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New poster book worth it?

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#1 zencat


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 09:53 PM

Can someone who has the new 50th Anniversary poster book tell me if it's worth getting? I have the three previous books -- is there enough new content to justify getting yet another? One thing I like is I saw it has TLD concept art. That's sweet. Does it have concept art for most of the other films. That would tip me over to buying it.


#2 DamnCoffee



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Posted 04 September 2012 - 09:58 PM

I'm in two minds about it. It looks beautifully presented though. Take a look at this.

#3 zencat


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 10:05 PM

Nice. Thanks for that.

#4 DamnCoffee



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Posted 04 September 2012 - 10:06 PM

There's some GoldenEye posters in there I haven't seen before, either.

#5 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 04 September 2012 - 10:10 PM

Nice find Mharkin - I too was wondering about this as I have the previous Poster book, but this does look nice with good images in... and I am a sucker for all things Bond, especially for the 50th!

#6 zencat


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 10:26 PM

The TLD and LTK concepts are great. Tell me there's Moonraker or Octopussy concepts and it's on!

#7 Simon



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Posted 05 September 2012 - 06:23 AM

I have already bought it based on another recommendation on these boards - Stainlesssteelteeth, or some such.

I came across it in a bookshop yesterday - it Absolutely looks worth it. Many inclusions, many many concepts. A massive great tome with its own cardboard case to it. Am sure you would love it zen. I am glad I have bought it.

#8 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 05 September 2012 - 01:40 PM

That's an awesome video! But I still can't decide if I should, I'm about 60 % sure I will. I didn't realize it was so nice. The double sided case, the DN cover and 300 pages sounds like a lot of material. And does it come with a few small posters?

#9 Stainless Steel Teeth INC

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 01:46 PM

Yes, mine came with a couple of prints placed inside a envelope mounted on the inside cover. Nothing to get excited about but still a nice little extra.

I would definitely recommend the book though, especially at the current price. I have no idea if there are any plans to release a paperback edition down the line but I doubt if it would be significantly cheaper and at 300 pages it really is quite a weighty book so I believe the hardback offers the best protection.

Edited by Stainless Steel Teeth INC, 05 September 2012 - 01:47 PM.

#10 Simon



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Posted 05 September 2012 - 02:59 PM

Yup - just received mine too.

It is simply chock full of unused poster concepts.

It would have been nice if all the Marler Hayler artworks had been found and published. Also, but perhaps irrelevantly, all the US and UK lobby cards. (But this last is something close to my heart, but as they have shown some examples, I found myself wondering about all)

Simply, at £22 from Amazon, it is undoubtedly worth every penny.

#11 roger no more

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 03:22 PM

I always think..In the world how many unseen poster artwork we not yet discover.....anyway this one worth to keep.

#12 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 06 September 2012 - 06:40 PM

Here is my little review:

Its much larger then I was expecting and I wasn't expecting the double sided cover which was nice with the SF teaser on the back of the book.

The book comes with 2 small posters: 1) of OP (like the cover but while background) and the 2nd) of DN although it is does not even look like Conney IMO
For 57 dollars Canadian:
I think it should came with the '50th Anniversary poster' which doesn't even get a full page in the book and the SF teaser poster.

It is to bad they couldn't wait and release this after the release of the SF poster because it almost seems incomplete near the end of the book.
I think it should have had the VHS and DVD covers too, I think it would really have added to the book. But that's just me.

Overall I don't know how to feel about it just yet, its very larger and really nice but some images are repeated with small differences and like I said it feels empty by the time you get to SF.

This book probably does better with someone interested in art and design but makes for an excellent coffee table book.

#13 zencat


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 06:39 PM

I sent an email to DK seeing if I could get a review copy, but didn't hear back. And it's not (just) because I'd like a free copy. I really think this book needs a proper review by a real Bond fan who has the other poster books and can tell you what's different and special about this one. Why this is a must buy. I suspect the concept art for TLD and LTK makes this a must buy.

I'm sure I'll buy it eventually. But I won't feel compelled to review it. Not being able to get good info on it has been frustrating. But I appreciate the feedback here. :)

#14 Simon



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Posted 09 September 2012 - 07:05 PM

This is a first - zencat has Not bought a Bond book.

Joking aside, there are numerous concept art inclusions, but, as per your previous wondering, none for Moonraker or Octopussy.

It has also surpassed itself in terms of poster interpretations from various, for want of a better word, minority locations.

Zen, do you have any specific requests for information as I am happy to answer them. It is a good buy though - and I do have the previous two poster books with which to compare.

