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Owen Versus Jackman

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Poll: Owen .vs. Jackman

Owen .vs. Jackman

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#91 freemo


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Posted 28 April 2004 - 08:41 AM

Is "safe choice" really a reason for wanting a particular person as Bond?

#92 Dmitri Mishkin

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 09:32 AM


One could argue that the relative riskiness over one actor is important if one cares, or wants to consider the business aspect of the franchise (and ultimately, its survival).

But then, one could also ditch any of that altogether and go solely on personal preference, instinct and gut reaction.

Or both.

#93 Tanger



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 10:19 AM

Jackman definitely. He just looks so much better for the part.

#94 SeanValen00V


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Posted 28 April 2004 - 11:55 AM

we learned that the public doesnt really like the "Fleming/ Dalton " bond.so if they are smart Jackman is the better choice.

Not just that, Hugh Jackmen is a great actor who could bring Bond's harder edge if and when required, he has range to play it dark and light when possible, so if they want those Tim Dalton dark moments, Jackmen as the capabilities to bring it to the role, in his style.

The big difference between Dalton and Jackmen is obviously Jackmen is already well known world wide, definately a bigger star then Dalton was when he got Bond, so the public has a liking to him already, which helps in whatever approaches they use for him in Bond if he becomes bond, and the public will go along with it more smoothy

Edited by SeanValen00V, 28 April 2004 - 11:57 AM.

#95 Icephoenix


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Posted 28 April 2004 - 12:16 PM

Jackman. Better actor, better looking. Clive is far to ugly for Bond.

#96 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 02:59 PM

I voted for jackman because it makes the most sense but Owen deserves a good role in a Bond film, just not as 007. He'd be a great Bond villian; someone dangerous like Scaramonga...or the character Renard was supposed to be, some arch terroist or something...I like Owen though. Give that man a job! :)

#97 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 03:14 PM

I don't get this whole Jackman is prettier so he should be Bond thing.

The source of all this (Flemings Bond) has a scar down his face - yet he is still attractive to women. It is the power of Bond that gets the girls - the confidence, and machoism. Not pretty boy model looks. Owen is good looking enough, but he does not look like somebody who in a fight would cry out 'not the face, not the face'. This I believe is what has made Connery attractive to generations of women - being a true man if you like - a mans man and a ladies man all at the same time. Gals (bless them) have an ability to see the inner man (so they say) and I reckon Owen's innerself probably just looks a little bit more rugged than Jackman's - and this is what makes him more like Bond.

Perhaps these days pretty little girlie-boys are increasingly in favour with women the world over, Beckham and has had more influence than I care to imagine. But it will be a cold day in heck before I wear my girlfriend's knickers, a dress and a hairband [individually each is perfectly OK - but together?]. And I hope an equally long time before Hugh Jackman becomes James Bond.


#98 Xenia



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 04:01 PM

It's not just Hugh's look that appeals to women. :)

I'll say what I've always said, he's got the intensity to be a great Bond as he's a great versatile actor. Don't get me wrong, he is eye candy but when people suggest actors it's not just for their looks, it's for their ACTING ability. And I have to say, he shines in each role he's given.

#99 Daltonfan



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 04:21 PM

The source of all this (Flemings Bond) has a scar down his face - yet he is still attractive to women. It is the power of Bond that gets the girls - the confidence, and machoism. Not pretty boy model looks.

This is something that's easier to portray in a book but much harder on screen as we bring our own values and judgement. I always cringed in the Connery and Moore Bond movies because I couldn't understand why the beautiful young women would find him attractive. If someone is goodlooking it's just easier to go with it.

That said, I think Owen could be attractive enough so long as he has to do more than raise an eyebrow to win the girl. Of course, with Jackman, raising an eyebrow is all it would take! It's not just a matter of a pretty face; he has a strong physical presence that is quite alluring and very expressive eyebrows.

#100 double-O-Durg



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 08:42 PM

1 he's british
2 better actor than Jackmans perma-confused look
3 he can do comedy (An evenin with Gary Lineker w/ Martin Clunes any1)
4 can do serious
5 he's cheaper than Jackman
6 wont mind committing long term
7 Jackman's too famous

#101 Jazzy Bond

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 09:15 PM

Somebody earlier said I wonder if Clive will bring Ben Stiller and friends. Let's get this cleared up if the post was serious. We are talking about Clive Owen NOT
Owen Wilson!!!

