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R.I.P. Robin Williams..

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#1 The Dove

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 04:58 PM

Yesterday, the world lost one of the truly great comedians and actors in Robin Williams who sadly was found dead of a suspected suicide. :sad: Williams had been battling depression and substance addiction for the last few years of his life. Whether you knew him as Mork from "Mork and Mindy", the voice of Genie from "Aladdin", Mrs. Doubtfire, Peter Pan from "Hook" or from such classics as "Good Morning Vietnam", "Good Will Hunting", "The Birdcage" (my personal favorite), and "Dead Poet's Society", Robin Williams just had that ability to touch so many lives with humor and powerful acting. He will be sorely missed and his death again brings attention to just how important it is to recognize the cries of those who suffer from depression and how we must help.


Godspeed, Mr. Williams...or should I say, "Nanu-Nanu!"

#2 tdalton



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Posted 12 August 2014 - 11:48 PM

It was horrible to have to come home to this news yesterday evening.  Between Harold Ramis and Robin Williams, it's been a difficult year as I've watched two of the stalwarts of the entertainment of my youth pass away.  Robin Williams had been entertaining me as long as I can remember, and in different phases of my life as well.  His family films were staples of my childhood (Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook,Alladin etc.), and are still fantastic films to watch as an adult, and it was fun to see a different side of his work as I got older, such as his stand up comedy (I loved his two most recent specials, Robin Williams: Live on Broadway and Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction) as well as his more serious turns in films like Insomnia and One Hour Photo.  


There will be a big hole in the entertainment industry without Robin Williams that won't be filled for quite some time.  Few artists have the kind of varied career that Williams had, being both a tremendously gifted comic as well as a terrific dramatic actor as well.  I know that there's been more than one bad day that I've found myself turning to Williams' work, be it his stand up or his films, and they always managed to put a smile on my face.  To say he'll be greatly missed is a severe understatement.

#3 Matt_13



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 01:07 AM

This news hit me hard as well. He played a big part in my childhood, as well, and his loss carries more weight as a result. A very tragic loss indeed.

#4 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:10 AM

Terrible tragedy.  And for me, this is a major loss of one of those actors which really moved me from early adolescence on.


My favorite will always be his magnificent performance as Garp in the John Irving adaptation "The World according to Garp".  Poignantly, his final moment ("I´m flying, Helen") will never be the same now for me.

#5 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:31 AM

Such awful news to break, and so sad.

I think the loss of Robin Williams is the first real actor to leave us that has hit me hardest from growing up with his films. I may only be 29 but from the early 90s I can remember early morning showings of ‘Mork & Mindy’ that captured my imagination wish such a wide-eyed, fun and warm comedic actor such as he, making me giggle at his boundless energy and zany antics as Mork.

Then came such fantastical films as ‘Popeye’ and ‘Hook’ when I was younger, but getting older then evolving with the classics such as ‘Mrs Doubtfire’, ‘Aladdin’, ‘Jumanji’, ‘Dead Poets Society’…I could go on because each film captivated me with the humour, drama and emotion he brought to such varied roles. But what I love about him is the ability to be family friendly and appealing to all ages when required. Yes, he can be an adult comedic when the time and setting is right, but for someone growing up with his films, his puppy-dog expression, cuddly aura and zest for entertaining was never lost on me and just made me respect and admire him even more!

Even the 00s gave us wonderful new genres from him to thrill us with like ‘Insomnia’ and ‘One Hour Photo’ showing more of his real acting ability away from comedy. And who can deny it was great to see him back on comedic family fun form with ‘Night At The Museum’!

I’m getting away with myself here – but putting it simply I will miss the continued projects from Robin Williams, but now each film will be tinged with the sadness he is no longer here but the passion he had will resonate even more now and I will champion his TV, film and stand-up work as long as I live as a real comedic genius and benchmark of American (and global) entertainment.

And if I can take anything from this tragic loss, I hope the world will open its eyes a little more to the reality of depression as an illness that really needs to be supported and understood in respect for those who have it, as it just shows that what we see on the outside will never truthfully tell us what is going on inside someone who, like us, behind the smile and the fame and fortune, was only human after all.

God bless you Euphegenia. Thank you for all the hours of fun you brought to us, and will continue to through your legacy.

#6 DamnCoffee



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 02:34 PM

Very awful news. I'm still reeling from it. A part of my childhood has gone forever. The world has lost a huge talent and it's just the most difficult news to deal with. I might take this opportunity to watch a few of his films i haven't seen. A devastating loss to us all. RIP Robin. 

#7 Iceskater101


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Posted 14 August 2014 - 02:15 PM

I couldn't believe this when I first found out! I was working and a customer came in and told us and we all went into the back and checked to see if it was true. I remember Robin Williams in Jumanji quite clearly. I really enjoyed that movie a lot when I was little. I also really enjoyed him as the Genie of course. The Dead Poet Society was a very interesting film too. He just seemed like a really funny and cool person to meet. It's sad that he thought this was the only way out.