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Is the Bond you grew up with your favourite?

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#1 Brett Sinclair

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 11:17 PM

Apologises if a similar topic has been posted elsewhere, but was just curious to know if the Bond era of which you grew up was also your favourite Bond actor? I grew up in the Roger Moore era and he is by far my favourite Bond. I was just wondering if this is the same case for anyone else?

#2 AMC Hornet

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 01:43 AM

It is with me.


DAF was my first Bond experience back in '71. Already knowing that Connery wouldn't be back, I was fine with Moore taking over. Actually, I could identify with him more than with Connery - fair-haired smart Alec that he was, relying on wits more than brawn. All the snobbery seemed more authentic with him than with Connery - or Dalton or Craig, for that matter.


As we were blessed with only 7 Moore Bonds, I find myself dipping into my Saint and Persuaders DVDs to get further fixes of class, sophistication, romance and action.

#3 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 02:04 AM

I grow up with Brosnan and for that reason he is my favorite, it was his films that got me into the franchise. 

#4 x007AceOfSpades



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 02:32 AM

I grew up with Brosnan's tenure as Bond. A good Bond, though he isn't my favorite. Sean Connery is, behind him are Daniel Craig and Timothy Dalton.

#5 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 08:48 AM

Not applicable to me this one - I grew up with Pierce Brosnan's Bond launching in 1995 when I was 10 in 'GoldenEye' and I also had my first cinematic Bond with 'Tomorrow Never Dies', but before I saw 'TND' in the cinema, my first James Bond film ever was 'Licence To Kill' on VHS that my Grandad let me watch (he got me into James Bond, bless his soul!) and so my favourite by the only defining point I can choose from amongst 6 great actors in the first one I saw who was burned on my brain as the template for James Bond, and that was Timothy Dalton.

#6 Orion


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:05 PM

grew up with Brosnan, and I loved his movies, but I prefer Daniel Craig' s performance and his movies. I find them closer to how I envision Bond.

#7 plankattack


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 01:05 PM

No. That being said the first film I saw - LALD, and there's a thread out which I need to visit and make its case! - holds a special place in my heart. But isn't that the case for all of us, that our first film is special?

But as for the actor - no. I love Sir Rog, I love them all, but he's not my favourite.

#8 Orion


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 01:24 PM

No. That being said the first film I saw - LALD, and there's a thread out which I need to visit and make its case! - holds a special place in my heart. But isn't that the case for all of us, that our first film is special?

But as for the actor - no. I love Sir Rog, I love them all, but he's not my favourite.

I concur, still have a special place in my heart for TWINE as the first Bond movie I saw in the cinema.

#9 Major Tallon

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 01:37 PM

While obviously not an ironclad rule, there's probably something to this.  In my case, I'd read half the Fleming books before I ever saw a Bond movie ("Goldfinger"), so that literary fellow is the one against whom I judge most of the films.  Connery's not my favorite Bond (Dalton is), and I'm extremely fond of the first three movies.

#10 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 03:48 PM

TSWLM was my first Bond film - so Sir Roger will always have a special place in my heart.


But as to the question who´s my favorite? Hard to say. Apart from Lazenby to whom I never really warmed I love all the other actors, too.

#11 TheFacility



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 04:44 PM

The first Bond film I saw was, appropriately, but by complete luck, Dr. No.  It was in either ‘94 or ’95 when it was screening on TV (maybe the TBS week-long Bond-a-thons?); I was 11 at the time and quickly fell in love with the 007 series.  For Christmas in ‘95, I received all of the Connery’s on VHS and most of the Moore’s, plus GoldenEye 007 for N64.  The first Bond I saw in the theater was (unfortunately…) DAD.  So Brosnan was my era’s Bond, I was equally aware of Moore and enjoyed his films, but Connery was, is, and (likely) will forever be my favorite Bond (though I love them all – except Craig, but that’s a whole other story….)

#12 Bill



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:51 PM

As a huge Star Wars fan, Moonraker was the first Bond film I saw on the big screen back in 1979.  I was 11.


It is possible I saw Goldfinger prior to that on a cable channel called Cinema 100, but I think Moonraker pre-dated that. 

