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Should Eon advertise for an unknown

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#1 Bond Bug

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 10:13 AM

Superman producers advertise for an unknown actor to take over from Christopher Reeve

20 August 2004

Superman Returns producers have turned to the internet in a desperate bid to find a lead for the troubled production. Movie bosses behind the superhero sequel began their search for an actor to replace original star Christopher Reeve a year ago - and are now contemplating casting an unknown for the fifth Man Of Steel film. Top Hollywood names, including Jude Law and Keanu Reeves, have already rejected the role for fear of being typecast. Film-makers have now posted an advert on recruitment website Craigslist.Org in another drive to get cameras rolling on the much-delayed movie. The ad reads, "Late 20s, at least 6 foot, chiseled good looks, athletic, strong character, all-American, confident, yet awkward."


Should the Bond producers do the same?

This would massively expand their choice of actors

It would allow them to to pick the best man for the job and not just one in a list of 30 or so known suitable movie actors

Somewhere out there must be guys who could play Bond better and look more like Bond than any known contender

Would save millions in paying a known actor

Would enable them to mould an unknown into the role

Do you think you would be a suitable Bond actor?

Would you apply to be Bond if you thought you had a chance?

#2 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 12:49 PM

Great thread, Bond Bug. :)

What is really fascinating and interesting is Warner Bros has the faith to go with an unknown actor to play Superman.

I believe it's going to be a major big budget film to rival the Spider-man franchise. Let's say it will cost at least 100 million dollars, plus more for marketing. Warner believes the movie will sell itself, and not the actor playing the lead. Superman and Bond are very similar in that they're world-famous brands. You show the average person an image of Bond and an image of Superman and most will have a decent stab at who they are. Pretty much global recognition. So Warner thinks the appeal of a new Superman movie is more important than the appeal an established actor would bring to the part.

Now are Eon and MGM prepared to go the same route?

Hmm... based on their experience with George Lazenby it looks unlikely. However, if Eon and MGM don't think the current crop of candidates match up to the past Bond actors, they could look beyond the current pool of actors. In theory, there is no reason why an unknown with no acting experience couldn't play Bond. Provided he:

1) Looks the part and, ideally, has the height
2) Can act the part

- why not consider some other people? Eon could audition some unknowns. If Bond 21 is delayed they have time to do extensive auditions.

Question is: it is easier to find an unknown to play Superman than it is to find an unknown to play Bond?

I think if Eon and MGM don't rate the current candidates then they should go with an unknown. If MGM or Sony were to cast an unknown it could be an incredible marketing tool. There would be a huge amount of expectation and hype. Just imagine:

"Who is this new guy?"
"Will he be any good?"
"I'm really looking forward to seeing this guy."
"He certainly looks the part."
"Bond 21 looks really promising with this new guy in the role."

If they found the right unknown they could rebrand the entire franchise. Start with a clean slate. Someone like Hugh Jackman will always have an X-Men/Wolverine connection. An unknown won't have such a background. He will, quite literally, become James Bond.:)


Edited by Moomoo, 22 August 2004 - 12:51 PM.

#3 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 01:11 PM

Just imagine the teaser trailer for Bond 21 with an unknown in the role!

A shot of a computer screen. Words appear:

File AG/3457

MI6 - Classified Above Top Secret

Agent - James Bond 007


Then the word 'inactive' changes to:


We cut to a shot of an Aston Martin racing down an English country lane, classic John Barry Bond music in the background.

On PC screen:

Status - License to kill renewed

Cut back to the Aston Martin gaining speed . It hurtles right towards the camera. The camera shatters into thousands of pieces and the following appears on screen:

James Bond - The Return - Summer 2006

:) :)


Edited by Moomoo, 22 August 2004 - 01:17 PM.

#4 H.M.Servant



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 02:19 PM

Sounds like another Lazenby waiting to happen.

I don't think EON should do this. There are a lot of good choices to play Bond. Some are good unknown actors, some are well known actors. I don't believe in this whole open casting for the next Bond.

I also find it strange that they would try to find the next Superman actor this way. I don't believe they can't find one american actor to play the part.

#5 Loomis


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 02:26 PM

The other day (on a flying visit to Washington) I brought up the question of whether Eon should advertise for an unknown with my good friend Donald Rumsfeld.

"There are known knowns," Donald said. "These are actors we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are actors that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are actors we don't know we don't know."

"Yeah, but Don, what should Eon actually do?" I asked.

"Get Clive Owen," he replied.

As ever, I couldn't agree with Rummy more!

#6 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 03:29 PM

Interesting idea, and the results could be very good if they pick and choose a good one. However, I don't think it is necessary in this case. At least, it's not necessary now.

They've got some very good contenders lined up already, surely they don't need another thing to take more time into finding Bond #6.

#7 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 03:42 PM

Loomis, I'd like you to answer me this:

What do you say to those people who cite Owen's King Arthur performance as proof he lacks charisma.

