signed too) and casting for other roles has already begun.

Why have Eon waited this long for an announcement? Who knows, perhaps Brosnan really did throw a monkey wrench in the preceedings. Whatever the case may be, I believe they're on the fast track to filming, and we'll hear about it all very very soon.

#28 Qwerty


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:26 PM

Add that in particular to the behaviour of Owen when questioned, which was extraordinary, and you have to conclude something is going on there.

Owen had many times said he did not want the role previously.

#29 Bond Bug

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 07:37 PM

I'm right there with you Bond Bug. However I believe that of the two men (Owen and Jackman) one of them has been signed. Who? Who knows, but (and this is speculation on my part) the role has been cast, location scouting is happening, a director has been approached (probably signed too) and casting for other roles has already begun.

Why have Eon waited this long for an announcement? Who knows, perhaps Brosnan really did throw a monkey wrench in the preceedings. Whatever the case may be, I believe they're on the fast track to filming, and we'll hear about it all very very soon.

They needed to wait for Brosnan to announce he's leaving first and leave a respectable time before announcing the new Bond.

That was only 4 weeks ago when Brosnan sort of said he was done with Bond, so it could be any time.

Assuming it was Jackman, which I do, as it would make no commercial sense to pick Owen over Jackman, they might want to wait (and Jackman might too) for him to finish his run in the Boy from Oz which is in three weeks. In fact in the middle of the run would be stupid. He can use the press conference to mention he's doing the Fountain next, a marker for those who want to see the new Bond in another role first.

I say Jackman over Owen, because Owen is an introvert who will be bad at media interviews and bringing attention to himself and Bond. Lengthy promotion work has always been part of a Bond actor's role. Owen would hate it. Jackman would relish it.

Owen may or may not be a better Bond, but he won't put bums on seats. Jackman would be the most people friendly Bond of all time and likely to become a top A list star in his own right, also with other strings to his bow like singing (he has an album next year) and musicals and other action roles. Jackman would be loved by everyone from kids to grandmas.

He's due to start filming The Fountain on Nov 1st. Assuming that's a two and a half month shoot, he'll be free for Bond in Jan next year. So I predict an announcement in the middle to end of next month. OK so I have taken speculation to an ultimate level, but this is my logical conclusion.

Edited by Bond Bug, 25 August 2004 - 07:53 PM.

#30 Qwerty


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 07:56 PM

Add that in particular to the behaviour of Owen when questioned, which was extraordinary, and you have to conclude something is going on there.

I'm right there with you Bond Bug. However I believe that of the two men (Owen and Jackman) one of them has been signed. Who? Who knows, but (and this is speculation on my part) the role has been cast, location scouting is happening, a director has been approached (probably signed too) and casting for other roles has already begun.

Why have Eon waited this long for an announcement? Who knows, perhaps Brosnan really did throw a monkey wrench in the preceedings. Whatever the case may be, I believe they're on the fast track to filming, and we'll hear about it all very very soon.

I believe at the very least that some of that may have occurred. I doubt they are that well into it however, but if they are, they're doing a fine job in keeping it low key.

Why haven't we heard is something I'll be interested to eventually learn.