#102 kevrichardson


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Posted 28 April 2004 - 10:46 PM

Either guy would bee fine ! I would like to see how Jackman looks in a Tux .

#103 Turn



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 11:28 PM

6 wont mind committing long term

Do you know this for sure? The only things I've ever heard from him are that the producers have never contacted him.

#104 Loomis


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Posted 29 April 2004 - 10:08 PM

Is "safe choice" really a reason for wanting a particular person as Bond?

Quite. Let the moneymen make suggestions appropriate to moneymen, and the fans make suggestions appropriate to fans.

There's a big difference between saying "Jackman is likely to land the role because he's a safe choice" and saying "I'd like Jackman to land the role because he's a safe choice". I don't know why a fan would ever come out with the latter, unless he was only interested in seeing the Bond series make money and continue (and not interested in seeing the Bond series produce good films), and/or had a personal financial interest in Hugh Jackman IS James Bond.

Anyhow, here's a nice little pro-Owen bit in a review of the film I'LL SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD in today's Evening Standard (a London daily paper):

"Incidentally, if Owen isn't cast as James Bond after his turn in this, those responsible are crackpots. However droll and sophisticated Bond might be, his moral temperature is absolutely zero, and Owen has the requisite unknowableness and cruelty in his face for the part."

#105 kovit123



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Posted 30 April 2004 - 03:18 AM

I don't want to say that Owen was ugly, but I think that Owen's face is looking so old like a 50 year old. Some think Owen is Bond Material like he driving the Bond car in Coupier, everything except his face. His face was like very old. Do you think Hugh Jackman was the dark horse actor to play 007, then you're wrong. Owen is more darker than Jackman and Owen will be the worst bond actor ever than Lazenby and Dalton. Also Owen said the story that he was consider to play 007, but he said no, because it was just rumors, ok. I looked at Owen's favorite quote on imdb.com and he said that he doesn't want to play the good guy role. Are you trying to say is only real British actors play 007? Wrong, you are discrimating actors who were Scottish, Aussie, Welsh, and Irish. Is that what you meant. The best British actor who played 007 was Roger Moore and he was an ok guy. I like Roger Moore when he played 007, but some producers say he was a very difficult actor to work with. Roger Moore was a good Bond, but not as great as Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan. Hugh Jackman is the better looking Aussie than George Lazenby and more times as the professional actor. I think Clive Owen was the unknown actor that you think he would be 007 and have success at the box office, but it's all wrong. They will find Clive Owen as James Bond 007 movie with him really sucks. I heard the report said that Owen is too light of touchness neccesary to make Bond the box-office. I heard that Hugh Jackman will be the next 007 and I love it when he do play James Bond 007. Hugh Jackman's parents weren't the Aussie, they were British like Roger Moore. Jackman have something in common with Connery and Brosnan: They learn how to speak with the British accent when they all study in England. Producers are no fool to hire Owen, so they said Jackman is on top of the list as the next 007. Also Jackman is the fighting adventurer as Connery and Jackman have more rumors as the next Bond. Look at his new movie Van Helsing, I saw the guy showing Jackman the weapons and gadets like he was Q and Jackman was assigned to fight off the Vampires and evil monsters like the guy who assign Jackman in this movie is like M. The producers want someone who can break into the box office and long actively as Bond and hopely more than Roger Moore in years and movies and younger. The producers want someone who have the right age who can start in some years before 40 and have the long actively like Hugh Jackman. Please God let all the power of the producers pick Hugh Jackman he was more deserving Bond marterial and more look like the 007 like, please pick Hugh Jackman, he's the only top choice the 007 producers have. Take the 007 job, Hugh. Please make Hugh Jackman play 007 in 8 films one more than Roger Moore and as great as Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. I pray for you Hugh Jackman that you are the new James Bond.

#106 00-FAN008


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Posted 30 April 2004 - 03:57 AM

Personally, Clive Owen.

Edited by 00-FAN008, 30 April 2004 - 03:58 AM.

