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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)

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#1 DamnCoffee



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Posted 19 April 2014 - 01:58 PM

Any avid Game of Thrones fans on here? I haven't read the books yet, but I'm a very keen follower of the TV Show, some of the best TV ever made in my opinion. Are we all enjoying the new series? 



#2 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 20 April 2014 - 06:16 PM

I enjoyed the season premier more then I did the second episode to be honest. Joffrey's wedding or the 'Purple Wedding' was decent though I'm surprised I didn't get as much satisfaction out of it then I should have. 

#3 x007AceOfSpades



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Posted 26 April 2014 - 11:29 PM

I really need to catch up on this show, like badly. Haven't watch since the first season, and my interest is coming back again (mainly from Emilia Clarke lol). Wondering if I should just restart the series to get a fresh start.

#4 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:36 AM

I have never read the books, only seen the first season (and parts of the second and third ones).


My impression of the first one was:  it could be intriguing but also extremely camp.  And while this has become a problem of all cable and pay-tv shows, it is very evident on GoT that they almost need to incorporate at least one nude or sex scene per episode and also one very violent, gory sequence.  Now, I have no problem with showing sex or violence - but on GoT it almost became a parody.  Emilia Clarke, of course, is very easy on the eyes, but I felt rather bad for her whenever she again had to undress and be raped in the first season.  Or when the guy (the major from "The Wire", I forgot the name of his character here) again talks about his evil plans while his prostitutes have a go at themselves.


There was a very funny video on youtube about how the writers of GoT were sex-starved teenagers, and somehow I could not disagree.  


The HBO pr-machine, of course, has manipulated the media perfectly, and as with "Girls", journalists roll over themselves to praise how daring and intelligent the series is.  But from my experience, it is mostly people in their late teens and twenties that adore this series (for the sex scenes which they can legitimately watch as "part of the story"?) while older ones shrug and consider it just more pulp fiction.

Edited by SecretAgentFan, 27 April 2014 - 08:36 AM.

#5 Iceskater101


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:52 PM

I tried reading the first book and I hated it. It set up a really good premise but there are so many scenes in the book that seem rather unnecessary that I just couldn't finish the book so I stopped reading. 

#6 x007AceOfSpades



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 11:59 PM

I have never read the books, only seen the first season (and parts of the second and third ones).


My impression of the first one was:  it could be intriguing but also extremely camp.  And while this has become a problem of all cable and pay-tv shows, it is very evident on GoT that they almost need to incorporate at least one nude or sex scene per episode and also one very violent, gory sequence.  Now, I have no problem with showing sex or violence - but on GoT it almost became a parody.  Emilia Clarke, of course, is very easy on the eyes, but I felt rather bad for her whenever she again had to undress and be raped in the first season.  Or when the guy (the major from "The Wire", I forgot the name of his character here) again talks about his evil plans while his prostitutes have a go at themselves.


There was a very funny video on youtube about how the writers of GoT were sex-starved teenagers, and somehow I could not disagree.  


The HBO pr-machine, of course, has manipulated the media perfectly, and as with "Girls", journalists roll over themselves to praise how daring and intelligent the series is.  But from my experience, it is mostly people in their late teens and twenties that adore this series (for the sex scenes which they can legitimately watch as "part of the story"?) while older ones shrug and consider it just more pulp fiction.


Funny, I felt the same way the sex scenes in GoT haha. Some of the sex scenes can be a bit off putting, but story wise, I strangely lost interest after the death of Sean Bean's character. I've seen a few episodes here and there, getting back into but haven't had the time to invest in it again.


Oh and that youtube video was hilarious!

#7 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:15 AM

A few shows have spoof GOT now. SOUTH PARK's 'Black Friday' episode and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE come to mind. Saturday Night Live portrayed the series as having a thirteen-year-old boy as a consultant whose main concern was showing as many breasts per scene as possible.


I have a love hate relationship with the series, I get really into it and then really sick of it and back and forth. I would agree it's very campy and nothing ever happens. I think the books are worse for that. This season a lot will happen though.