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S.P.E.C.T.R.E Returns?

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#1 MiJennings



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Posted 26 April 2007 - 06:43 PM

I've been searching for a official comment or answer to this since I read the Kevin McClory pass away late last year. Can EON use Blofeld and the S.P.E.C.T.R.E be used in future Bond films now that McClory's no longer with us? Probably, the rights transferred to McClory's family but could/should EON bring back S.P.E.C.T.R.E. as a result?

I'm more than familiar with the 1963 British court ruling and the whole backstory behind "Thunderball" but has anything changed with using Blofeld/S.P.E.C.T.R.E. since McClory's death? This would be an interesting Podcast topic and I'd appreciate any info or insight anyone has.

#2 Royal Dalton

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 07:26 PM

If Eon wanted to bring S.P.E.C.T.R.E. back, they'd either have to licence the screen rights from McClory's estate, or wait until 2076 for the copyright to expire.

So, I don't think it's very likely that they'll be returning anytime soon...

Edited by Royal Dalton, 26 April 2007 - 07:28 PM.

#3 crheath



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Posted 26 April 2007 - 07:37 PM

Didn't the rights get sold by McClory and end up back at Sony, like Casino Royale? I thought I heard something like that...

#4 HawkEye007



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Posted 26 April 2007 - 08:01 PM

I was under the impression that Sony owned the rights to SPECTRE, and then when they bought Eon, they would have the ability to use that as well as Blofeld?

#5 Royal Dalton

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 08:11 PM

I was under the impression that Sony owned the rights to SPECTRE, and then when they bought Eon, they would have the ability to use that as well as Blofeld?

Sony doesn't own S.P.E.C.T.R.E. They only had a production deal with McClory, which they ended when they stitched up a deal with MGM to exchange their part-shares in Spider-Man and Casino Royale.

This left McClory out in the cold, but he still retained his copyright. And until the old fella's been dead for seventy years, nobody can exploit those rights, unless they either licence them, or buy them out from his estate.

#6 MiJennings



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Posted 26 April 2007 - 08:17 PM

Thanks for replying! I don't think Sony owned any rights prior to Sony buying MGM. Remember that Sony was going to make a competing Bond film with McClory as early as 2000, possibly with Timothy Dalton returning as Bond in "Warhead 2000". It was going to be another remake of "Thunderball" at first but then McClory later sued EON in an attempt to get full cinematic rights over the character, saying that he was the original creator of the "cinematic" James Bond. Luckily, the court disagreed with McClory and I think that's when Sony, who was backing McClory all that time, cut ties and settled the injunction by EON over "Warhead" and that settlement brought the rights to "Casino Royale" to EON. The rest is Bond history...

But I agree with Royale Dalton that EON would probably need permission from the McClory estate to bring S.P.E.C.T.R.E. back. Perhaps Blofeld will remain at the bottom of the smokestack? In the post-"Casino Royale" era, does Bond still need a Blofeld? We've already had clones of Blofeld in other films after "Diamonds Are Forever" - Stromberg, Drax, and, to a lesser extent, Elloit Carver - but should try to bring Blofeld back?

#7 TheREAL008


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Posted 26 April 2007 - 08:27 PM

I, for one am all for a rebirthing of SPECTRE. :cooltongue:

I don't think they'd be any diffrent from The Orginization in CR. I was watching Thunderball last night and they seemed like a committee of evil masterminds that just payed other terorists to do the dirty work they planned out. (I plan to explore this concept for the next Astbury 008 fanfic.)

However if SPECTRE realy can't be used, because by 2076 I doubt there will be Bond movies...then use another orginization like Hydra or even H.A.R.M.

Just my thought on the matter.

#8 HawkEye007



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Posted 26 April 2007 - 08:41 PM

I, for one am all for a rebirthing of SPECTRE. :cooltongue:

I don't think they'd be any diffrent from The Orginization in CR. I was watching Thunderball last night and they seemed like a committee of evil masterminds that just payed other terorists to do the dirty work they planned out. (I plan to explore this concept for the next Astbury 008 fanfic.)

However if SPECTRE realy can't be used, because by 2076 I doubt there will be Bond movies...then use another orginization like Hydra or even H.A.R.M.

Just my thought on the matter.

Not to be nitpicky, but HYDRA is a terrorist organization based out of the Marvel Comics Universe. They normally throwdown against SHIELD and the Avengers. However, an organization like that for the new Bond to fight would be welcome addition!

Edited by HawkEye007, 26 April 2007 - 08:42 PM.

#9 TheREAL008


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Posted 26 April 2007 - 09:04 PM

I knew that already Hawkeye :cooltongue:

Just as HARM are the SPECTRE equivelant to Cate Archer in the videogame of No One Lives Forever. I was just using examples.

