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Movie Sequels

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#1 Righty007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 02:41 AM

List the sequels you are looking forward to and/or the sequels you want made. When listing the sequels mention which entry in the series it is.

Righty007's List:

2 - The Legend of Zorro (2005)
2 - The Topkapi Affair (2006)
2 - Batman Begins 2
3 - Rush Hour 3 (2006)
3 - The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
3 - Spider-Man 3 (2007)
4 - Austin Powers 4
5 - Superman Returns (2006)
6 - Bride of Chucky 3/Child's Play 6
9 - Halloween: Blood Line (2006)
21 - Casino Royale (2006)

Edited by Righty007, 10 July 2005 - 10:33 PM.

#2 Qwerty


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 02:45 AM

I love sequels and movies series. I'm looking forward to/would like to see:
  • 21 - Bond 21!
  • 2 - The Topkapi Affair
  • 3 - The Bourne Ultimatum
  • 3 - Spiderman 3
  • 4 - Austin Powers 4
  • 1/5 - Batman Begins
  • 5 - Superman Returns
  • 6 - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  • 4 - Indiana Jones 4 (I might still be interested)
I may think of more later.

#3 Tanger



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 02:51 AM

Batman Begins isn't a sequel. Neither is it a prequel. It is kicking off a brand new series of Batman films.

#4 Righty007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 02:56 AM

Batman Begins isn't a sequel. Neither is it a prequel. It is kicking off a brand new series of Batman films.

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It is still the fifth entry in the Warner Bros. Batman series. In a way it is a less traditional sequel/prequel.

#5 Janus Assassin

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Posted 03 January 2005 - 02:58 AM

There is gonna be an Austin Powers 4?...

#6 Righty007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:00 AM

There is gonna be an Austin Powers 4?...

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Probably. All of the movies I listed arn't necessarily going to be made. I listed some that I want to be made.

#7 Aussie21



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:15 AM

The Topkapi Affair is a sequel to which film?

#8 JackChase007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:39 AM

It's a sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair.

As for Batman Begins, I agree with Tanger - I really don't think of it as a sequel. It's a total jump-start. I mean, would you consider the 1989 Batman a sequel to the 1960s Batman film with Adam West? Aside from it being the same character and even the same studio, there is no real continuity.

#9 Qwerty


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:42 AM

There is gonna be an Austin Powers 4?...

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I wouldn't mind seeing it come to fact that it would be made.

#10 JackChase007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 04:40 AM

I guess I'd hafta say that I'm looking forward to:
- The Bourne Ultimatum
- Spider-Man 3
- X-Men 3

#11 Loomis


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 02:52 PM

3rd - THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM (looks like 2007) - The sequel I most want to see, by miles. James Bond? Who's he? Gimme another Jason Bourne adventure!


2nd/3rd, depending on whether you consider the KILL BILL saga one film or two - KILL BILL SEQUEL (Tarantino's talked about this one, to be made some 15 years from now, with the daughter of one of The Bride's victims out for revenge; then again, Tarantino's talked about a Vega Brothers movie and an adaptation of "Casino Royale" :) ; a big part of me hopes he'll leave KILL BILL alone - even a director as brilliant as Tarantino would have a very tough job recreating the old magic after so many years - THE GODFATHER PART III, anyone? Still, if another KILL BILL flick got made - and it's a very big "if" - I'd be first in the queue)

6th - ROCKY VI (probably never)

4th - RAMBO IV (probably never)

21st - BOND 21 (2006) - Will it be a masterpiece, or will it be a turkey? Will it be simply a so-so film? Will it come into being at all?

4th - DIE HARD 4 (probably never)

4th - INDIANA JONES 4 (seems always to be Spielberg's next project, without ever actually ending up getting made)

6th - STAR WARS EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH (2005) - Will be good, I think (this is coming from someone who's not a hardcore STAR WARS fan, and who thinks EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES may well be the best of the bunch so far).