#107 kovit123



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Posted 01 May 2004 - 11:00 PM

Clive Owen sucks at James Bond and he's not a right person, even his face is not Bond material. When you ever learn people you Owen fans, his face is too old for being 007. Look at all 5 007 actors' faces they were are better looking than Owen. Owen said he was never approached by the producers at all. The producers want the right actor at the right time who is good looking as Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan and Hugh Jackman is the right choice as James Bond 007. Jackman can be great as Connery, Moore, and Brosnan. Producers doesn't even want bad actors who were right between the more successful Bond actors so they need to have the more successful actor after another.

Owen sucks, Owen sucks, Owen sucks

Hugh Jackman will be selected as Bond and he will rule as James Bond 007 after Pierce Brosnan. I pray for you Hugh Jackman.

#108 SeanValen00V


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Posted 02 May 2004 - 12:18 AM

I have to agree on this also, Owen looks less youthful at his age then Brosnan did, he looks like his hair is fading a bit, he looks like he's worn out a bit, he might be able to do one film or two, even then I'm not convinced he's right for James Bond, he reminds me of someone who should be on a soap or something, he's a good actor, I just think he'll be more suited to a villian role in a Bond film

I've tried to like him for Bond, but I keep picturing, Dalton made you believe more with his looks, Owen looks too average and not important enough, he's got to stand out, Connery, Moore, Dalton, Brosnan carry more presense easily, only Jackman can rival the past Bonds better then Owen.

Owen might be the right age, but Roger and Brosnan spoiled us in their youthful looks in their 40s and late 40s.

#109 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 03 May 2004 - 10:46 PM

I would be quite interested to know what age groups are supporting which actor. I get the feeling that Owen is supported by the more mature fans, [who perhaps hanker for the better days, before...<insert old man gripe here>] and Jackman by the generation X-men out there.

I'm pushing 30 [only - and frankly can't wait to shed the whole 'in my 20s' stigma] and I support Owen.

#110 Moomoo



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Posted 03 May 2004 - 11:55 PM

Sorry to be blunt, but Owen's nose is too big to be Bond. I know that sounds trivial but his features are not like the movie Bond.


My mum saw Owen on Jonathan Ross' UK chat show and thought he was too unattractive play Bond. Honest. And she doesn't even like Bond films!!!

Do most women find Owen sexually attractive? Seriously, do they? Bond
has to appeal to women. My mum doesn't think he has the right stuff to
be Bond. I don't think Owen cuts it as a leading man. Sorry if that
sounds harsh but the new Bond has to have some 'movie star' quality.
Hugh Jackman would appear to be the only realistic choice and that's
why MGM signed him.

You got more chance of Elvis Presley singing the theme to Bond 21 than
Owen ever playing Bond. That's the harsh truth, folks.


#111 Loomis


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Posted 04 May 2004 - 12:39 PM

You got more chance of Elvis Presley singing the theme to Bond 21 than
Owen ever playing Bond. That's the harsh truth, folks.

I don't accept that. Granted, Owen isn't nearly as "commercial", "audience-friendly", etc. a candidate as Jackman, and I'm sure he's some way behind Jackman on the wishlist of The Powers That Be.

However, that doesn't mean that Owen isn't a viable candidate. He has a large following, not just among hardcore Bond fans but also in the media. A number of my friends are convinced that Owen will be the next Bond (re: Jackman, they exclaim "He can't be Bond! He's an Aussie!", or "He's too Hollywood"), and they're fine with that, although they're the sort of people who watch Bond films only when they're playing on TV on Bank Holidays. Yet Owen's popularity among fans seems to be growing - he's currently only eight votes behind Jackman in this poll here.

I'm certain that Owen is at number two on MGM/Eon's list, and that he'll end up playing Bond if (but only if) Jackman passes on the role or for some reason can't do it. Let's face it, there aren't exactly many good, realistic candidates to choose from. Even Brosnan has admitted that TPTB have been talking to Owen.

A lot of it may hinge on the kind of Bond film TPTB want to do. I can't picture Owen carrying a multimillion dollar fantasy epic like DIE ANOTHER DAY (for which Jackman would be the ideal, almost seamless, replacement for Brosnan), but if they wanted to make another LIVING DAYLIGHTS/LICENCE TO KILL, Owen's definitely the man. Of course, it's debatable that TPTB are either willing or able to do another TLD/LTK, but I wouldn't count Owen out of the race.

#112 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 04 May 2004 - 01:38 PM

I'm not convinced that Jackman is that far up the list. He looks the part (so some people say - I think he is too pretty), but that is all he really has going for him.