Roger Moore was the first Bond I saw, or at least the one that made the biggest impression on me at the time.  Moonraker was a true spectacle, and it was thrilling.  I remember being awed by the gunbarrel, the pre-titles sequence with Bond out of the plane without a parachute, my first Maurice Binder title sequence with Shirley Bassey's beautiful song, the wrist watch dart gun (and mixing up Q and M as to who was in charge--I think for a bit I even thought Desmond Llewelyn played a character called Hugh) the introduction of Holly Goodhead (with the double entendre being completely over my head at the time), the intimidating figure of Jaws, the matter of fact villainy of Drax, the traumatic death of Corrine, the cable car sequence, Bond as cowboy, the boat chase and fight with the snake, escaping the ignition flames, the flight into space, the space station, the US Space Marines and the awesome laser battle, Bond's disposing of Drax, Bond saving the world by firing the laser from the shuttle and finally his "attempt at re-entry" (despite that line also being lost on me at the time!)  Through it all, I had a new hero.  Different then Batman, Spider-Man or Steve Austin, but far cooler.  Roger Moore was witty and tough at the same time. 

I decided to research this character, as I knew there was a history to him which I wanted to explore.  I went to the local library (no internet then--you kids are really spoiled today!) and took out the few books which discussed the series, as well as the few Fleming anthologies they had.  I inhaled it all.  Over the years I would track down all the novels, as well as O.F. Snelling's James Bond:  A Report, and the films, relying on ABC's Sunday night broadcasts (and occasionally Frindays) of Bond films for my first viewings of many of them.

By the time For Your Eyes Only was released, I was a bit of an expert on 007.  With John Gardner's first novel released that same year, which I took out of the library and also read its serialization in the New York Post, I realized that Bond belonged to the future as well as the past.  Roger Moore was my James Bond, throughout junior and senior high school.  When The Living Daylights was released the summer of my freshman year of college, I welcomed the new Bond, while never forgetting the old.

I was mature enough to acknowledge that Connery, Lazenby and Dalton were all excellent, but Moore was my favorite, as he was really my first.  With Brosnan years later and now Craig, I have the same view of them--they all play Bond well, and in their own way.  Roger Moore was and shall remain the best Bond for me.

To date, I have met George Lazenby, Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore.  Meeting all of them was terrific, but Moore was extra special.  I met him at two book signings and at a private event at the Players Club back in 2008 (thanks to Lee Pfeiffer) and again this past November, at the Players Club.  Every time I was struck by what a true gentleman he is, gracious and kind.  I was able to have his books signed and get a picture with him, and in doing so, and watching and listening to his discussing Bond and other areas of his remarkable life and career, I can honestly say that nobody does it better. 

Edited by Bill, 17 January 2013 - 05:53 PM.

#13 seawolfnyy



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 06:03 PM

I grew up with Brosnan as Bond, so no this doesn't apply to me.

#14 Mallory



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 07:49 PM

It is complicated for me because I grew up on the Connery and Moore films on TV and was a little underwhelmed by Brosnan who was Bond when I was growing up. I was impressed by GoldenEye, but Thunderball compared to Tomorrow Never Dies, The Spy Who Loved Me compared to The World is Not Enough, I guess I was fine with Brosnan but Connery and Moore were better. Even Lazenby was better for me even though it was only one film which to me is one of the more memorable films.

#15 Hockey Mask

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 10:44 PM

Grew up with Moore and he used to be my favorite but he has since dropped to 3rd.

#16 ChrissBond007


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 11:35 PM

Pierce Brosnan was the first I saw in a Bondmovie (Goldeneye) and also the one who introduced me to James Bond overall when I saw him on the cover of Goldeneye 64 before that. 


I will always have this special feeling with Brosnan because he introduced me to Bond, but I personally don't prefer any of the Bonds to another these days. 

#17 Double-0-Seven


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 01:54 AM

Nope - I grew up with Pierce but Connery quickly became my favorite as I started renting all the films as a kid. Daniel might be my favorite now though - tied with Connery anyways. I like all the Bonds though.