9th - HALLOWEEN 9 (2005) - According to the IMDb (not the most reliable of sources), this one is being directed by SCREAM and "Dawson's Creek" writer Kevin Williamson (who also worked on HALLOWEEN H20: 20 YEARS LATER). Might be good, will probably be terrible, but I'll be checking it out (on DVD, most likely) out of a strange sense of fanboy duty. Can't possibly be worse than HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION.

Also looking forward to BATMAN BEGINS (2005). Not a sequel in my book.

Sequels I have absolutely no interest at all in seeing: another Jack Ryan (one will probably come along sooner or later; well, okay, get Harrison Ford back in the role and I'll be interested), SPIDER-MAN 3, THE TOPKAPI AFFAIR, X-MEN 3....

#12 gkgyver


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:28 PM

I'm looking forward to Jurassic Park 4, too (strangely).
Episode 3 of Star Wars excites me like a cup of cold coffee.

#13 JackChase007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:38 PM

Damn, I forgot about a (possible) Rambo IV. The only thing for me is...now that Jerry Goldsmith has passed away, who would do the music? It would hafta be someone amazing, and someone who would make it Goldsmith-esque, using Goldsmith's themes from the previous films. Interestingly enough, Marco Beltrami actually studied under Goldsmith, and some of his recent work has been quite fantastic (his score for Hellboy is outstanding, and some of the action cues in I, Robot are excellent).

#14 Loomis


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 03:44 PM

Well, at least BOURNE III is pretty much a dead cert. :)

But don't even think about doing it without John Powell! :)

#15 Genrewriter


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 04:32 PM

Sequels I'm looking forward to: 3rd Jason Bourne film, Episode III, Jurassic Park IV, Bond 21

Sequels I'd like to see:

Indiana Jones 4 (Probably won't happen)

Die Hard 4 (Probably won't happen)

Lethal Weapon 5 (Will never happen)

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash (Might happen if we get....

Evil Dead 4 (Raimi wants to do it, we'll see what we can see)

#16 DLibrasnow



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 04:33 PM

Is the Topkapi Affair going to be a remake of the Peter Ustinov movie "Topkapi"?

I guess that would make sense since 'The Thomas Crown Affair' was also a remake though I am not sure that the Ustinov movie 'Topkapi' can be improved upon.

#17 IndyB007


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 04:50 PM


Another Adventure of Captain Jack Aubrey would be a good idea also...

#18 JackChase007



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 06:57 PM

Well, at least BOURNE III is pretty much a dead cert. :)

But don't even think about doing it without John Powell! :)

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A good call, Loomis! John Powell is nearly as vital to those films as Matt Damon. And I really don't think we need to worry about him being replaced - it seems to me that he has enjoyed working on these films, and if I remember correctly, his scores have become best-selling albums.

Looks like I also forgot about Evil Dead 4 (thanks for reminding me, Genrewriter!). What I find interesting is that Raimi plans to simultaneously produce a remake of the first Evil Dead (without Bruce Campbell, no less...). Personally, just gimme ED4, with Bruce back as Ash. And they better make it look cheesy and low-budget, like with the other ones, otherwise it just won't have the same feeling to it...

#19 hrabb04


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 07:08 PM

Bachelor Party 2...bring back Adrian Zemed and that Hanks guy. Poor Hanks...too bad he didn't have much of a career after this masterpiece.

#20 Aussie21



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 07:12 PM

I'm looking forward to Jurassic Park 4, too (strangely).

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I'm excited about Jurassic Park 4, too. I liked the first one (who didn't?), I thought the second was horrid, and the third was okay. Hopefully the fourth will revive the franchise. The only thing bothering me is this article...

[Kathleen Kennedy a producer of the Jurassic Park movies talked to SCI FI Wire about Jurassic Park 4, where she revealed that the first draft of the script has been completed by novelist William Monahan,

She also says that the movie will no longer be on an island like the previous movies. "Let's just say it takes place someplace else," she said. "It will not be green. We will not go back to the jungle."

There is no director currently attached to the project. Steven Spielberg and Kennedy will act as producers, with plans for a 2005 release.]

