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Daniel Craig on Letterman show - 10 November

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#1 DanFan2



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 12:11 PM

Now on the CBn main page...

Includes a scene from Casino Royale

I just checked the TVGuide.com listings for Tuesday, Nov. 7 and found Daniel Craig mentioned as one of the guests of the Late Show with David Letterman. :)

TVGuide.com currently lists Letterman's guests on the Nov. 7 show as: Daniel Craig; Teri Horton (subject of the documentary "Who the $#%& Is Jackson Pollock?").

#2 Marketto007


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Posted 24 October 2006 - 12:26 PM

Good to know. Thanks for the adivce.


#3 Bond#9-GeorgeKemp



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 12:26 PM

Great, hope that goes up on youtube on the 8th! :)

#4 Marketto007


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Posted 24 October 2006 - 12:35 PM

Great, hope that goes up on youtube on the 8th! :P


And so I hope to see it subtitled to Portguese. :) We have a channel here (GNT) wich the program is shown :P


#5 MikaelL



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 12:42 PM

Does anybody know when Craig is coming to the tonight show with Jay Leno?

#6 bonded56



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 01:04 PM

Paul Haggis is on LATE LATE SHOW WITH CRAIG FERGUSON, CBS tonight, October 24, 2006 at 12:30 AM EDT. He is connected to Clint Eastwood's FLAG OF OUR FATHERS so he may be talking about it, but could also talk about CR.

#7 JimmyBond



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 03:29 PM

Does anybody know when Craig is coming to the tonight show with Jay Leno?

No, but that's the one I'm looking forward to, as Leno is a huge Bond fan. He didnt like DAD too much FYI :)

#8 Fro



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 09:46 PM

That's a few days after "Infamous" hits wide release in the States, so he can plug both films at once.

I expect him to hit a lot of the NYC-based media that day. He'll probably do Leno around the LA Premiere of the film.

#9 dinovelvet



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 10:12 PM

That's a few days after "Infamous" hits wide release in the States, so he can plug both films at once.

Sony ain't paying for him to plug Infamous. No, he's obviously there to plug the DVD release of Archangel on that same day!

Can't stand Letterman these days, but I'll watch anyway...at least Letterman will laugh at every joke Dan makes, whether its funny or not!

#10 Bond#9-GeorgeKemp



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Posted 24 October 2006 - 10:13 PM

Paul Haggis is on LATE LATE SHOW WITH CRAIG FERGUSON, CBS tonight, October 24, 2006 at 12:30 AM EDT. He is connected to Clint Eastwood's FLAG OF OUR FATHERS so he may be talking about it, but could also talk about CR.

Awesome, I love Craig Ferguson, despite living in the UK, I watch all I can on youtube so if someone could put this up aswell that'd be amazing! Thanks! :)

#11 Vilain



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Posted 25 October 2006 - 03:18 AM

Paul Haggis is on LATE LATE SHOW WITH CRAIG FERGUSON, CBS tonight, October 24, 2006 at 12:30 AM EDT. He is connected to Clint Eastwood's FLAG OF OUR FATHERS so he may be talking about it, but could also talk about CR.

Awesome, I love Craig Ferguson, despite living in the UK, I watch all I can on youtube so if someone could put this up aswell that'd be amazing! Thanks! :)

Settle down, my crazy monkey! :P

Really love his show too. Catching it tonight.

Gotta love that the late night talk show interviews are beginning to roll in. :P

#12 Qwerty


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Posted 25 October 2006 - 03:31 AM

Nice! Won't be missing this.

#13 Quest



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 08:56 PM

Per the up to the minute folks at CNB, DC will be on Letterman 11/7, and while it will be great for the American Public to see their new Bond and make their assessments - there's a lot of pressure on the old boy to knock folks out on the talk show circuit before the premier, I would think.

I think hearing his voice will help folks that don't like him as Bond to possibly reconsider.

His height may be off-putting. I think that Letterman at well over 6 foot (6'3" I think?) is going to make DC look very short, who certainly looks 5'10" at best judging by the many, many photos of him - and his films. Will that bother the general public that the new Bond is short? I don't know. Stallone, Cruise, Gibson - all action heroes are short and were adored. Will they intentionally avoid having Dave and him stand close to each other per EON? Conan and Jay Leno are very tall, as well.

Everything in CR I've seen, his Bond looks very joyless. Dead serious. Which is a welcome relief from the wacky Bond we've been getting for years, I know. But being Bond is supposed to be "Walter Mitty" esque, too - living vicariously thru him, so being Bond is supposed to be fun, too - occasionally. If DC is very clever and smiles a lot, it may warm folks up to him too.

Any other observations on what he could do or should do on the talk shows to win over the hold outs?

#14 tapalapadapa



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:03 PM

Any other observations on what he could do or should do on the talk shows to win over the hold outs?

