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Indy is STILL bigger than Bond!

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#1 5 BONDS



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 09:05 AM

Even though the new Indy film was just an average film it has now earned at least £200 million more at the box office than Casino Royale did..which I think is still the better movie.

The main reason is that Bond does not make more than £200 million at the US box office and stumbles for that reason. What is it about US audiences?

Seems like Bond will never achieve the same as Indy. Perhaps Thunderball is the only movie adjusted by inflation that probably has beaten of each Indy movie.

Even QOS I don't think will earn as much as Indy even though it will be a much better film.

What is it about Indy? What has the Indy films got that Bond hasn't.

Granted there is some good action in Indy but the special effects are awful...even the earlier films had some awful green, blue screen shots.

It will be always baffling why Indiana Jones appeals more to audiences than James Bond.

Current takings up to date worldwide in US dollars:

CASINO ROYALE $587,607,184

Edited by 5 BONDS, 13 July 2008 - 09:07 AM.

#2 Safari Suit

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 09:13 AM

It probably helps that there have only been four Indy films, and most of the spin-offs have been fairly low key or mostly forgotten (like the Young series). Ergo, it still feels relatively fresh (the franchise is also 20 years younger), and up to two decades worth of anticipation developed for the new film.

#3 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:06 AM

The thing is that Indiana Jones is one of maybe two names within modern cinema that can sell a film with that name alone, the other being James Bond. And, as has been stated, Indy has had a far shorter tenure and fewer bad products, unlike Bond who was in serious trouble with Die Another Day. Sure, Indy has had his low points - like Mola Ram, who was given the ability to dig a person's heart out of their chests simply to give him more credibiliy as a villain - but it's generally been family-friendly fun most of the way. James Bond, on the other hand, is known for sex and violence first and foremost.

#4 DamnCoffee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:16 AM

I would have expected Indy to gross more than Bond. There hasn't been one for 19 years, the furthest we ever went without a Bond movie is 6. :tup:

#5 AngryPolarBear



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:30 AM

I'm not being jelaous on Bond's behalf, but it's too bad a mediocre movie like Indy 4 gets those numbers at the box office. But Indiana Jones is a big name, and people have waited 20 years for this new film.

#6 bond 16.05.72

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:42 AM

Who cares?

Casino Royale was top rebirth of the most famous Film character of all time

Crystal Skull was an embarassing imposter which was a huge disappointment, I know which one will age better and probaly we'll still be talking about in 25 years time.

CR was a triumph, KOTCS was rubbish.

#7 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 11:06 AM

Bond generally sells not as much tickets as Indiana Jones because Bond is more of a serious adult thriller while Jones is a mass audience rollercoaster ride. That´s why the more fun-oriented Bond films the "serious" Bond fans hate (YOLT, MR, DAD) made much more money than the adult ones. CR is the first exeption to that rule.

With the shorter running time QOS will be more successful than CR and will challenge Indiana Jones at the box office. Although for CRYSTAL SKULL there was also one factor in favor: it really seems to be the last one with a regular Indy as a main character.

#8 Craig is 007

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 11:21 AM

Indy is NOT better than Bond, maybe Kingdom Of The Crystal Skulls earnt more in the US Box-office, but that doesn't mean that Indiana Jones is bigger than James Bond.

Edited by Craig is 007, 13 July 2008 - 11:22 AM.

#9 DamnCoffee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 11:25 AM

Indy is NOT better than Bond, maybe Kingdom Of The Crystal Skulls earnt more in the US Box-office, but that doesn't mean that Indiana Jones is bigger than James Bond.

Not at all.

James Bond franchise total Worldwide Box office

Indiana Jones franchise total Worldwide Box office

See the difference :tup:

#10 bond 16.05.72

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 11:51 AM

I's have to say Raiders is better than any Bond entry but it's sequels, a handful of Bond entries are better than.

KOTCS is the DAD, Batman & Robin of the Indy series, yes it was that bad it was terrible, insulting past characters, over reliance on CGI and a plot & maguffin which could have been good if handle properly instead of all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

Raiders is a near perfect exmaple of action adventure cinema, it hits all the beats perfectly, casting, Direction, pace & score etc.

Temple & Crusade fall considerably short of that despite being most enjoyable. FRWL, TB, OHMSS, LALD, SWLM, TLD LTK & CR are equal if not better films in my opinion, some considerably more.

KOTCS has left a black mark against Indy in the same way the prequels did to Star Wars. I can't believe some are saying the Crystal Skull was a good as the previous sequels, which film were you watching?

#11 DamnCoffee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 11:58 AM

I can't believe some are saying the Crystal Skull was a good as the previous sequels, which film were you watching?