#10 Qwerty


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Posted 27 April 2007 - 02:45 AM

We do have this news articles

We do have this news article from several months ago: http://commanderbond.net/article/3887

#11 chris-o



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Posted 28 April 2007 - 05:37 PM

I think Mathis works for SPECTRE. Maybe in the next films we see how this organisation got the real big syndicate with all its henchmens?

#12 Qwerty


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Posted 28 April 2007 - 09:51 PM

I think Mathis works for SPECTRE. Maybe in the next films we see how this organisation got the real big syndicate with all its henchmens?

I think we can expect to learn alot more about this organization in Bond 22.

#13 LadySylvia


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Posted 30 April 2007 - 05:03 AM

I suspect that Daniel Craig might be a bit off in his speculation. Unless the heirs of Kevin McClory gives EON Productions permission to use the SPECTRE name or organization in future Bond films, don't expect to see the name or organization SPECTRE in future Bond films.

Edited by LadySylvia, 30 April 2007 - 05:07 AM.

#14 JLaidlaw



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Posted 30 April 2007 - 11:25 AM

Actually, he's probably spot on... His job is to keep interest in the Bond films, so by sneakily revealing the organisation may be SPECTRE, he's done his job...

I always thought SPECTRE was a bit of a weak get out clause, a society that commits acts of terrorism for no ideological or logical reason, full of obsessed but brilliant criminals who just want the glory of commiting crime. In Dr No and FRWL, it's never explained why SPECTRE want to do these things (Except alleged revenge). Then when Spectre did gain any reason to do these things, for the money, it became the high camp of Thunderball and You Only Live Twice, which just doesn't fit the Daniel Craig Era, and I don't particularly want to see it back.

Somehow the producers must create an underworld organisation whom do not have their own private armies or spaceships, and if they do have their own island, don't call it SPECTRE Island. They must ground SPECTRE in real life terms as extortionists, willing to do whatever it takes for a pay-off. An organisation does not just do things because they are motivelessly evil, they pulled it off in the early Connery films, but a modern audience just won't buy that. And, is there any reason why we should just go with tradition and call it SPECTRE. It could be any organisation, and it may not even have a name.

#15 HawkEye007



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Posted 30 April 2007 - 12:03 PM

I knew that already Hawkeye :cooltongue:

Just as HARM are the SPECTRE equivelant to Cate Archer in the videogame of No One Lives Forever. I was just using examples.

Glad to see someone else other than me is knowledgeable about comic book intelligence agencies!:angry:

#16 LadySylvia


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Posted 30 April 2007 - 03:38 PM

Somehow the producers must create an underworld organisation whom do not have their own private armies or spaceships, and if they do have their own island, don't call it SPECTRE Island. They must ground SPECTRE in real life terms as extortionists, willing to do whatever it takes for a pay-off. An organisation does not just do things because they are motivelessly evil, they pulled it off in the early Connery films, but a modern audience just won't buy that. And, is there any reason why we should just go with tradition and call it SPECTRE. It could be any organisation, and it may not even have a name.

EON Productions does not have the right to use SPECTRE in future Bond movies. Why would you expect them to use it in "BOND 22"?

#17 JLaidlaw



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Posted 04 May 2007 - 10:57 AM

I don't. This is a higly speculative thread about how it could be handled if SPECTRE were to return. The quote you've highlighted refers to 'an organisation', such as Mr White's, and I was just saying what a 21st SPECTRE-like organisation might be like, and if they were to arise phoenix like into a new Eon film, they would have to bring about all these changes. It's also (if you'll allow me a bit of cheek) in a forum section called Bond 23 & Beyond, so doesn't refer to Bond 22.

Besides which, Eon have been using SPECTRE for years after the copyright became McClory's, thinly disguised as Drax's Organisation, Stromberg's Organisation, the opening of For Your Eyes Only... and there's now a new mystery organisation

Ah... I see now, you're referring to the first bit of my post. I was simply saying that Daniel Craig was merely attempting to prolong interest in the Bond movies, so claiming that the mystery organisation may be SPECTRE (Though in reality there's no chance) was a good publicity move, and it's certainly worked.

#18 Keir



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Posted 04 May 2007 - 11:16 AM

I, for one am all for a rebirthing of SPECTRE. :cooltongue:

Me too! That would provide continuity and give Bond a focus of something monolithic to attack. I always enjoyed the Bonds that had Blofeld go on about this one guy who they had to kill in order to control the entire planet, going so far as knowing what he drinks, what he shoots, and how he likes his martinis. The thing I liked about FYEO was the former leader, unnamed and yet everyone knowing who he was, going out of his way to hang out on some non descript London dockland roof with no other reason but to kill a man. In the most time-consuming and unnecessary way possible simply for the enjoyment.
I think Casino Royale would have been even better if Le Chiffre had been kept as a member of that infamous organisation.

#19 Head of S

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 12:51 PM

I was under the impression that Sony owned the rights to SPECTRE, and then when they bought Eon, they would have the ability to use that as well as Blofeld?

Sony did not buy Eon Productions Limited.