..Strip. Or stay fully clothed, depending on the audience. Seriously though he should try and be himself, which obviously is easier to say than do, but remember the way Pierce was? He's just such a likeable guy, very charming, and then look at how Daniel was at the press conference..he seemed very uncomfortable. If he can relax and smile & be himself then i'm sure people will see that he's a top guy.

#15 Quest



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:08 PM

Thanks "tapalapadapa"

You're probably right. If he doesn't come off as natural (cool being sort of "unforced") it could be a problem.

Reading your response, I was reminded of something on the Lettermen show in the 90s. Connery came flying down from the rafters with a jet pack! (does everyone remember that?) Hilarious, but certainly not recommending it for DC.

Maybe if they showed him pull up in the Aston?


#16 dinovelvet



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:08 PM

Everything in CR I've seen, his Bond looks very joyless. Dead serious. Which is a welcome relief from the wacky Bond we've been getting for years, I know. But being Bond is supposed to be "Walter Mitty" esque, too - living vicariously thru him, so being Bond is supposed to be fun, too - occasionally. If DC is very clever and smiles a lot, it may warm folks up to him too.

Any other observations on what he could do or should do on the talk shows to win over the hold outs?

Well the good news is Letterman is such a sycophant, that he'll laugh at whatever funny things DC says, whether they're actually funny or not.

#17 jaguar007



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:13 PM

Moore and Brosnan were certainly very good with the press. I know If Craig does not come across as well, the CNBers will certainly trash him as well. Keeping in perspective, Connery is not all that great in interviews either, but that does not cause people to flame him. But then again, he is Sean Connery.

#18 Quest



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:18 PM

Jaguar007 writes (edit)
"Connery is not all that great in interviews either, but that does not cause people to flame him. But then again, he is Sean Connery."

That's true, Jaguar007. Everytime someone interviews Connery he always acts like he's subtley annoyed. Like he'd rather be playing golf, drinking scotch or hanging out with Michael Caine - anything else. Which is actually kind of cool.

There's that danger of him suddenly saying "That's it. I'm out" and bolting if the interviewer asks just one dumb question....

Why is he a great Bond, indeed....

#19 col_007



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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:50 PM

their new Bond i though he was the world's new bond :)

Edited by col_007, 26 October 2006 - 09:51 PM.

#20 Mister Asterix

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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:57 PM

Topics merged.

#21 K1Bond007


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 10:10 PM

Moore and Brosnan were certainly very good with the press. I know If Craig does not come across as well, the CNBers will certainly trash him as well. Keeping in perspective, Connery is not all that great in interviews either, but that does not cause people to flame him. But then again, he is Sean Connery.

I don't know. He shakes some of it off because you're right, he is Sean Connery, but in my opinion, I'd rather take the criticism that Craig gets than what Connery gets sometimes. Connery has said some stuff in the past that pretty much haunts him to this day. I wouldn't want that on my rep at all (especially in this modern day) and I'd rather take being called a non-Bond by a select few because I'm blond or not as pretty as Pierce Brosnan. I wouldn't give a [censored] about that - BFD, you know.

#22 dinovelvet



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Posted 01 November 2006 - 05:39 AM

Update - He's now going to be on Friday 10th instead (Letterman is pre-empted for election coverage on the 7th).

#23 Qwerty


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 04:28 AM

Definitely won't be missing this. Thanks for the update, dinovelvet. :)

#24 DaltonCraig



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 04:53 AM

Any news on the Tonight Show or any other talk shows?

#25 JimmyBond



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 04:57 AM

Any news on the Tonight Show or any other talk shows?

Not that I'm aware of, but you can bet he'll be appearing on Leno. Jay is a huge Bond fan.

#26 Agent Spriggan Ominae

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Posted 02 November 2006 - 05:00 AM

Craig has got to go Leno! I hardly ever watch Letterman but I'll be tuning in on the 10th. Leno always has somekind of exclusive clip when he has an actor promoting a new film on his show. I remember the one with Jackman for The Prestige and the other night he had a blooper reel with Tim Allen from Santa Clause 3. Does Letterman do the same?

#27 JimmyBond



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 05:01 AM

No offense but you don't watch a lot of late night talk shows eh ASO :) Everytime an actor goes on a talk show they bring a film clip with them.

#28 Agent Spriggan Ominae

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Posted 02 November 2006 - 05:15 AM

No offense but you don't watch a lot of late night talk shows eh ASO :) Everytime an actor goes on a talk show they bring a film clip with them.

None taken! :P And yes I don't watch too much, only Jay and usually just for his Monday night headlines. That bit never gets old! :P

#29 Marketto007


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Posted 09 November 2006 - 09:17 PM

Confirmed for tomorrow?


#30 Bon-san


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Posted 09 November 2006 - 10:30 PM

Confirmed for tomorrow?


My TV Guide says so. I've got the TIVO set to record it.