#15 zencat


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 07:18 PM

As far as movie books go, I'm pulling way back. I might only get the Skyfall On Set book. And even that I'm not sure. I was a little let down by the CR and QOS books. I like information over pictures. The best Making of book is still LTK, IMO.

As to the poster book, the concept art is what really makes it worth it for me. I love that stuff. Thanks for answering my MR OP question.

My concern is that many of the sections are just repeats of the Nourmand book with lobby cards thrown in. Also, I really don't care about foreign language posters unless the artwork is truly unique. The Japanese posters are a huge yawn for me, yet they get full pages in Nourmand book, which then leaves out the NSNA and FYEO U.S. one-sheets. Certainty I'd like to know that this book is complete with all the U.S. and UK posters. I'd love something that could almost be used as a checklist.

In fact, I'm staring to think my caution here is because I felt burned by the Nourmand book. It didn't seem put together by someone who really knew much about the posters or what to include. And it really skimped on the non-Connery films.

#16 MarkA



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Posted 09 September 2012 - 08:50 PM

There is really an awful lot of crossover with the Nourmand book, but having said that I guess there had to be. There are only so many posters. I have already noticed an error in the copy as well. I am sure the people that really know this stuff will spot more. Being a graphic designer I don't mind the more visual books as long as the stuff is original. The books that really disappointed me were The Art of James Bond (which it clearly was not about, just some stuff we had seen many times before with random quotes) and the Jame Bond Encyclopedia (just kids stuff, pretending that Bond and the characters are real and explaining plots and information anyone who watches the films would know anyway). At least visually the new Poster book is fairly comprehensive. I agree with you about the LTK book superb. In fact Sellers and Helfenstein's books are pretty superb as well. Just for me let down by layout and production. And both could have done with a good proof read. But I think we are never going to get an official book really well illustrated and designed as well as interesting and as in-depth as those two books. Maybe there is not a market for one.

#17 Simon



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Posted 09 September 2012 - 10:45 PM

To be fair to the Bond on Set books, they were never really sold as a Making of book - I think they were clearly never going to be about that as the DVD coverage would take care of a lot of that information.

There are various copy mistakes in this poster book, to be sure. I was thinking of going through it to list them all but then I thought the various poster forums would have more of an interest in that guff than necessarily here - and then those forums would know them all anyway. But, for sake of argument, there are various UK DC/Crowns, industry adverts and lobby card title cards that are listed as teasers of one form or another - which are Not.

This poster book is not a checklist and there are several US and UK posters not included. Also for the interminably anal, none of the variations have been included that cover the slight text changes between art. For example, there are five US Skyfall teaser 1 sheets (the black gunbarrel tunnel art) all with differing text and, historically, four Moonraker Blasting off teaser posters. Again, maybe not the forum for this.

The checklist function would probably be better served by the internet - www.bondposters.com might be a start for this.

I must agree with the Japanese posters which to my mind, as art, is nothing more than a jumble of images thrown together from a great height, upon which lines of Japanese text flits in, out and around the resultant mess. To each his own, I s'pose.

By comparison, the Nourmand book is hopeless, especially as he is considered as a poster kingpin in the UK. And I think that some of his statements or supposed veracity has been lifted straight from that - all the above mistakes are present and correct in Nourmand's book.

zen, judging from your requirements you might be better off leaving alone.

#18 zencat


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Posted 10 September 2012 - 12:24 AM

Thanks guys. I'm going to get it. The concept art, the inclusion of CR and QOS, and the overall packaging is worth the price, I think.

Next I'll have to talked into the Bond on Set book.

The Archive book...way too much money.

#19 doublenoughtspy


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Posted 10 September 2012 - 12:36 AM

While is there is plenty of competition for the Bond fan's dollar (or pound) this year, I think this book is worth it - especially with the Amazon discount.

The Dalton concepts from TLD and LTK are worth the price of admission alone, IMHO.

Over 300 pages, slipcased, with 2 prints for $31?

Nice to have CR 67 and NSNA included in the fold, finally.

And Simon, just as you say the "On Set" books aren't meant to be "Making of's", this book doesn't claim to have every Bond poster ever made.

While I am sorry that it doesn't include double bills (except for 1 on the final page!), triple bills, festivals, tie-ins, etc. etc. I know that if it did, it would drive up the page count and the sale price significantly.

I think this is the perfect forum for corrections, additional info, etc. so I'd be interested in seeing what you've found wrong.

For OHMSS - they picture the 6 repro photobustas - not the original set of 10.

