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'The Bourne Supremecy' to begin filming

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#31 Derringer



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Posted 02 November 2003 - 04:03 PM

Originally posted by 1q2w3e4r

He states that the mandatory age for retirement is 45 thats right!  It's in Moonraker though not CR from memory.  Though he also says that he's got eight years to go, and as you probably remember thinks he's more likely to be killed than make 45.

Tarl, thanks for the bit about Bourne's age.  I've actually read the trilogy, though the idea of a slowed down Jason Bourne really didn't grab me in the later books.  Its a bit like the idea of a 50 yr old Bond convincingly beating down guys 20 years younger... A little long in the tooth :)

Yes, you are correct. I read CR and MnR back-to-back, so the facts kind of bleed into each other.

As for the 50 yr. old beating on the 20 yr old, that's probably a realistic scenario, and not long in the tooth at all. With the exception of professional boxers and the like, the older guys in elite-police type work and elite-soldier military work will win hands-down in most engagements up until about the mid 40's when age effects start to overtake the advantage in skill [and at the latest 50]. As an example, examine the typical U.S. Green Beret. The prime fellows are in their 30's and 40's. The younger 20's just have not had enough time to mature into the profession. However, the degradation in the physical comes quickly in the 40's, so most will retire in the mid 40's with a pension, or just finish out their 30/35-yr. career in management type jobs. In the U.S. military the pension is 50% of base pay after 20 years of service. If one waits longer to retire, then the pension goes up.

By "win an engagement", I don't mean the number of push-up or 2-mile run times. I mean the willingness to engage without hesitation, and the ability to control the adrenaline so that the proper decision making is made during the engagement that leads to the desired outcome, a victory. That only comes with experience. This is why the hothead 20-yr olds are usually still found in either the 82nd Airborne, the 101st Airborne, or one of the Ranger Battalions. The young nervous energy needs to be burned up and matured there before they can switch over to a Special Forces [Green Beret] unit. I beleive you will find the same trend in the SAS and SBS.


#32 DLibrasnow



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Posted 02 November 2003 - 04:23 PM

Originally posted by 1q2w3e4r

The reason this worries me so much is that the finished product differed vastly from Ryan's accounts in his book of the same name of the events.  It really pissed off a lot of people in the regiment and the families of those killed.  Ryan copped a lot of flack over it to.  Not too encouraging for me :)

Well this movie (Supremacy) needs to be different from the book, because I thought the book was weak next to Identity.

#33 CommanderBond



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Posted 03 November 2003 - 12:00 AM

im excited! its better be as good as the 1st one because i love that film.

#34 1q2w3e4r


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Posted 03 November 2003 - 12:05 AM

Loomis mate. Don't try and change my opinion when (im assuming) you haven't actually read the book i'm talking about.

I can see your point of view. I'm saying that from he's previous work, he strayed far from what was on the page. And considering the movie he did was supposed to be an account of Ryan's experience I'd say that is pretty important. Let's not talk about "aritistic licence" when discussing real events, there should be none.

Especially so since it is a non-fiction novel, its a biography, kinda like We Were Soldiers Once and Young (if thats the title of the book) so that definately is important. I don't know where you got the idea that his account of Ryan's book wasn't supposed to be that of fact because it was!

But enough about this! We'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm still looking forward to the movie (just not as much as before), and really hope he proves me wrong. I think its got the potential to be a great series. I've got to agree though that supremacy wasn't as exciting as Identity.

#35 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 03 November 2003 - 02:01 AM

Not too encouraging for me "

I'd never heard of Peter Jackson, The Watchowskis, M Night Shymalyn,....etc before thier breakthroughs. Give the guy a chance.He may surprise you. :)

#36 JackChase007



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Posted 03 November 2003 - 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Tarl_Cabot
Not too encouraging for me "

I'd never heard of Peter Jackson, The Watchowskis, M Night Shymalyn,....etc before thier breakthroughs. Give the guy a chance.He may surprise you. :)

A very good point. Hell - how many people here even heard of Doug Liman before THE BOURNE IDENTITY? Well, I'm hoping that not too many of you respond "I did" to that, but the point is that I sure as hell didn't know of him...

#37 urhash



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 02:19 AM

I just saw Bourne Identity again tonight on DVD... I really love this flick. Liman has a really sharp eye for what works. It's a shame he won't be directing the second one.

Whatever happens, I hope John Powell returns to score Supremacy because his work on the first one was brilliant. The embassy escape, the 'treadstone assassins', the main theme... all very memorable.

#38 CommanderBond



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 02:21 AM

is it me or was the main chick annoying durring the whole film?

#39 DLibrasnow



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 01:25 PM

I don't think so...

#40 JackChase007



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 03:07 PM

Originally posted by urhash
I just saw Bourne Identity again tonight on DVD... I really love this flick.  Liman has a really sharp eye for what works.  It's a shame he won't be directing the second one.

Whatever happens, I hope John Powell returns to score Supremacy because his work on the first one was brilliant.  The embassy escape, the 'treadstone assassins', the main theme... all very memorable.

I'm with you, urhash. I love John Powell's score for Identity, and really hope that they bring him back. As you pointed out, "Treadstone Assassins"....well, I don't really think I need to say any more...

By the ways, big news - Brian Cox is reprising his role as Abbott in Supremacy. You can see the article here..

This is great, IMO. I think Cox is a great actor, one of my favorites, and could help bring life to this film. I hope his part is bigger this time 'round.

