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Connery's physical appearances

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#1 Colossus


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 05:29 AM

His changing physical appearance is known through his Bond films, with each Bond he looked different more so than the previous difference between his past film, from watching this super agent's mug countlessly in the films, comparisons come up. Here's how i see it.

Dr. No & From Russia with Love- He is flawlessly the same in these two, and it's no surprise because he did these two Bonds consecutively without any other movies in between. Straight to FRWL after DN. Very slim & fit, 'jagged' look to his face. It's known he wore wigs for his frontal thinning, and his hair here looks the utmost best, slicked back, very dark, almost black and very natural looking, because the v-shape of his hairline is not totally filled in.

Goldfinger- He did 2 films between FRWL and GF so his change is more apparent. Not as slim, face smoother and not as jagged, might not be as noticeable further away to the casual eye. With his wig change, his hair looks more lighter-brown, and having his hair slick back you can see a definite hairline, but not as v-shaped as DN/FRWL, more filled in. If you have it, the GF Ultimate Edition cover has a kind of a bad pic to use but it nonetheless shows an abrupt change from the previous 2 covers.

Thunderball- He only had one movie between GF and this but the desert-environment of The Hill most likely accellerated his changed look, definitely more meat-packed even seen further away, the first time his eye-brows appear more bushy, also his hair instead of being mostly back like it was in the other three is now combed to the side.

You Only Live Twice- Just more of the same: weight gain, thicker brows, though his hair is actually pretty much in that same vein as it is in TB, just longer.

Going into DAF is understandably pointless, let alone NSNA. :)
Still mine and a-many's favorite Bond, i treasure all his appearances, however much different he looked from his initial outings. It would have been interesting if the series started in '61 with him to see more of the DN/FRWL Bond but i'm glad we got it at all though.

#2 TheSaint


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 06:30 AM

Dr.No-his eyebrows are at their longest in his 1st Bond.

Thunderball-his hair is pretty dead here because he had it cut short for The Hill so, not as much hair as in other films.

YOLT-This is when you really notice that he's gained weight since the last film. Had he maintained his weight here, he would've looked fine in OHMSS & DAF.

DAF-way too much good living, and what is up with the musical toupees?

NSNA-12 years after DAF, and he's actually in better shape.

#3 Colossus


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 08:06 AM

DAF-way too much good living, and what is up with the musical toupees?

NSNA-12 years after DAF, and he's actually in better shape.

:P :)

#4 Scottlee


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 01:21 PM

To me he looks the same in all of them apart from DAF (I don't include NSNA).

#5 bond_girl_double07


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 01:59 PM

There's something about him in Thunderball that is (to me) drastically different, but I can't place what it is.. a little more svelt and dangerous looking than the others. I think he looks a little too young in Dr. No but too old in DAF.. he's really in his prime in Thunderball :)

#6 00Twelve



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Posted 21 November 2006 - 02:48 PM

^^I agree. Connery definitely got back into pre-Goldfinger shape for Thunderball. And it helped that he tanned. I'm sure he was made aware early on that he'd be either shirtless or in a wetsuit for a substantial portion of the film. I actually like his hair the best in this film, I think, and his being 34-35 gave him his peak look for Bond (both in terms of physicality and accuracy to Fleming). (Even though I prefer FRWL as a film...)

#7 stamper


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 03:15 PM

I was always surprised by his really hairy eyebrows in DAF

Did they pluck it off in the early movies ? He looks better with less eyebrows

#8 bond_girl_double07


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 03:23 PM

I was always surprised by his really hairy eyebrows in DAF

Did they pluck it off in the early movies ? He looks better with less eyebrows

hahahaha!!!! so true.. I guess that was the style???????

Who would have thought more of Connery in any aspect would be a bad thing :)

Actually I found this Connery characture a while ago.. the big eyebrows really define his look in a way..

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#9 BlackFelix



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Posted 21 November 2006 - 05:04 PM

Great topic! Connery's apperance's were varried throught the series and is worth examining.

Dr.No- Connery was young, trim, slick back hair and natrual..He looked very much an MI6 operitive here and very deadly. His suits were very "traditional" in their cut and shape which makes him look like a model.

FRWL- The exact same as DR.No, except I think he's even thinner in this film. He looks about 5 or 10 pounds lighter.