I love all the Indy films but I admit that KS isn't as good as the first 3 Indiana Jones movies.

#12 Safari Suit

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 12:02 PM

I think its a few steps too far to compare either DAD or KOTCS to Batman & Robin. I mean I could barely stand Skull, but B&R was bad enough in the eyes of just about everyone to literally stop a lucrative franchise dead in its tracks, I doubt if a new Indy were anounced the stench of Skull would stop it from being a hit (it has more than its fair share of fans). And no matter how much some may dislike certain entries, Bond has never come close to enduring a disaster on that scale.

#13 Colonel Moon

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 12:13 PM

Indy is NOT better than Bond, maybe Kingdom Of The Crystal Skulls earnt more in the US Box-office, but that doesn't mean that Indiana Jones is bigger than James Bond.

Not at all.

James Bond franchise total Worldwide Box office

Indiana Jones franchise total Worldwide Box office

See the difference :tup:

James Bond 21 movies

Indiana Jones 4 movies

#14 marktmurphy



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 12:38 PM

Impressive; must be the big build up and perhaps that Americans (who are the biggest market) just prefer Indy. He's a classic American hero (even looks a bit like a cowboy!) and he's a bit charming and fun than (new) Bond. Seems fair enough.
I enjoyed both films very much.

#15 Invincible1958



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:05 PM

James Bond franchise total Worldwide Box office

Indiana Jones franchise total Worldwide Box office

See the difference :tup:

James Bond 21 movies

Indiana Jones 4 movies

You never can compare figures from different years. You have to adjust them for inflation first.
Adjusted for inflation the Bondmovies made more than $11 billion worldwide.
"Dr. No" made $60 million worldwide. And those $60 million are part of the 4,4 billion worldwide. But $60 million in 1962 is like $500 million today.

So IF you want to compare you have to compare the worldwide admissions, because 1 man in 1962 is still one man in 2008.

#16 sark



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:35 PM

Indy is NOT better than Bond, maybe Kingdom Of The Crystal Skulls earnt more in the US Box-office, but that doesn't mean that Indiana Jones is bigger than James Bond.

Not at all.

James Bond franchise total Worldwide Box office

Indiana Jones franchise total Worldwide Box office

See the difference :tup:

James Bond 21 movies

Indiana Jones 4 movies

Which kind of proves the point that Indy ISN'T bigger than Bond in any real sense f the word.
Indy may be bigger in the US, but which franchise have more people seen? Bond wins hands down.

#17 Invincible1958



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:53 PM

Indy may be bigger in the US, but which franchise have more people seen? Bond wins hands down.

I don't think that a new Indy movie would be so succesful if there was a new Indy movie every 2 years.

EON produces its 22nd Bond movie. And Bond is on a certain level where he doesn't fall under. Each single movie might not be the Nr. 1 movie of the year. But there is no other franchise where you have that many movies on this quality level over 46 years with a new movie out almost every 2 years - without one single flop. And by that I mean a real flop, where they lose money.

#18 bond 16.05.72

bond 16.05.72

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:06 PM

I think its a few steps too far to compare either DAD or KOTCS to Batman & Robin. I mean I could barely stand Skull, but B&R was bad enough in the eyes of just about everyone to literally stop a lucrative franchise dead in its tracks, I doubt if a new Indy were anounced the stench of Skull would stop it from being a hit (it has more than its fair share of fans). And no matter how much some may dislike certain entries, Bond has never come close to enduring a disaster on that scale.

I'm not talking about success wise, in my view although not many films have touched the awfulness of B&R or the Avengers for that matter. (please don't try and defend the film, I had unfortunate displeasure to pay to watch it, I know I must be mad and B&R and no Connery's appearance does not help it, if anything it makes it worse)

Although if I was going to say where those series have hit rock bottom then DAD & KOTCS would be it.

Personally I'd rather not watch either again with the exception of DAD because it's a Bond film I probably will. A glutton for punishment I am.

In all fairness I only really rate Batman Returns out of the old franchise, Batman is vastly overrated and I can't believe anyone would like it over BB. I remember queing up for B 89 and thinking it was awesome, I went to see it a 2nd time and watched it without the hype and saw a film which didn't flow particularly well and an actor who was determined to hijack it all to himself and Forever is just rubbish. Whereas Returns seems the most complete film and keaton seems more comfortable plus Walken's Shreck is a joy to watch and Devito & Phieffier do a good job with their roles.

Yes your right those films don't quite hit the nadir of B&R of The Avengers but they are it's equivalent in relation to the series they come from.

#19 5 BONDS



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:06 PM

What is stopping US audiences to watch a Bond movie?