Courtesy of: Killer Movies

If it won't be taking place on an island or in the jungle, where else is there to take it? As I said before, the second one (which had the dinos loose in residential areas) was terrible. Will there be T-Rex's on the moon? God I hope not. :)

Edited by Aussie21, 03 January 2005 - 07:15 PM.

#21 Qwerty


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 08:11 PM

Lethal Weapon 5 (Will never happen)

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I think so as well, but for curiosity's sake, has anything ever been said about a fifth?

#22 Tanger



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 08:50 PM

Batman Begins isn't a sequel. Neither is it a prequel. It is kicking off a brand new series of Batman films.

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It is still the fifth entry in the Warner Bros. Batman series. In a way it is a less traditional sequel/prequel.

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No. It's the fifth Batman film to be produced bu WB, but it's the first of a new series.

#23 Agent 76

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Posted 03 January 2005 - 09:37 PM

let me see.... Bond 21 :) and "Superman Lives". :) :)

#24 Genrewriter


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 09:41 PM

Looks like I also forgot about Evil Dead 4 (thanks for reminding me, Genrewriter!).  What I find interesting is that Raimi plans to simultaneously produce a remake of the first Evil Dead (without Bruce Campbell, no less...).  Personally, just gimme ED4, with Bruce back as Ash.  And they better make it look cheesy and low-budget, like with the other ones, otherwise it just won't have the same feeling to it...

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I agree, something along the lines of the second film would be fantastic. Just a down and dirty low budget piece that goes over the top in every way possible.

Lethal Weapon 5 (Will never happen)

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I think so as well, but for curiosity's sake, has anything ever been said about a fifth?

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I think there have been rumblings from Richard Donner that he has an idea that would work but I'm fairly certain Mel Gibson and Danny Glover wouldn't go for it as they probably feel they're too old for this stuff. :)

I also think the producer isn't interested in more (though the fourth one was co-produced by Donner's production company) and Warner Brothers doesn't have a good relationship with Donner at this point. Still, anything can happen as the current "Brosnan might be back in" rumor are proof of.

#25 Johnboy007


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 09:43 PM

Star Wars Episode III
Batman Begins
Indiana Jones 4
x-Men 3

#26 Tanger



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 10:55 PM


How did I forget that one?! Romero's long awaited fourth entry in his DEAD series. So far, judging from the screenshots I've seen and the cast list, it looks to be one kick :) movie!

#27 Doubleshot



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 11:03 PM

Another Adventure of Captain Jack Aubrey would be a good idea also...

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I'm with you 100% there, but I think a sequel to Master & Commander is neither in high demand nor on Warner's list of future investments. Sad though, because Weir's film is one of the very best of 2003.

#28 Genrewriter


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 11:16 PM


How did I forget that one?! Romero's long awaited fourth entry in his DEAD series. So far, judging from the screenshots I've seen and the cast list, it looks to be one kick :) movie!

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I forgot about this one too, another great horror film from one of the most interesting directorsa in the genre.

#29 Tanger



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 11:30 PM


How did I forget that one?! Romero's long awaited fourth entry in his DEAD series. So far, judging from the screenshots I've seen and the cast list, it looks to be one kick :) movie!

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I forgot about this one too, another great horror film from one of the most interesting directorsa in the genre.

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Definitely. It's fantastic that he was finally allowed to do it.

Also, for any other Romero nuts, we can look forward to DAWN OF THE DEAD 2 which is a sequel to Zack Snyders remake aswell as a "sequel" to DAY OF THE DEAD called DAY OF THE DEAD: CONTAGIUM. That's if it ever sees the light of day though. Some footage and a trailer were released a while back on the official site. The response was so poor that the footage and the site were both removed and the film just seemed to disappear.

#30 Qwerty


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 11:34 PM

[quote name='Genrewriter' date='3 January 2005 - 16:41'][quote name='JackChase007' date='3 January 2005 - 10:57']Looks like I also forgot about Evil Dead 4 (thanks for reminding me, Genrewriter!).