Posted 19 August 2012 - 02:27 PM
My Batman Reboot Idea-Batman is 25, and borrows elements from Earth One, Batman (1989) and Batman Begins and some from Court of Owls
Open the film with the death of Thomas & Martha Wayne. No need to develop a full backstory as to why they were there out walking late at night. Flash forward to the present when we see a family similar to Bruce's getting mugged. The thugs take their money and run, only to be pursued by Batman. Once they find a hole to settle into, Batman arrives and takes them out, while the thugs talk, Batman says nothing. At the scene we see Lt. James Gordon arrive at the scene, and one of the beatne up thugs talks about Batman. It seems Batman has been active for 3 months now, and is targeting muggers, thieves and at least one rapist. We then cut to the batcave as the batmobile pulls in. Alfred is there as Batman takes off his cape and cowl and changes into a robe. He and Bruce chit-chat about some things as the door to the study opens, we see a porttrait of the Wayne Family above them.
The next morning Bruce Wayne is in the headliines for breaking off a relationship with TV reporter Vicki Vale. Alfred wonders if Bruce will ever make the time for a real relationship, but Bruce only comments that nobody could understand his 'night life'. He goes to Wayne Enterprises, and acts like the interested head of the business while everyone knows Lucius Fox runs the company for him. They are discussing a joint venture with LexCorp, one that involves constructing a defense platform in outer space. LexCorp would supply the materials, while Wayne Industries would supply other resources, including the outlines for the O.M.A.C project. The meeting adjourns after Bruce expresses concerns doing business with Lex Luthor. He is more concerned over the rise of the Red Triangle Circus gang as seen in the paper he is reading and on TV.
We cut to Carmine Falcone, who is the head of the Gotham Underworld, known as the Court of Owls. He is vowing to take out the head of the Red Triangle Gang, Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin (He is not the Burton version, but more like the comic version, small, but very muscular, walks like a Penguin due to his size). One of the bosses, Salvador Maroni (who later scars Harvey Dent to make him Two-Face) says they need to pool in resources to hire a South American hitman, Another boss, Carl Grissom suggests they use their own hitman, Jack Napier (The Joker-before his 'change'). As they argue the door is kicked in, and in comes the Penguin, along with his enfocer and muscle Killer Croc. Penguin announces he is running the Court, and to prove it has Croc kill one of the lesser members. Penguin then takes his seat and starts barking orders, to which Falcone ignores. Seeing this, Penguin tells him he better start agreeing with him. Or else.
Bruce Wayne is out on a lunch date with Vicki Vale and they seem to patch things up. Unknown to Bruce he is observed by a man who is concealing himself. After the lunch date, Bruce begins work on the Red Triangle Gang. Later that night he learns of a warehouse robbery, the target a nerve toxin. Batman stops the robbery, but is badly beaten by Killer Croc, as he was not ready to deal with his strength. He is able to escape, but now must rethink his approach. Later that night the Court has made a descision-they want to kill Batman, and rely on their own special enforcer. Penguin wants to meet him, and we only see this person from behind.
Lt. Gordon is at the robbery scene, and they think they have a sample of Batman's DNA from blood left at the scene. Unfortunately for Gordon, it isn't Batman's blood, but Killer Croc. He sees the DA of Gotham August Kyle to get a warrant to arrest Penguin but he refuses. Gordon then leaves and tells his detectives, Harvey Bullock and Sarah Essen to fiind anyone who will talk about the Penguin. He then meets with Harvey Dent, an assistant DA and Dent will go to get a warrant but needs a stool pigeon. Gordon assures him he is working on it. As Gordon leaves, he starts his car and Batman is in it. Gordon is shocked, but Batman assures him he is not an enemy. He tells Gordon that Penguin is trying to take over the Court of Owls, and Gordon tells him their chief enforcer would not allow it. Gordon believed Batman to be it, but Batman reminds him he hasn't been in Gotham that long. Gordon is about to ask another question, but Batman has already left.
At Wayne Manor, the man who observed Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale is at the gates. He is only there a moment and drives off. Vicki Vale is on her way in a professional matter to interview Bruce Wayne about the O.M.A.C. initiative and to get a more detailed look into his life. The interview goes well, and as he and Vicki are about to leave, Alfred gives him the phone, and a voice at the end of the line says he needs to go to the place where the Wayne's currently rest. Bruce decides to take the bait and goes to the graves of his parents. He finds a man standing there, and he turns to reveal himself. Its the man who was observing him, and he introduces himself as Thomas Wayne, Jr. Bruce is shocked but does see a resemblance to his father. He tells Bruce that like him, he is avenging the murder of his parents, but also tells him that it was the Court of Owls that did the killing. When Bruce asks why, he is told to figure it out himself. Bruce then goes home and confronts Alfred, who tells him that before Thomas married Martha he dated the sister of Carmine Falcone, and she got pregnant. They named the boy Thomas Wayne Jr. Carmine hoped Thomas would be a mob doctor but he he refused. soon, Falcone's sister died, and Thomas Jr got despondent and had a mental collapse. Thomas signed away his rights and wrote Thomas Jr. out of the will. Bruce now knows who oredered the deaths of his parents and rushes off to see Falcone.