GF-Agreed, this is movie were he beigns to look slightly different! He looks a bit more "hollywood" here. He's probably gained a small bit of weight, which actually smooths his face out a bit and gives him a "Carey Grant" like apperance. His suits are still cut the same so not all that much has changed. Though, the useage of hairpieces are a bit more apparent in this film. His hairline in front looks full and thick. It still looks natrual though.

TB-Again same principal as before. Connery I think looks probably the best of his "younger" years here. He's maintained the weight of GF but it appears more toned and fit. He was probably told that he would be shirtless the entire movie, and got into a gym. His hair looks the best here, it looks natrual and short, very effecient for a spy without alot time to style it. Here his suits begin a slightly different cut to flatter his size. His pants sit a bit lower on his waist and are flat fronts, which take away the bulky look. The jackets look a bit more narrow in the shoulders, which again, make him look smaller. Connery was at a peak here!

YOLT- Connery has packed on the most noticable weight gain so far here. He's added mabye 10 or 15 pounds. He's still mostly in good shape, but not as attentive as he was in the first 4 films. His weight his added right to his gut area which doesn't flatter his suit nearly as well. I can only assume that his suits were either left-overs from TB or cut from previous measurments, because they do not compliment his shape nearly as well this time around. He looks mostly uncomfortable in the grey suit from Japan. His face is bit more full in this one, but still no real drastic aging yet. The hair is the exact same from TB. Short and neat as it compliments his rounder face.

DAF-LOL....Let's just say he coasted by in this one! This is to Connery what OP and AVTAK are for Moore. Connery has drastically changed so much that you can't help but notice! He's really let everything go. He's gained a tremendous ammount of weight here and his hairpiece isn't nearly as good. I belive he wasn't given time to get his act together, he was given the script and basically began shooting almost immediatly. Though, during the film his weight changes drastically. Perhaps he tried to get down during filming? In certain scenes he looks about the size of YOLT and in others he looks bloated and puffy. His eyebrows aren't trimmed at all and are very thick, the hairpiece isn't well-fitting along with the wider cut suits...all these things together add up and Connery looks the least belivable here. He looks far older than he really is, Dr.No was only 10 years prior! Yikes.

NSNA- So much time has passed that I overlook perhaps things I shouldn't. But since Bond's age a fitness are the backdrop to the entire film I judged this one differently. For starters to be 50 plus Connery looks really good in this one! As were Roger Moore had gained weight and pulled his pants to his chest to hide his thicker waist, Connery trimmed up and it shows! He walks around freely without a shirt, his body doesn't have the same lift it did when he was younger it still looks good. Connery is perhaps in the best shape since TB or YOLT. All the suits, though more modern cut, fit well and he looks comfortable. The paunch he has is from age and nothing more! His hair though is very short and a bit thin.. it looks belivable! Same style haircut from Thunderball though. He looks sophisticated and well-traveled. His eyebrows look tammed and neat, his weight is in check, and hair looks beliveable. all in all it looks like natrual progression for a middle aged man. This is the first film were he's more like the Connery of today's "old-pro" approach he has developed.

lol...a real fun topic...someone should post this in Moore's board!

Edited by BlackFelix, 21 November 2006 - 05:06 PM.

#10 stamper


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 06:10 PM

I'm thinking of starting an eyebrows topic where we can post close ups of the principals actors eyebrows from each movie, to determine the amount of work done by the make up dept, but I'm afraid the moderators closes it. Is that copyright infringement, to post the picture of Sean Connery eyebrows ???

#11 bond_girl_double07


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Posted 21 November 2006 - 08:56 PM

I'm thinking of starting an eyebrows topic where we can post close ups of the principals actors eyebrows from each movie, to determine the amount of work done by the make up dept, but I'm afraid the moderators closes it. Is that copyright infringement, to post the picture of Sean Connery eyebrows ???

You made me laugh out loud at work.. I work at a library! Do you know what is feels like to get shooshed at your own library?!?

Please mods.. it's a stupid topic and I don't want to get Jim mad (again) but lets please have a Connery eyebrow thread :)

#12 Mr Woodpigeon

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 10:09 PM

He was warned that fags like you lot would be gazing at his body in years to come :)

#13 00Twelve



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Posted 21 November 2006 - 10:15 PM

Aren't you one of us, chief?

