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Alternate Cut of Iron Man?

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#1 Matt_13



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Posted 13 January 2011 - 02:08 AM

I have no idea where else to post this. I'm watching Iron Man on the channel FX, and there are a very large number of scenes I have never seen before woven into the film. At the start, when we see Stark and Rhodey in the Casino, there's a whole bit where Stark places a three million dollar bet when playing roulette. During this scene Stark asks Rhodey if he's ready for their trip to Afghanistan and James mentions that they are headed for a "hot zone."

In the caves, when Stark refuses to build the Jericho missile the first time, instead of being water boarded, we see Yensen attack Stark for refusing, and then play off the attack after the terrorists leave.

There is a whole scene where Rhodey confronts a commanding officer at Bagram about conducting search and rescue missions in an attempt to find Stark.

This is all I've noticed so far, but this is all included in the film being shown on TV, edited with music, and it's really confusing me. What's the deal with this cut of the film? Why are all of these scenes that I've never seen woven into the original film? Anyone have any clue?

#2 terminus


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Posted 13 January 2011 - 02:18 AM

Could be some sort of 'Director's Cut'? I watched the A-Team Blu Ray yesterday and it had a few extra scenes that I don't recall from the cinema in an extended cut.

#3 Matt_13



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Posted 13 January 2011 - 02:19 AM

I just checked the Blu Ray. It seems FX is showing a cut of the film that, while not including all of the deleted scenes, makes use of many of them, including many of the extended scenes. Really interesting that they would use this.

#4 JimmyBond



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Posted 13 January 2011 - 02:45 AM

Cable channels do this often with movies to pad out the running time. Other times they'll edit movies to fit the running time they have. But if the movie is just long enough to not work in a 2 hour time-slot but a 3 hour time-slot, they'll put deleted scenes back in to pad that running time.

#5 Chief of SIS

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Posted 13 January 2011 - 03:14 AM

FX has a tendency to do that. It's the only reason I watch movies on FX. It's that whole dvd on tv thing. They did the same with Transporter and Spider-man I think.

#6 OmarB


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Posted 13 January 2011 - 06:19 PM

Yeah, FX is one of the few broadcast channels I watch movies on because they put extra stuff back in the movie. I'm pretty sure they almost always put everything back in except for the stuff they have to edit for broadcast. First time I noticed was when they played The Punisher on TV, I love that movie.

#7 Matt_13



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Posted 13 January 2011 - 07:52 PM

That's pretty interesting. The final cut of the film I concluded is superior. The dialogue isn't as punchy when there's more of it. Still, thought it was pretty interesting that they would do this to a film. I had never heard of a TV station actually putting things back in to a film as a opposed to cutting stuff out. Neat.