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rumours about the new SUPERMAN movie

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#1 boeserzwilling



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Posted 04 February 2003 - 10:53 PM

Right now WB are casting the new Superman movie.

It will be directed by Brett Ratner (Red Dragon, Rush Hour...) and is not based on the previous four movies starring Christopher Reeve.
In fact it may be COMPLETELY different. What I've read about J.J. Abrams' (Armageddon) script isn't promising at all. It may ruin everything that made Supes interesting in the past:

In the new script (which is going to be revised)

- Krypton is not destroyed
(Superman won't be the last survivor of Krypton, so why should he care for Earth, his adopted home?)

- Lex Luther is Kryptonian and intends to destroy Earth
(completely different character, although the original LL was the coolest Superman villain)

- Superman fights evil Kryptonians kung-fu-in-the-sky-style
(this may look good in a Matrix movie but this is Superman. Why should he do that?)

- There is even more: Jimmy Olsen is gay(?), Superman won't get his powers from the yellow sun but from his suit(?).....

I'm afraid this is going to be even worse than BATMAN & ROBIN.
Why don't they look at Spider-Man: True to the comics but still original and refreshing.
There are hundreds of Superman stories to be told without turning everything upside down. You can change a thing here and there but not the complete mythos.
It's like giving James Bond his parents back and take away the gadgets, girls and guns.

I hope they get it right before they start shooting.

#2 Blue Eyes

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Posted 04 February 2003 - 11:28 PM

What you've got written down there I heard quite a long time ago, in fact I think we even discussed it here. A few days after the synopsis appeared online someone involved with the production (Abrams I think) revealed that the script had changed quite a bit.

#3 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 04 February 2003 - 11:55 PM

Whatever form the final script takes, I reckon Brett (cool name :cool: ) Ratner will do a really good job.