No disrespect to your opinion that Owen should be Bond, but I feel you're ignoring the rather significant fact the movie Bond has to have some charm. From what I have seen of Owen in clips of King Arthur, and the many users postings on the net, there is credible evidence to suggest he has no charisma. None whatsoever. So I can't see how that makes him suitable to play Bond. How can you still have faith in him and think he's right for Bond? Please note: I am talking about the movie Bond, not the Fleming Bond.


#8 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 03:52 PM

I also find it strange that they would try to find the next Superman actor this way. I don't believe they can't find one american actor to play the part.

I heard Tom Welling was considered.

#9 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 03:56 PM

Of the known yet not really famous actors out there, Eddie Cibrian of Sunset Beach fame would be pretty good casting as Superman.



#10 Loomis


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:00 PM

Loomis, I'd like you to answer me this:

What do you say to those people who cite Owen's King Arthur performance as proof he lacks charisma.

No disrespect to your opinion that Owen should be Bond, but I feel you're ignoring the rather significant fact the movie Bond has to have some charm. From what I have seen of Owen in clips of King Arthur, and the many users postings on the net, there is credible evidence to suggest he has no charisma. None whatsoever. So I can't see how that makes him suitable to play Bond. How can you still have faith in him and think he's right for Bond? Please note: I am talking about the movie Bond, not the Fleming Bond.

I don't believe that Owen lacks charisma. Anyway, what's "charisma"? If you were to take the Moore/Brosnan fun-for-all-the-family, "Bond Lite" kind of charisma as the model to follow, then not only Lazenby and Dalton but also the great Connery would start to look very uncharismatic indeed. Female friends of mine tell me that Owen is the sexiest thing since sliced bread, and I myself feel that he has a tremendous amount of screen presence - does that not add up to charisma? Or must the cinematic 007 be a total and utter Nice Guy whom viewers would have a hard time believing capable of swatting a fly, never mind bringing fearsome retribution to baddies?

#11 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:01 PM

Of the known yet not really famous actors out there, Eddie Cibrian of Sunset Beach fame would be pretty good casting as Superman.



Judging solely by the picture, as that is all that is offered, sure, why not?

I can see alot of the names mentioned being fine in the role.

#12 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:13 PM

I don't believe that Owen lacks charisma. Anyway, what's "charisma"? If you take the Moore/Brosnan fun-for-all-the-family kind of charisma as the model to follow, then not only Lazenby and Dalton but also the great Connery would start to look very uncharismatic indeed. Female friends of mine tell me that Owen is the sexiest thing since sliced bread, and I myself feel that he has a tremendous amount of screen presence - does that not add up to charisma? Or must the cinematic 007 be a total and utter Nice Guy whom viewers would have a hard time believing capable of swatting a fly, never mind bringing fearsome retribution to baddies.

Well, I think many Owen fans weren't too impressed with his acting in King Arthur. And many critics and general movie goers thought his acting was wooden and flat. If you want, I can provide some links on the net which bear this out.

As for what is charisma, it's basically confidence in yourself and conveyed in your acting. So when Bond meets a girl he displays his sexual confidence, he flirts with her but in a strong masculine way. She is attracted to that. Charisma applies to most social interaction. The ability to be noticed, for people to be inspired by you and your actions.

Based on what I've seen of Owen, he just lacks charisma. Go watch Croupier, the character he plays is unlikeable, has zero charisma. And from what I have seen of his acting as King Arthur, it's the same. Flat, wooden, not a performance that inspires people nor does it make them feel he has what it takes to be Bond.

I think Owen fans should come to terms with this because Bond has to have some charisma. Sorry, Owen fans, but an unknown with charisma playing Bond would be miles better than Owen with none.


#13 JBJ



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:13 PM

I also find it strange that they would try to find the next Superman actor this way. I don't believe they can't find one american actor to play the part.

I heard Tom Welling was considered.

Tom Welling is who Christoher Reeve said should take his place, but Tom has said if he did take the part, that would mean that Smallville would have to be cancelled and he's not ready for that.

#14 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:15 PM

I also find it strange that they would try to find the next Superman actor this way. I don't believe they can't find one american actor to play the part.

I heard Tom Welling was considered.

Tom Welling is who Christoher Reeve said should take his place, but Tom has said if he did take the part, that would mean that Smallville would have to be cancelled and he's not ready for that.

Ah, that I didn't know. Thanks. I'm up for anyone pretty much then.

#15 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:21 PM

Want one of the best examples of charisma in the Bond series?

Check out Bond's first meeting with Pussy Galore. Study Connery's performance on the plane and when he walks along the path to the car. Classic Bond charisma. Goldfinger was Connery at his most charismatic.


#16 Loomis


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:25 PM

As for what is charisma, it's basically confidence in yourself and conveyed in your acting. So when Bond meets a girl he displays his sexual confidence, he flirts with her but in a strong masculine way. She is attracted to that. Charisma applies to most social interaction. The ability to be noticed, for people to be inspired by you and your actions.