1) He doesn't have a natural British accent - so would not sound like Bond when being interviewed, and therefore would not add value to the part when promoting every single film he is in - or even worse would sound like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.

2) He is in competing franchises - Money spent by Eon in raising his profile could act against them, if Bond DVDs and X-Men DVDs are sold side by side.

3) He is associated with other roles. When you look at any of the other guys you think - James Bond - when you look at this guy you think 'Wolverine'. How long before he sheds that stigma?

4) When you have a fan-base there is almost always a backlash. Only when somebody is very popular do people start hating them. I think most everybody would be willing to give Owen a go (even Jackman fans), in order to see what he had. However, many people have grown to dislike Jackman and would therefore stay away. Furthermore, Jackman fans expect CGI and fantasy elements, and may be put of by Bond.

5) He is very much like Brosnan - usually the Bond people try for a bit of change when they get a new Bond.

6) He is in competing franchises - If he starts making mega money from these films he could leave Bond when he pleases, or start demanding extraordinary amounts of cash to stay.

Owen on the other hand is British, is not in any competing franchises, is only associated with other roles akin to James Bond, his fans expect Bond style spy drama, he is a step away from Brosnan - therefore breathing new life into the series, and he is likely to be significantly cheaper than Jackman.
This is what Eon are looking for (or should be anyway).

#113 crashdrive


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 12:12 AM

Now with Bana out of the race, I guess we're still looking at the two most popular candidates for the part of Bond, Owen & Jackman. You think there is another actor who has as much as a shot as these two do?

#114 00-FAN008


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 12:18 AM

I can't stand Jackman anymore. He's not the greatest actor in the world, you know, but people think he is. I go for Owen. He could totally do Bond! And he looks very good in his latest movie. What about Jackman?


#115 Qwerty


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 01:30 AM

I can't stand Jackman anymore. He's not the greatest actor in the world, you know, but people think he is. I go for Owen. He could totally do Bond! And he looks very good in his latest movie. What about Jackman?


Charming. :)

Regarding the question, these two seem to be the best contenders, Crashdrive IMO.

#116 Pussycat



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Posted 06 August 2004 - 01:46 AM

It's no secret, I want Adrian Paul...but if it comes down to Owen or Jackman, I will go with Jackman, but he still doesn't really shout Bond to me. He strikes me as playing Bond in the exact same manner that Pierce has.

I want Adrian Paul bringing a more athletic, tougher Connery style Bond back. The "I can kill in a minute if I have to" style, yet still managing to look good in a tux, charming a lady.

I suppose Owen doesn't say Bond to me because he could probably do the dark look of Bond okay enough, but I really don't see the sexy charming style at all in him. He doesn't carry the look of a man who can just look at a woman and have her falling for him.

#117 Qwerty


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 01:47 AM

Now with Bana out of the race, I guess we're still looking at the two most popular candidates for the part of Bond, Owen & Jackman. You think there is another actor who has as much as a shot as these two do?

Truth be told, did anyone actually think he ever even was, seriously?

#118 Pussycat



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Posted 06 August 2004 - 01:52 AM

Not me, Qwerty! All I could think was "bad rumor" or "the producers have lost it completely and need therapy."

#119 Qwerty


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 01:54 AM

Not me, Qwerty! All I could think was "bad rumor" or "the producers have lost it completely and need therapy."

More like "Bad, not even deserving to be a rumor", Pussycat. :)

#120 kovit123



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Posted 06 August 2004 - 03:25 AM

00-FAN008, let me tell you the facts, you never get over that Owen doesn't interest to play Bond, also I pick Eric Bana as the second choice to play Bond below Hugh Jackman, but I accept that Bana doesn't want to play Bond as well. Owen and Bana both said it was all the rumors. Another thing is Van Helsing does not suck, it was the no.1 movie box office when Val Helsing opens in its first week. But King Arthur was really the piece of trash, because King Arthur sucks and also it was the no.3 box office when it was open behind Spider-Man 2 which the King Arthur can't beat and they can't beat I, Robot either. So if you still not get over with it about Owen who doesn't want to be Bond, then go ahead and have homo-sexual relationship with him.

Thumbs down on Clive Owen as Bond. :) :) :)
Thumbs up on Hugh Jackman as Bond. :)