In his home, Carmine Falcone is relaxing as Batman crashes in. He lands a few punches on Falcone until another caped figure arrrives. He and Batman engage in a fight, but Batman is able to get the best of him. Owlman, as he is revealed looks almost exactly like Batman, as Falcone's men try to shoot Batman, they hold their fire. Batman is able to escape, and Owlman assures Falcone that there will be another time, but he needs to call in the Court. Owlman is now revealed the head of the Court of Owls. At the meeting the Penguin feels its time to work closely with Owlman. His gang will steal an arms shipment the next night, and to get Batman's attention, Owlman will take a hostage.
At her apartment, Vicki Vale is kidnapped by Owlman. In a board meeting, there is talk of a weapons shipment coming in for a test to show off the O.M.A.C. program. Bruce voices concern over security, and it is addressed. He then get a cell phone call. Its his brother telling him he has Vicki. If he wants to see her alive he will allow the incoming weapons to be stolen. Bruce leaves and then tells him this won't work. He is hung up on. The sun is setting. Batman is then racing to Gotham in the Batmobile. He phones Gordon to tell him that the Penguin is stealing the incoming Wayne Enterprise weapons shipment. Gordon has his men work on the stiing to nab the Penguin while Batman races to the building he was told to go to by his brother. Once he gets in, there are 10 armed men, and Batman is able to take them all out.
Gordon's men arrive at the scene, and Penguin and his men are all arrested. Harvey Dent is there, and the Penguin agrees to cut a deal for a reduced sentence. He tells Dent that Maroni is the head of the Court of Owls.
Batman then faces Killer Croc, and the battle is as intense as earlier, but Batman uses his surroundings, to gain an advantage. He then wraps his cape around Croc's neck and he passes out. He then finds Owlman, and tells him it is all over. He can see Vicki tied up and gagged, but next to her is another chair, the occupant cannot be seen. Owlman tells Batman that if he truly wants justice he must help him kill the man who murdered the Waynes. The other chair spins to reveal Carmine Falcone. He was the one who shot Thomas and Martha, but he couldn't kill Bruce. Batman tells him this isn't justice but revenge, and killing is a line that he will not cross. When Owlman threatens Vicki, Batman asks him how does that make him different from Falcone. Owlman then attacks Batman. The fight is nearly even, but the older Owlman gains an upper hand. After taking Batman's utility belt he walks over to Vicki and unties her. He tells her she needs to get the story of the century. At that moment, Batman strikes. He slams Owlman into the wall and puts his utility belt back on. He and Owlman then fight and knock each other out of the window and hang on the ledge. Taking shots at each other, Batman gets on the ledge and Owlman does as well. Batman takes off his cowl and Bruce pleads with his brother to stop this. Owlman takes off his mask and Thomas Jr says their father would be ashamed of him. Jr tells him to find his father's killer he went into the underworld and became its master. Now that he knew it was Falcone he could kill him and sell out the mob to the police one by one. Saying that went against all his beliefs Bruce puts on the cowl. He tells Jr that if that is the path he chooses to go, he will stop him. They get back to the fighting and get back into another room. Owlman stuns Batman with a taser, and then tosses a knife into Falcone, who is killed. Batman shakes off the taser and tackles Owlman and they go out the window. Batman fires a grappling gun and secures Owlman as the hook connects and stops their ascent. Owlman loses his grip and grabs Batman's leg. As they hang, Batman pleads with his brother. It can all end now, but Owlman refuses. The police arrive and Batman tells him that Justice will be served to the Gotham underworld. Owlman agrees, and then lets go. Batman watches in horror as Owlman falls to his death, landing on top of a police car. Gordon looks up and sees nothing. Batman then lets Vicki leave, and watches from a distance as she runs to tell Gordon what happened. A camera crew arrives and Vicki takes the microphone and tells her ordeal to the public.
The next day Owlman is identified as Thomas Falcone, not Thomas Wayne Jr. but he is to be buried next to the Wayne Plot. As Bruce stands over his brothers grave, he sees what he could have become. Alfred reminds him that while he too fears Bruce could become that, he is glad he at least stopped the descent. Vicki Vale arrives, and Bruce takes her into his limo. As the sun sets, we see the Bat Signal in the sky. Batman arrives, and Gordon tells him since he couldnt call him this was the next best thing. He then tells Batman of a robbery, and of a clue left at the scene. He hands Batman a green envelope with a question mark. Batman reads it and tells Gordon he'll get to work on it right away.
After the end credits, we see a well built Asian man walking into a throne room. He pauses at the throne and kneels. The figure in the throne is in shadows. The Asian man tells him Owlman has failed and has been stopped by Batman. The man in the throne says that he is disappointed but is not concerned. He asks the Asian, named Ubu, if the O.M.A.C. project has been sabotaged. After Ubu gives his confirmation, Ra's Al-Ghul rises and tells him that everything is in place, and that the Legion will be pleased at this development.