But Owen could do all that. I know he has his detractors (who doesn't, though?), but masculinity (as opposed to male model-type beauty) is precisely what he does exude. He'd be a very Conneryesque Bond, with a bit of Dalton thrown in. Check out his turn as The Professor in THE BOURNE IDENTITY: confident (cocky, in fact) and commanding, and precisely the sort of Bond we need at this point (after the excessive zaniness of DIE ANOTHER DAY, we need a LIVING DAYLIGHTS/BOURNE-style "back to basics" Bond flick with a bit of grit).

#17 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 04:28 PM

If Owen can do charm like Connery did in that Pussy Galore scene I mentioned, then yes, he has what it takes to be Bond. If he can't, then no, he is not right for the role. Is Eon going to give him the chance to prove it? I don't know.


#18 Bond Bug

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 05:25 PM

"There are known knowns," Donald said. "These are actors we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are actors that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are actors we don't know we don't know."


#19 Bond Bug

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 05:35 PM

If they found the right unknown they could rebrand the entire franchise. Start with a clean slate. Someone like Hugh Jackman will always have an X-Men/Wolverine connection. An unknown won't have such a background. He will, quite literally, become James Bond.:)

Yes I agree. And I would apply for the job.

I have the looks of a classic Bond. I can do cruel and sardonic and charming

I am skilled in both left and right eyebrow raising techniques!

I am of the right height and right age

I have the charisma and would be great at TV interviews

I have acting experience and acting qualifications

I can bring in the Englishness of Bond without copying other actors

I am a nice guy who would respect the producers

I would not become an arrogant actor

I would PAY THEM to let me be Bond

They can have my Penthouse Flat and my Sportscar. They can even have the shirt off my back if I could play Bond.

#20 Pussycat



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 05:46 PM

Loomis, if your female friends think Owen is the sexiest thing since sliced bread, I think you need to take them out more!

Please...for their sakes!

There are many other actors out there with more charisma and sex appeal. I'm sure he is a good actor but he is not that sexy. Sorry. IMO.

#21 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 05:52 PM

Want one of the best examples of charisma in the Bond series?

Check out Bond's first meeting with Pussy Galore. Study Connery's performance on the plane and when he walks along the path to the car. Classic Bond charisma. Goldfinger was Connery at his most charismatic.


Or James Bond meeting Tatiana Romanova. Hence, Moomoo, that scene often being the one used in screentests.

#22 Moomoo



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 06:57 PM

"So you're Tatiana Romanova."
"Mine call me James Bond."
(Shakes her hand)
"Well, now that we've been properly introduced."

Etc etc.. :)


Edited by Moomoo, 22 August 2004 - 06:58 PM.

#23 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 07:03 PM

"So you're Tatiana Romanova."
"Mine call me James Bond."
(Shakes her hand)
"Well, now that we've been properly introduced."

Etc etc.. :)


Quite, a good scene and the screentests prove it.

#24 JimmyBond



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 07:29 PM

[quote name='Qwerty' date='22 August 2004 - 13:03'] Moomoo [/QUOTE]
Quite, a good scene and the screentests prove it. [/quote]
If it's true that EON have already looked at Owen and Jackman...I'd love to see their versions of that scene :)

#25 Jack Bauer

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 07:39 PM

Sure, it really sounds like a fine idea instead of throwing the new Bond in our face.

#26 Qwerty


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Posted 22 August 2004 - 07:40 PM

[quote name='JimmyBond' date='22 August 2004 - 15:29'] [quote name='Qwerty' date='22 August 2004 - 13:03'] Moomoo [/QUOTE]
Quite, a good scene and the screentests prove it. [/QUOTE]
If it's true that EON have already looked at Owen and Jackman...I'd love to see their versions of that scene :) [/QUOTE]
As would I, and some of the other names mentioned for the role too.

Be alot better rather than basing opinions on past roles, etc.. Would give us something new rather than the same old rumors, and so called news.

Edited by Qwerty, 22 August 2004 - 07:41 PM.

#27 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:03 AM

Great idea! :)

I'm available! :)

#28 Qwerty


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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:06 AM

Sure, it really sounds like a fine idea instead of throwing the new Bond in our face.

Eon isn't that conscious of the fans though.

#29 JimmyBond



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:10 AM

Be a alot better rather than basing opinions on past roles, etc.. Would give us something new rather than the same old rumors, and so called news.

If I were EON I'd put the screen tests on the web (probably their official site. And have a poll asking who you prefer based on the screen test. Of course EON wouldnt have to decide based on the results of the poll, it would just be a fun thing for the fans.

#30 Qwerty


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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:11 AM

Be a alot better rather than basing opinions on past roles, etc.. Would give us something new rather than the same old rumors, and so called news.

If I were EON I'd put the screen tests on the web (probably their official site. And have a poll asking who you prefer based on the screen test. Of course EON wouldnt have to decide based on the results of the poll, it would just be a fun thing for the fans.

I would too, get the fans in on it.

They're just not like EA though.