#20 spynovelfan


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Posted 04 May 2007 - 01:32 PM

I think Casino Royale would have been even better if Le Chiffre had been kept as a member of that infamous organisation.

'Kept' in what sense? He was a SMERSH operative in the novel.

#21 LadySylvia


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Posted 04 May 2007 - 07:35 PM

Why not simply create a new terrorist organization that is different from SPECTRE?

Quite frankly, I don't want the return of SPECTRE. And I don't think the franchise needs its return.

#22 blueman


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 04:42 AM

Spectre itself might not be returning, but EON does seem to be setting up a new and similar Organization for Bond to fight against. And while they cleverly side-stepped getting into details about it in CR, they'll likely have to in the next film or two. And like with TB and YOLT in the 60s, they'll face the dilema of motivation. Obviously, the Organization is interested in money, Mr. White was after the $100 mil from the beginning it would seem. But why? Just to have it? I mean what do you do with it all after you buy the proverbial island paradise, lol? Can't be just $$$, IMHO, gotta be something idealogical, and that's gonna be darn tricky in this day and age. If I have one worry about Bond 22, 23, etc. it's what the big bad will be, and hope that it's not too cartoony. Guess we'll see, script leaks should be coming by this fall at the latest...:cooltongue:

#23 LadySylvia


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Posted 06 May 2007 - 07:20 AM

Spectre itself might not be returning, but EON does seem to be setting up a new and similar Organization for Bond to fight against. And while they cleverly side-stepped getting into details about it in CR, they'll likely have to in the next film or two. And like with TB and YOLT in the 60s, they'll face the dilema of motivation. Obviously, the Organization is interested in money, Mr. White was after the $100 mil from the beginning it would seem. But why? Just to have it? I mean what do you do with it all after you buy the proverbial island paradise, lol? Can't be just $$$, IMHO, gotta be something idealogical, and that's gonna be darn tricky in this day and age. If I have one worry about Bond 22, 23, etc. it's what the big bad will be, and hope that it's not too cartoony. Guess we'll see, script leaks should be coming by this fall at the latest...:cooltongue:

How is this new organization supposed to be similar to SPECTRE, other than both being terrorist groups?

#24 blueman


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Posted 07 May 2007 - 02:59 AM

Good question. And, don't know yet, as the Organization is still almost wholly undescribed. Both are into terrorism as a means to money, that's about it. So far, haven't got a hint that the Organization is anything but a stand-alone thing, but who knows? Does kinda feel Spectre-ish though...doesn't it?

#25 RazorBlade


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Posted 08 May 2007 - 10:18 AM

S.P.E.C.T.R.E. is old and tired like Moneypenny and Q. Let them retire to the rocking chair where they belong.

#26 ACE



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Posted 08 May 2007 - 10:45 AM

Sony doesn't own S.P.E.C.T.R.E. They only had a production deal with McClory, which they ended when they stitched up a deal with MGM to exchange their part-shares in Spider-Man and Casino Royale.

Is this true, RD?

I understood that Sony purchased McClory's rights circa 1997. The settlement in 1999/2000 resulted in McClory's SPECTRE/Blofeld film rights reverting to the winning parties (MGM/UA and Danjaq).

I thought McClory did not option his rights to Sony. He sold them and retained a producing interest but no rights per se.

I am not 100% sure.

For the reasons above, I think Danjaq/UA Corp own the film rights to SPECTRE/Blofeld.

#27 Nimsworth



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Posted 08 May 2007 - 11:15 AM

Even if they could use SPECTRE and Blofeld I remain in the camp that they should leave the past Bonds just as that. In the past. As much as I'd love to see a proper rendition of LALD or Blofeld get his comeuppance I'm happy with the way they are.

Sure it would be nice to have some familiar elements from the past Bond's in the Daniel Craig era but what I personally love about Casino Royale is that it turns the tried and true formula on its head.

That being said I wouldnt start a freakin boycott against Bond 22 or 23 if SPECTRE or anything were brought back but in my eyes (and my opinion only) we dont need SPECTRE back. Bond doesnt really need to deal with a supervillan organization of the 60s in his upcoming escapades.

#28 triviachamp


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Posted 08 May 2007 - 02:25 PM

Sony doesn't own S.P.E.C.T.R.E. They only had a production deal with McClory, which they ended when they stitched up a deal with MGM to exchange their part-shares in Spider-Man and Casino Royale.

Is this true, RD?

I understood that Sony purchased McClory's rights circa 1997. The settlement in 1999/2000 resulted in McClory's SPECTRE/Blofeld film rights reverting to the winning parties (MGM/UA and Danjaq).

I thought McClory did not option his rights to Sony. He sold them and retained a producing interest but no rights per se.

I am not 100% sure.

For the reasons above, I think Danjaq/UA Corp own the film rights to SPECTRE/Blofeld.

SPECTRE couldn't be used in the FRWL game so they do not.