#20 Simon



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Posted 10 September 2012 - 08:40 AM

Thanks guys. I'm going to get it. The concept art, the inclusion of CR and QOS, and the overall packaging is worth the price, I think.

Now zencas, you're just being contrary! :)

A slew of posts suggesting you get it, and you conclude otherwise. My post saying it might not be up your street, and you decide again otherwise.

As for the Bond on Set - I think they are a waste of time for the Information hungry. So get it!

#21 zencat


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Posted 10 September 2012 - 02:35 PM

LOL. Sorry, Simon. A appreciated your post. But I'm nuts.

I agree with you about the Bond on Set books. I'm might hold off on that one until the price hits rock bottom. Maybe. ;)

#22 marktmurphy



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Posted 10 September 2012 - 04:03 PM

Does it have the Indian version of Octopussy? They had it hanging up in the Barbican and I don't remember seeing it before: it's got a great big pink Octopus behind all of the usual action, but for some reason all of the Hindi text makes it look great. I think it was Indian anyway, could have been Thai or something for all I know.

#23 Simon



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Posted 10 September 2012 - 06:40 PM



#24 zencat


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 04:20 PM

Got my poster book on the day it became outdated by the release of the U.S. Skyfall one-sheet. :)

Very happy with it. It's much better organized than the Nourmand book and rectifies many of the problems I had with that book (look, there's the FYEO U.S. one-sheet!). LOVE all the concept art (TSWLM!) and I think the captions are very informative. Really like that they translate the foreign posters.

I noticed a few omissions in the later films (no TND U.S. teaser?). And that is not the NSNA U.S. one-sheet. Also some omissions and mis-dating in OP and AVTAK.

But overall very very nicely done. Glad I got it.

#25 Simon



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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:33 PM

There is a major question mark over the NSNA 1 sheet listed in the book.

A number of movie poster forums don't quite know what to do with it as no one seems to want to own it. As it is, in terms of hands up who thinks it belongs where, the consensus is that it is a US 1 sheet of some description. It isn't necessarily the Australian 1 sheet.

As for omissions, there are many but I don't think the book set out to be a checklist as I think is understood above. Tragically, omission-wise, a complete run down of all the Odeon cinema Marley Hayley posters haven't been incorporated. For my part, it would have been superb to have seen all the five poster designs (1 quad + 4 DCs) that made up the complete display. (The display also incorporated the main UK quad)

I may go through it at some point and make a list of errors as I see them - see what others think of what I think.

Otherwise, happy you're happy with it as I think it deserves kudos.

So, Bond on Set??

#26 zencat


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:39 PM

There is a major question mark over the NSNA 1 sheet listed in the book.

A number of movie poster forums don't quite know what to do with it as no one seems to want to own it. As it is, in terms of hands up who thinks it belongs where, the consensus is that it is a US 1 sheet of some description. It isn't necessarily the Australian 1 sheet.

I have the actual poster. It's bizarre. It's not even a standard one-sheet size, it's a little shorter. I don't know why it would be considered a U.S. poster when it doesn't list the U.S. distributor (Warner Bros) or the U.S. rating. Find out where the film was distributed by PSO and we'll have our answer.

EDIT: Oh, scratch that, PSO was a producer on the film, not a distributor. It might have been a poster PSO whipped up themselves to market the film to international distributors. Poster art that could be used in these territories. Makes sense that they couldn't offer up the WB art.

#27 Simon



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 08:03 AM

Ah - hadn't thought of that. PSO themselves whipping it up.

Might explain the title logo which also doesn't bear any relationship to anything, anywhere else. I'll put your theory up and see who bites.


#28 J J



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:11 PM

The PSO/NSNA question is indeed as Zen suspects: PSO was the international sales organization for the film and they had designed their own artwork for the film that local distributors could use in case they were not going to design their own local art. In Benelux e.g., the Belgian distributor used the design and based their own local (small) poster on it but in Holland -a different distributor- simply ordered an x number of these international one sheets and shipped them into theatres.

#29 007 Magazine

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:30 PM

JAMES BOND 50 YEARS OF MOVIE POSTERS - published by Dorling Kindersley

After sending DK an email containg 55 seperate comments concerning the errors and text omissions in the book they have now apparently pulled it from Amazon.

I understand they now intend to reprint it in a corrected version.


#30 Dustin



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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:46 PM

Thank for clearing this up, Graham. It's a serious concern for many fans, as can be seen here. Wish they had involved you from the start, it would certainly have helped the quality of their product.