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Aquator ?

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#1 Q-Zar



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 05:17 PM

Several years ago, I read in a magazine that the next Bond movie would be "Aquator".
The next one to come out was Tomorrow Never Dies.
Since then, I've been wondering if they were just playing with that title, if it was a completely different script idea, ... or if it was just nonsense.
That magazine was usually right about upcoming movies, announcing Spider-Man years before the release, at a time where Nicolas Cage was interested in the role (and young enough to play it).

So, as I think the biggest experts on Bond are on this board, does the name "Aquator" ring a bell to anyone ? :)

#2 Qwerty


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Posted 27 January 2004 - 05:20 PM

Welcome to CBn Q-Zar. :)

I'm pretty sure there acutally is an article on here about many of the rumoured title's for the Brosnan films. There's quite a few of them.

***EDIT***- I'm sorry, it is The World Is Not Enough for which this site has the rumoured title's on. Still, I did hear of the one you mentioned.

#3 Kingdom Come

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Posted 27 January 2004 - 06:16 PM

Yes, I remember "Aquator" as a possible title, but cannot remember for which new film; it may have been for Licence To Kill; Goldeneye or Tomorrow Never Dies. I also remember that before they stopped at Tomorrow Never Dies as a title, which I think is terrible, "Pressure Point" was rumoured to have been one title.

#4 Roebuck


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Posted 27 January 2004 - 06:25 PM

Before production started on TND some of the British tabloids carried the story that the next Bond film would be about a weapons system called Aquator that could launch nuclear missiles from the seabed and that Anthony Hopkins was to star as a megalomaniac billionaire who gains control of it. Now Hopkins was being bandied about a lot at one time as a potential Bond villain, so I'm presuming this was a mixture of rumour and speculation that some reporter cobbled together on a slow news day.

And once again, welcome Q-Zar.

#5 Qwerty


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Posted 27 January 2004 - 06:26 PM

Yes, I remember 'Pressure Point', it was for The World Is Not Enough, I'm pretty sure. I actually think it's on that list of titles for The World Is Not Enough here on CBn.

#6 Kingdom Come

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Posted 27 January 2004 - 06:30 PM

Qwarty, u r right - it was TWINE - I got it mixed up with TND.

#7 Methos



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 07:23 PM

I recall this 'Aquator' title having been bandied about, and while I was certain that it was related to a Brosnan era film, I was'nt sure which film had this proposed title. So, I did a little bit of research and found a very interesting website, which goes through the whole rumour rigamarole leading up to the filming of 'Tomorrow Never Dies'. So, 'Aquator' was indeed the rumoured title of TND. This website's chronicle is pretty interesting and posits some pretty outrageous rumours regarding the film and its storyline!!! One little tidbit that I found most interesting was that Monica Belluci was rumoured to be a Bond girl in the film...that was back in 1996/97!! I still want her to be the next Bond girl. Anyhow, here's a link to that website, so you guys can look into the history of a rumour:

Aquator Rumour Chronicle

#8 Loomis


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Posted 27 January 2004 - 07:39 PM

Aquator Rumour Chronicle

Fascinating. Thanks for the link, Methos.

I particularly like this submission from our very own zencat :) :

July 27, 1996... John C. Cox, a screenwriter, tells us that he saw a list of open writing assignments back in April '95, and that the feature 'SHAKEN NOT STIRRED aka JAMES BOND 18' was one of the projects being worked on. A little digging uncovers a Variety article from May 26, 1993 detailing how Michael France penned the first draft of GoldenEye, and writers Richard Smith and John Cork were hired by Danjaq Inc. to pen a subsequent Bond adventure in hopes the France film took off. Of course, Fierstein came in and did the second draft of GoldenEye - which is different than the France draft, Cox adds. Cox also adds that although this info is remote and not a solid scoop, it's interesting to point out that the Smith/Cork story hasn't been heard from since. Is Fierstein working on a completely new storyline, or incorporating elements from this 'Shaken Not Stirred' script? Just another cryptic piece of the puzzle, kiddies. [Scoop info submitted by John C. Cox.]

Never knew John Cork was asked to write a Bond film. Is this true, zencat? Or Athena? And who's Richard Smith?

#9 B007GLE



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 08:22 PM

I remember reading the title "Aquator" when they weree working on TND, and I believe again after that as well.

Its one those things that does not go away like "Beyond the Ice".

#10 B007GLE



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 08:52 PM

I just read the article on the rumored TWINE tiels and was surprised to see "Dangerously Yours" among them.

Back in 1988 I was in Switzerland where for some reason "A View To A Kill" was playing. The title though in French was "Dangereusment Votre" which my friend translated for me as "Dangerously Yours."

So in a way a Bond film has already had this title.

#11 Agent 76

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Posted 27 January 2004 - 09:46 PM

no way, sounds like an american B category movie!

#12 Tanger



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 10:43 AM

According to The Bond Files by Andy Lane and Paul Simpson, Aquator was an early title for TND.

#13 Q-Zar



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 11:17 AM

Thanks for the warm welcome :)
And thanks for your answers !
I've been pondering this in my head since before TND was released, so you can imagine I'm glad to finally get an answer, that my curiousity is satisfied. :)
Now I can die happily ! :)

P.S. : Reading the article about the "Aquator" rumours, I must say I like the idea of Bond being chased by bounty hunters.
It's a step away from the classic "you've got a mission to save the world", but could make one hell of a movie.
I also like License To Kill for that matter actually, it shows Bond in a situation he's not used to :)

Edited by Q-Zar, 28 January 2004 - 11:22 AM.

#14 Tanger



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 11:27 AM

Christmas Jones in TWINE was originally a bounty hunter too. But that's was before about 6 rewrites of the character that got her to what she became.

#15 Qwerty


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Posted 28 January 2004 - 12:12 PM

It's a step away from the classic "you've got a mission to save the world", but could make one hell of a movie.
I also like License To Kill for that matter actually, it shows Bond in a situation he's not used to :)

Then you're in some good company here on CBn, Q-Zar. :) :)

#16 brendan007


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Posted 28 January 2004 - 01:04 PM

Interesting that the name Gala Brand was being thrown around as a rumour. I wonder if there was some shred of truth to it, considering DAD's pre-production.

#17 B007GLE



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 08:05 PM

Brendan, It's no surprise to me that Gal Brand would be suggested as its one of the best un-used Fleming character names.

Since DAD is essentially based on the book Moonraker it's no surprise that Miranda was Gala in an earlier draft as she basically plays Gala's roel up to the time of her betraying Bond.

Eventualy well get to see Gala Brand, maybe in the next film.

#18 Qwerty


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Posted 28 January 2004 - 08:10 PM

Eventualy well get to see Gala Brand, maybe in the next film.

I truly hope so. She is one of my all time favorite leading ladies in the original Ian Fleming books because she is quite different from the normal Bond girl you expect. the way she departs the book, in my opinion is a stroke of grace from Fleming. It shows how Bond can meet the girl, go through the mision and dangers with the girl and then see her leave just like that.

She just seems to be one of the few that 007 never got and I'd be very interested to see her eventually on screen in a Bond film. Granted, they would have to stay very close to her original character, but I'm wondering how they would handle her reception of James Bond.