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Bond Novels Marathon

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#1 bond_azoozbond



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Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:42 AM

So I was thinking for a good way to start reading bond novels . They are total of 47 novel (Not considering Wood two books) . They are not like the movies when you plan a marathon , I mean I like to start my bond movies marathon with Dr.No till SKYFALL but Im feeling this wont work with the bond novels . So we have Casino Royale to be novel # 1 and Solo to be # 46 but there is a lot between them that have different bond story setting . I was thinking to start reading Casino Royale till The Man With The Golden Gun then read Colonel Sun then jump to Devil May Care and Solo and wait to fit Project one after . The reason is they all happen on the 50's-60's period and they make sense to me that bond is in a whole adventure through his life . However I not sure if I got the timeline correct after TMWTGG ?! .

Then Jumping to Gardners 14 novel and Benson then Crate Blanche . We also have The Spy Who loved Me and Moonraker by Wood which I dont know were to fit in my plan . I would like some thoughts and suggestions from you guys . 

* My plan for Bond novels Marthon :

- Start with Casino Royale till The Man With The Golden Gun .

- Colonel Sun 

- Devil May Care 

- Solo

- Project One 

- License Renewed till COLD 

- Blast From the Past till Die Another Day 

- Crate Blanche