#18 tdalton



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Posted 18 January 2013 - 06:59 AM

Not for me.  Grew up with Brosnan, who I'd rank probably 5th, just ahead of Lazenby. 

#19 jaguar007



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Posted 18 January 2013 - 07:17 AM

I'm not sure who my first Bond was, either Connery or Moore since I watched Bond films on TV with my mom as a kid. The first Bond I saw in the theater was TSWLM and it was during the Moore era that I became a fan. In my pre-teens I was most certainly preferred Moore, but as I got into high school and started reading the books, Connery became the man and still is. I was delighted by Dalton in 87 and he was my 2nd favorite until Craig came along. I was a fan of Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele in the 80's but never quite took to him as Bond.

#20 sansim



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Posted 19 January 2013 - 06:53 AM

1973 - I was 5 years old, I went to see a Thunderball / You Only Live Twice double bill with my mum & dad at my local cinema. I was blown away. Sean Connery will always be my favourite, followed by Daniel Craig.

#21 danielcraig007casinoroyale



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Posted 19 January 2013 - 02:29 PM

Grew up with Connery,thought he would never be surpassed .

But Craig blows every one else out of the water IMO,much closer to the books.

Have them all on DVD except Rger Moore,cannot watch any film with him in it.More emotion in a piece of wood.Think he would come off second best if he fought a lettuce.

#22 AMC Hornet

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Posted 20 January 2013 - 01:08 AM

Come on, don't pussyfoot around in order to spare anyone's feelings - tell us what you really think.

#23 FredJB007



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Posted 20 January 2013 - 02:43 PM

Yeah, I've been there from the beginning with Sean, but now its like Connery is No. 1 and Daniel is 1a.

And I never thought anyone could come close to Sean. Dan is THAT GOOD.

#24 Grard Bond

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Posted 20 January 2013 - 08:35 PM

My first Bondfilm was For your eyes only with Roger and he still is my favorite Bond, although when I got older Connery I realy liked Connery too. Now they are  both on the same level for me. All the other Bonds are less.

#25 Professor Pi

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Posted 20 January 2013 - 09:06 PM

First Bond was Roger Moore in TSWLM in 1977 theaters though I may have seen parts of LALD on TV before that.  So for years he was James Bond to me.  When I first saw a picture of Sean Connery, I didn't buy him as Bond, even after I saw his movies.  Moore was closer to Fleming's description.  I was totally against Pierce Brosnan being cast for The Living Daylights in 1987, but welcomed him when GoldenEye came around and accepted him as Bond in TND.  I had many reasons for not agreeing with the Daniel Craig casting until I saw Casino Royale.  Brosnan couldn't have pulled that off.


But I think Timothy Dalton will always be my favorite.  He was the most faithful to the literary character.  Connery the most cinematic.  Moore the most charming.  Lazenby the most physical.  And Craig is perhaps the best actor and his Bond is the most psychologically on the edge.

#26 Iceskater101


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Posted 21 January 2013 - 08:55 PM

Timothy Dalton is probably one of my favorites and I didn't grow up with him.. :/ what an attractive man.

#27 Hockey Mask

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 05:56 PM

Timothy Dalton is probably one of my favorites and I didn't grow up with him.. :/ what an attractive man.

I am a dude so I am probably not the best judge but I just don't see it.

#28 MajorBoothroyd



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Posted 22 January 2013 - 07:54 PM

I grew up with Brozza, but didn't really notice until I became a fan. My favourite film is GE. Best out of them all. Or the bits I've seen anyway.

#29 WhatMeWorry?



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 03:37 AM

Yes, the Bond I grew up with, Pierce Brosnan, is my favorite. But it's only because The Broz IS the best Bond ever. It's a simple fact, people.

Edited by WhatMeWorry?, 23 January 2013 - 03:38 AM.

#30 Iceskater101


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 03:59 PM


Timothy Dalton is probably one of my favorites and I didn't grow up with him.. :/ what an attractive man.

I am a dude so I am probably not the best judge but I just don't see it.



Haha that's how I feel about George Lazenby.. I don't find him attractive at all. Timothy Dalton... :)