#14 Jericho_One


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Posted 22 November 2006 - 12:06 AM

Interesting topic.

He looked top notch, the best in DN and FRWL, but in DAF you can't believe he's 9 or 10 years older after Dr. No. As it was stated above - bad hairpiece, bad shape.
Another question though... Why didn't they bother to conceal the tattoo in his right forearm (if I'm not mistaken) wich is very clearly visible at least in two movies (TB and DAF)?

#15 Turn



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Posted 22 November 2006 - 03:23 AM

Why didn't they bother to conceal the tattoo in his right forearm (if I'm not mistaken) wich is very clearly visible at least in two movies (TB and DAF)?

In TB, it was probably because with all the water, the makeup probably just didn't take, and by DAF, they just wanted him back and didn't care what he looked like. I read somewhere one battle Connery didn't win was he didn't want to wear the hairpiece.

As far as his physicality, it's part of what really sold him in the role. You believed this guy could do stunts and take on tough opponents like Red Grant and Oddjob. That wasn't always true with some of those who followed him (Craig definitely excepted).

#16 PrinceKamalKhan



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Posted 28 November 2006 - 04:03 AM

There's something about him in Thunderball that is (to me) drastically different, but I can't place what it is.. a little more svelt and dangerous looking than the others. I think he looks a little too young in Dr. No but too old in DAF.. he's really in his prime in Thunderball :)

Agreed. Whenever I put on a tuxedo, Sean Connery in Thunderball is the 007 I wish I resembled most.

#17 Qwerty


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Posted 28 November 2006 - 04:05 AM

Why didn't they bother to conceal the tattoo in his right forearm (if I'm not mistaken) wich is very clearly visible at least in two movies (TB and DAF)?

It can also be seen on the soundtrack cover for Dr. No.

#18 cvheady007



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Posted 28 November 2006 - 04:09 AM

Connery looked pretty similar in Dr. No-thru-Goldfinger. Thunderball, he took on this different edge that suited him quite well, and in You Only Live Twice he just seemed like he was done with the part. Obviously, for Diamonds, he was out of shape and looked far older than his 42 years...and Never Say Never Again....let's not kid ourselves.....if it wasn't such a fanboy dream for Connery to come back as Bond, it never should have been made! The movie is terrible and needless...the only plug in its favor is its star..but you know what? That's good enough for me.

#19 Blonde Bond

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Posted 28 November 2006 - 11:38 PM

I didn't even notice the hairpiece, untill some of you nice people, and other media lightened me about the matter.
The first movie, where I first spotted the wig, was in Thunderball.

#20 BlackFelix



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Posted 29 November 2006 - 04:55 PM

I don't really care about the hairpiece actually. It never looked that bad, though the piece used in DAF could of been made to fit better! Even NSNA it was thin looking, but that's the effect they wanted...and even still looks natrual!

Roger Moore used several different techniques keeping his hair looking thick. Even in LALD and TMWTGG his hairdressing is a very well-done "comb-over" which hid his forehead keeping him young looking, as well as hid his receeding hairline! In the later movies OP, AVTAK Roger Moore is most definitley using some sort of hairpiece or product to make his hair look thick...and that looks way more obvious to me than any of Connery's hair pieces! Notice in the later movies Moore no longer covers his forehead with slick cuts and styles and now combs his hair backwards to cover any bald-spots and keep the hair looking thick! It's true!

#21 Hotwinds



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Posted 02 December 2006 - 12:39 AM

This is a great thread and all the posts say everything I would have said. One point I would mention is that he did not start wearing a toupe until Goldfinger.

His changing physical appearance is known through his Bond films, with each Bond he looked different more so than the previous difference between his past film, from watching this super agent's mug countlessly in the films, comparisons come up. Here's how i see it.

Dr. No & From Russia with Love- He is flawlessly the same in these two, and it's no surprise because he did these two Bonds consecutively without any other movies in between. Straight to FRWL after DN. Very slim & fit, 'jagged' look to his face. It's known he wore wigs for his frontal thinning, and his hair here looks the utmost best, slicked back, very dark, almost black and very natural looking, because the v-shape of his hairline is not totally filled in.