#41 DLibrasnow



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 04:03 PM

Originally posted by JackChase007

By the ways, big news - Brian Cox is reprising his role as Abbott in Supremacy.  You can see the article here..

This is great, IMO.  I think Cox is a great actor, one of my favorites, and could help bring life to this film.  I hope his part is bigger this time 'round.

Yes, having just watched him in X2 I agree with you. You know I saw the X2 DVD three days ago and I am still feeling the buzz from that movie. :)

This is promising news for SUPREMACY...Does anyone know the actual start date for filming?

#42 JackChase007



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 05:16 PM

God, he was BRILLIANT in X2, and it's a shame that he isn't likely to be returning in X-Men 3. I actually think (based on looks, acting ability, and his classic villainness in X2) he would have made a GREAT Doctor Octopus for Spider-Man 2, but what can you do?

But anyways, glad he's coming back for Supremacy, and although I have NO idea when filming begins, I really hope it's soon.

July's the time, baby!

#43 DLibrasnow



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 06:26 PM

Well, I am not sure how he can return in "X-Men 3"??


#44 JackChase007



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 06:37 PM

Originally posted by DLibrasnow
Well, I am not sure how he can return in "X-Men 3"??


Yeah, I know that it is unlikely that Stryker will make an appearance in X-Men 3, but I was trying to make it seem vague enough so as not to ruin anything for those who haven't seen it yet, and at that point, I didn't know how to do the 'spoilers' thing (although, I do know now, and it does seem ridiculously simple...).

As for

#45 DLibrasnow



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 06:45 PM

On the Jean thing

Without spoiling anything, there is a bit towards the end of the DVD doc when the director chats about X3 - very brief, but enough for me to say "Okay, get on with it already!" I simply cannot wait -- I think X2 is so much better than the first one!

#46 urhash



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 06:49 PM

In a lot of reviews I've read of Bourne Identity, people who felt let down by the recent Bond movies found something to like in the character of Bourne.

Does anyone here feel the Bond flicks should take a cue from Bourne Identity? I like the idea of a more intelligent, quick-thinking spy even when the action gets amped up. The way he ripped the evacuation card off the wall in the embassy, stealing a security guard's radio earpiece, searching high for a shotgun after seeing children's games on the table, etc. I know Bond has that sometimes too, but it seems more contrived, as though the screenwriters wrote themselves into a corner so they just assumed Bond was smart enough to look at equipment he had never even seen before and use it to get out of a jam.

#47 JackChase007



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 07:00 PM

Originally posted by urhash
In a lot of reviews I've read of Bourne Identity, people who felt let down by the recent Bond movies found something to like in the character of Bourne.

Does anyone here feel the Bond flicks should take a cue from Bourne Identity?  I like the idea of a more intelligent, quick-thinking spy even when the action gets amped up.  The way he ripped the evacuation card off the wall in the embassy, stealing a security guard's radio earpiece, searching high for a shotgun after seeing children's games on the table, etc.  I know Bond has that sometimes too, but it seems more contrived, as though the screenwriters wrote themselves into a corner so they just assumed Bond was smart enough to look at equipment he had never even seen before and use it to get out of a jam.

Hell yeah!!!! I've been saying this ever since I saw Die Another Day - it was great, I loved it, but it could have been better. Identity was a much smarter spy thriller, which is what the Bond movies are supposed to be.

As for X3, Darren - I can hardly wait either. I loved the first one, but the second one was a lot more fun, and confident.

#48 urhash



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 02:24 AM

Photo call for Bourne Supremacy! HUZZAH!



Matt appears to be wearing a similar jacket to what he wore at the end of the first movie.

Julia Stiles has been added to the credits so she'll be reprising her role as Nicolette.

#49 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 05:10 AM

awesome. I can't wait. :)

#50 urhash



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 05:17 AM

Think it'll do well in the box office? The first one was a surprise hit and grossed $126 million or so. Then again, sequels to hits have been known to flop... (Tomb Raider).

A lot of people have been introduced to the movie through the DVD release (like me), so hopefully there will be a whole new audience eager to see Bourne when it hits theaters that didn't catch the first movie.

#51 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 05:40 AM

I liked the 1988 mini series (seen it? no? rent it!). It's much more faithful to the book. I also read the book in 2001 and I liked the 2002 movie depite being very loosely based on Ludlum's book.

#52 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 05:43 AM

The sad thing is I think Jason Bourne is now cooler and more interesting than James Bond. Bond went into such a high fantasy direction that I'm very turned off as a fan because the first 45 minutes of DAD was such a tease(promising a gritty story than becoming a really stupid action movie). :)

#53 urhash



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 05:54 AM

I agree. I hope the trend continues in Supremacy, and the character of Bourne continues to transition instead of simply being a catalyst for increasingly outlandish events a la Bond...

#54 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 06:09 AM

I don't even care for Damon too much but I liked that film and look forward to 'Supremecy'.I think it's colerr than Bond becuase it's down to earth...plausible...I miss that in Bond films. :)

#55 urhash



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 06:41 AM

Yea, most of Bourne was believable except the dive down the stairwell......

#56 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 01 December 2003 - 03:49 PM

except the dive down the stairwell......"

yeah But that was AWESOME! I can forgive extreme suspensen of disbelief if it's done really well. :)

#57 urhash



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Posted 02 December 2003 - 02:53 PM

Haha this forum puts me in the wrong mode to read your post. :) When you said you liked Damon as "JB" I thought...James Bond?? Oh... Bourne. Hehe...