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Hiro Shigorou in The Enemy Within

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#1 IanFleming007



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 09:46 PM

Hiro Shigorou is somewhat similiar to James Bond. Except that he works for the Koan-Chosa-Cho under the order of Tiger Tanaka (the "M" of this series). The first novel will be divided into two parts, below is some info on the book.

Part 1: Better an end with fear....

Part 1 will revolve more around Shigorou's traning to be a ninja or a master of stealth. Tiger Tanaka puts him through test, that hurt Shigorou physically and mentally.

Part 2: ..... Than a fear without end

Part 2 will revolve around Shigorou's last test....it's a small mission where he must infiltrare and eliminate.

This is probably the most info I have given away for this novel, I will begin writting it in June. I am currently researching locations in Japan and there culture. This month and next month I will be working on a detailed outline for the novel. I only expect it to end up around 100-130 pages and I hope for a release date of August 2004.

*Also the saying "Better an end with fear, than a fear without end" is a German saying...*