Goldfinger- He did 2 films between FRWL and GF so his change is more apparent. Not as slim, face smoother and not as jagged, might not be as noticeable further away to the casual eye. With his wig change, his hair looks more lighter-brown, and having his hair slick back you can see a definite hairline, but not as v-shaped as DN/FRWL, more filled in. If you have it, the GF Ultimate Edition cover has a kind of a bad pic to use but it nonetheless shows an abrupt change from the previous 2 covers.

Thunderball- He only had one movie between GF and this but the desert-environment of The Hill most likely accellerated his changed look, definitely more meat-packed even seen further away, the first time his eye-brows appear more bushy, also his hair instead of being mostly back like it was in the other three is now combed to the side.

You Only Live Twice- Just more of the same: weight gain, thicker brows, though his hair is actually pretty much in that same vein as it is in TB, just longer.

Going into DAF is understandably pointless, let alone NSNA. :)
Still mine and a-many's favorite Bond, i treasure all his appearances, however much different he looked from his initial outings. It would have been interesting if the series started in '61 with him to see more of the DN/FRWL Bond but i'm glad we got it at all though.

#22 SeanSean



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Posted 02 December 2006 - 04:09 PM

To me Connery was at his prime in Thunderball. For me he is the epitomy of 007 in that film and will never be topped. That is the guy I want to be!

I've always thought that he aged more between YOLT and DAF then he did between DAF and NSNA. I think he looks really good in NSNA,m but the change between YOLT and DAF is stunning. Clearly he was in it for the paycheck by that point.

It's a different topic, but I really wonder how Craig is going to change over his tenure.

Edited by SeanSean, 02 December 2006 - 04:10 PM.

#23 Trey



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Posted 12 December 2006 - 12:27 AM

To me, Sean's hair looked considerably darker in FRWL, and a fair brown in Thunderball...Maybe just be me.

#24 moorebond82



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Posted 12 December 2006 - 12:31 AM

Yeah his hair got a bit more grey and his stomach a bit more wide by DAF.

#25 Mr. Blofeld

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 02:19 AM

In YOLT and DAF, he had these rather horrific man-boobs; they're plainly visible under the grey ninja suit during the climax of YOLT. :tup:

#26 TheSaint


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Posted 10 March 2008 - 04:30 AM

Roger Moore used several different techniques keeping his hair looking thick. Even in LALD and TMWTGG his hairdressing is a very well-done "comb-over" which hid his forehead keeping him young looking, as well as hid his receeding hairline! In the later movies OP, AVTAK Roger Moore is most definitley using some sort of hairpiece or product to make his hair look thick...and that looks way more obvious to me than any of Connery's hair pieces! Notice in the later movies Moore no longer covers his forehead with slick cuts and styles and now combs his hair backwards to cover any bald-spots and keep the hair looking thick! It's true!

Sorry pal-Roger NEVER wore a hairpiece as Bond. His hair didn't begin to thin until after he left the series.

#27 tama_drummer91



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Posted 10 March 2008 - 08:17 PM

Roger Moore used several different techniques keeping his hair looking thick. Even in LALD and TMWTGG his hairdressing is a very well-done "comb-over" which hid his forehead keeping him young looking, as well as hid his receeding hairline! In the later movies OP, AVTAK Roger Moore is most definitley using some sort of hairpiece or product to make his hair look thick...and that looks way more obvious to me than any of Connery's hair pieces! Notice in the later movies Moore no longer covers his forehead with slick cuts and styles and now combs his hair backwards to cover any bald-spots and keep the hair looking thick! It's true!

Sorry pal-Roger NEVER wore a hairpiece as Bond. His hair didn't begin to thin until after he left the series.

Agreed. Roger has had the best hair out of any other Bond yet. His hair was always thick.

#28 Mr. Blofeld

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 08:22 PM

This is the Connery thread, though, not the Moore thread; let's get back to talking about Big Tam's man-boobs. :tup:

#29 pat006



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Posted 11 March 2008 - 07:10 PM

I agree with seansean, Connery was in his prime in thunderball
here's my homage to Sean in thunderball

#30 dodge



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Posted 12 March 2008 - 02:18 PM

I agree with seansean, Connery was in his prime in thunderball
here's my homage to Sean in thunderball

For me, the prime was FRWL. But I'd still agree with you in the sense that TB was his last truly enjoyable, watchable performance as a fit superspy and not a lard-butt Lothario. For me, there are only 4 ConBonds. His bloated doppelganger occupies the rest.