#20 Johnboy007


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:20 PM

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact it was the first Indiana Jones in 19 years.

#21 dodge



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:25 PM

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact it was the first Indiana Jones in 19 years.

Nothing at all. Pure coincidence. :tup:

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact it was the first Indiana Jones in 19 years.

Nothing at all. Pure coincidence. :tup:

#22 Fro



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:29 PM

What is stopping US audiences to watch a Bond movie?

Part of America is too sex-paranoid to take their kids to a Bond film. For whatever reason that makes it non-PC for EON/Sony to market Bond to kids the way Indy is marketed even though it has the same MPAA ratings as The Dark Knight or Indy 4.

#23 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 07:30 PM

Indy 4 was a weak Indy outing...but I knew it would open huge and get to $300M because it's a top-of-the-food-chain franchise from the 80s with nostalgia to exploit.

Everytime someone says something is better than Bond, that thing goes away and Bond continues to thrive...Indy really does seem like Old hat to me while Bond is at the front of the line...

#24 crheath



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 08:07 PM

Indiana Jones, as weak as it was, was the first Indy movie since 1989. Bond, however comes out every two to three years.

#25 Gobi-1


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 08:43 PM

Casino Royale is the better movie but I must say I enjoyed Crystal Skull just as much (or maybe even a little bit more). I've seen the film four times compared to only seeing CR twice. So I'm partially to blame for the higher box office. :tup:

Plus I had never seen an Indy movie on the big screen before so I saw it as many times as I could. I'm sure they're were quite a few Indy fans who did the same. Indy also benefits from being more family friendly then Bond and opening during the summer when kids are out of school. Indy 4 has done very well with family audiences.

Also Harrison Ford, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg have been known to sell a few tickets.

The best thing that can be said about Casino Royale's Box Office is that Daniel Craig, an unknown to many, out grossed Pierce Brosnan who had been known since the 1980s with Remington Steele. A huge accomplishment for a first time Bond.

#26 The Richmond Spy

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 08:55 PM

1) Be a great (or even very good) film
2) Make enough money to ensure another film soon

As long as a new Bond film satisfies those two conditions, I can't say I care about the specifics.

#27 zencat


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 09:01 PM

Somehow I don't see Indy making it to 22 films (or even 5).

#28 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 09:06 PM

There are 4 Indy films. I like two of them.The first Indy beats any Bond film but that's the only advanatge I'll grant Indy.I like the hat,whip,brown leather jacket & kakis thing alot too.

#29 BoogieBond



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:55 PM

I think it was just the anticipation that gives Indy its big Box Office. The character has such a mass appeal and is so universal.

I think Indy, along with Star Wars, Spider-Man and others present a more simplified, straight up hero and Good vs evil with a feelgood factor, that parents are comfortable with. Bond is not really trying to achieve this in films such as CR, there are grey areas, Bond has a dark side to him and is a bit more complex, not your straight up good guy. CR also has a slightly bitter ending overall compared to the hero getting the girl and living happily ever after.

And I think especially in the US, Bond is not numero uno, but is still big box office. But on Worldwide box office Bond is up there with the top echelon.

In the US, Casino Royale got beaten by a number of big films in 2006 , but it was still around the top 10. But Indy, Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR , Pirates etc. Because of their appeal, and some to younger audiences, can draw more cash in the US. I am not surprised Indy has got 310Mill in the US compared to 167 Mill for CR. It has a larger demographic, and for all the other reasons(long gap between films etc..).

CR has the same sort of audience as the Bourne films, it is not really for, or aimed at children, although children will see it. But the family outings such as Spider-Man, X-Men, Star Wars etc... May draw many of the young adults and over 13s, that Bond does not draw.

I think that Batman looks also well hyped and will get a big audience, along with Iron Man this year in the US, and Harry Potter to come, I don't expect QOS to get near them in the US(somewhere about 200Mill would be a good result), but worldwide, I hope it will be up there with them(600 mill+).

As Long as QOS is a great Bond film, though, and is reasonably successful, that is all I am bothered about. :tup:

Edited by BoogieBond, 13 July 2008 - 11:13 PM.

#30 DR76


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Posted 14 July 2008 - 01:15 AM

Perhaps this has something to do with the possibility that Indiana Jones is more of an American icon than James Bond, which is British. That is why Bond films tend to do better business in the UK than anywhere else in the world. I don't think it's about which franchise is better.

As for the Indy films, I love all four of them. TEMPLE OF DOOM is my favorite and LAST CRUSADE is my least favorite. But I love all four of them.

Edited by DR76, 14 July 2008 - 01:16 AM.